Conquer the World

Chapter 770: 1 room snack

Chapter 770 A Room of Dim Sum

When Yang Qinyan got up in the morning, she couldn't help stretching her body, and she felt comfortable all over her body. This was the most practical and sweetest night I've slept since I went south. After all, it's better than sleeping on a carriage, and even here, she wondered why she had a very solid sense of security.

After taking a hot bath and changing to clean pajamas, the weather was fine, so I slept extremely hard. But on the way, she got into the habit of getting up early, and the genius was so bright that she got up and washed herself. These maids are from the large households designated by Fang Xie. Although the names of those insignificant subordinates will not be listed on the list, they are still disturbed.

Now they are serving as His Royal Highness Princess Da Sui. How dare they carelessly? But they found that His Royal Highness did not need to be served at all.

Pushing the window open, she took the fragrant tea handed over by the girl and smiled kindly. She learned a lot along the way, including this kind smile.

Outside the window, the sky was so clean and clear that it made me feel comfortable. An unknown bird bouncing on the note, occasionally tweeting twice, crisp and sweet. You can see the white gas rising in the side courtyard, and that's when people are busy having breakfast.

There was a faint horn sound, and Yang Qinyan's brows raised slightly.

"Go and ask if the army is moving."

She gave a command, and it seemed that the 14-year-old Xiaomin Miner quickly ran out with her skirt corner. Inquired with the guard on duty outside, and hurried back again: "His Royal Highness, it is the town's grandfather who is going to Peicheng.

"I want to go out."

Yang Qinyan put down the tea cup in her hand, and chose the most simple one in the clothes bought by Xincai. She ran out with her hair tied back, thinking about it, and came back again. The long knife on the wall was in his hand. This knife is a standard horizontal knife, very heavy, but although she is delicate but not weak, she also taught her to practice martial arts while in the palace.

A few little girls are running after them, and a group of young girls are also cute with their skirts running.

When they went out, they encountered the brigade, and the morale of the Black Banner soldiers marched in bold steps. The queue was neat and solemn.

Yang Qinyan stood in front of the door and waited, seeing the biggest battle flag coming over to rush forward.

Chen Xiaoru rushing to see the princess running over to stop the carriage, and drove the curtain to say a few words inside, and Fang Xie came out of the carriage. He is a very different kind of person. Generally, the generals who lead the army go out and ride horse-drawn carriages, but he seems to be surprisingly lazy.

The white lion poked his head out of the chaos and looked out, startling Yang Qinyan.

"Meet Your Highness"

Fang lifted the carriage and bowed.

"The town grandfather doesn't have to be polite."

Yang Qin took care of some messy hair running: "The town's father is going to Peicheng?"


"Take me with you."

She said firmly.

Fang Xie was slightly surprised, looked at Yang Qinyan's face and then nodded. He turned back and instructed Chen Xiaoru: "Go and tell people to choose a suitable set of armor for your Highness, and instruct our workshop to build an iron armor as soon as possible His Highness may be used frequently in the future. "

"Thank you!"

Yang Qin said heavily.

"His Highness, please"

Fang Xie greeted the White Lion down, and then asked Yang Qinyan to get into the carriage. Yang Qinyan hesitated and said, "I want to ride a horse."

Fang Jie did not refuse, and ordered people to bring war horses.

"This knife is too long for your Highness."

Fang Xie instructed Chen Xiaoru: "Take the seven-star sword seized from the main house of Qingyuan City and dedicate it to your Highness."

The seven-star knife was found from Fu Zhengnan's house, and the knife length was less than half a meter, and I do n’t know what it was made of. It was extremely hard and sharp. The knife handle is inlaid with seven gems, so it is called Qixing knife. This knife is Fu Zhengnan's love, and it has a broken hair. If it was sold during the Taiping era, it might not be a city.

After Fang Jie had said nothing, he said nothing and followed the white lion on the side of the carriage. When she was out of the city, Yang Qinyan heard cheers. She opened the corner of the curtain and looked out. It was seen that many people gathered at the city gate and waved their hands. She wondered, why did these people pay tribute to the enemy?

No reason

Fang Xie just broke through this big city. According to the truth, people should hate him, even if they don't hate, they should be afraid. But it seemed that the expressions on the faces of the people were not pretended, and no one was forcing them to do so. Fang Jie does not seem to be a person who can make these false things.

Yang Qinyan subconsciously looked at Fang Jie, and found that he was waving at the people, smiling, so brilliant.




Yin Luo Cheng

Tonggu college

When Li Qingfeng entered the door, she glanced at the person sitting in the room, then shook her head and sighed, "There are fewer and fewer people who can get together in this room ... Remember Dong Qingfu sitting in that chair When presiding over a meeting, this room is always lively. Wan Xingchen turned around with a sword, and the people in this room changed. If it was n’t foreseeable, I ’m afraid today There are fewer people in this room. "

When referring to Grandpa, his tone is very respectful.

"Who is Grandpa?"

A young-looking man asked, he was indeed too young compared to the six or seven white-haired old men in this room. Regardless of age or manners, they are incompatible with the personality in the room. He was sitting on the chair closest to the yard desk, and only he didn't stand up when Li Qingfeng came in. In fact, he should be sitting at the bottom.

"Pang Hui?"

Li Qingfeng asked.

"it's me"

The young man nodded, looking proud. The people in this room are wearing cloth shoes, except that he is wearing a very eye-catching sky blue brocade with a jade belt on his waist, which is very valuable.

"It's no wonder that you don't know anything. Father Pang's family was chopped by Wan Xingchen before he could go out. The seven treasure fan didn't even have time to open it. Your second uncle Pang Yunhe was originally qualified to sit here, but he was also Xingchen killed, not even using a sword. It is said that Wan Xingchen glanced at him, and he had a fart on his forehead ... and we gave Pang Pa a horse of 200,000 horses, but he was scared to death by Luo Yao in Jiangbei Road It's ... "

Li Qingfeng said as she walked to the dean's seat, she didn't seem to care about Pang Hui's somber complexion.

"Even if there are few people in the Pang family, no one can shake their position!"

Pang Hui said coldly, "Did you look down on my Pang family because the old man is gone? Pang's roots in Jiangnan for hundreds of years, I advise you not to underestimate it!"

"No one thinks that."

Li Qingfeng sat down on the chair and smiled and said, "No one despised your family because Master Pang's family died, and no one did not know that your Pang family has been in Jiangnan for hundreds of years. You don't understand ... … Even if the Pang family's father did not die, no one cares about your Pang family too much. Even if the Pang family has been in Jiangnan for hundreds of years, these hundreds of years were given by others. "

"What do you mean!"

Pang Hui angered: "Don't think that getting a group of old guys together to say a few words can scare me."

"No one wants to scare you."

Li Qingfeng still smiled: "The reason this time to inform you of the Pang family is just to tell you that you don't have to come back in the future."

"Don't bully too much!"

Pang Hui took a step forward and yelled at Qingfeng with his fingers: "I don't know where you guys came from, but I don't want to be above my Pang family!"

He glanced at everyone, only to find that no one cared.

"It's just eight dishes. If nine dishes can be given to Luo Tu as a snack. At that time, Pang Ba didn't eat less snacks, but it was Dong Qingfu who would give him snacks. Unfortunately, he was uncontested. I haven't entered the country for a long time. "

Li Qingfeng raised her hand to drive away the flies and waved. Pang Hui, who was about to scold, suddenly became stiff, followed by the blood coming out of the corner of his mouth. He opened his mouth and spit it out. Bloody stuff, the minced meat crashed to the ground and splashed out.

Then his chest went down.

Two men in Tsing Yi soap boots came in, dragged the corpse out, doing things silently, and the actions were very neat and clean. After a while, the ground was wiped clean, and no blood was left.

"If all the juniors in this room are discussing this, why do n’t you know the existence of the ancient academy ... It ’s sad to think about it. The Da Sui court has been trying to get rid of the academy for so many years, but hasn't it compromised and coexisted? Wan Before the stars were dying, they dared to come around and killed some people, but those people were killed because they did n’t make any sense. Only people who dared to find a place to hide, there was no difference between existence and existence. After being belittled, because of the existence of thousands of stars, Tonggu Academy has not been able to control the court as easily as in the past. "

Li Qingfeng sighed slightly: "Don't say this, let me come this time, it is the Lord who asked me to ask, if the Lord does not act, are we sure to get rid of Yang Jian?"

He didn't wait for those people to answer, and continued, "I can't."

Everyone in the room looked at each other and no one spoke.

"It doesn't seem to work."

Li Qingfeng said in a stunned voice: "Wan Xingchen is really a personal masterpiece. He grew up under the eyelids of the grandfather and avoided the grandfather. This is his ability. Later, he was able to support a court with his own strength. The grandfather said that watching a person gradually get up and eventually climb to that height is also a kind of enjoyment. But at least this kind of enjoyment does not qualify you. "

"Yang Jian must know what it must be. Wan Xingchen told him. That ’s why he did n’t care about Northeast, Northwest, or Southwest. He almost drank the blood of his descendants and ran to Jiangnan. He felt like he was full of blood. He can overturn Tonggu Academy. The reason why he has this confidence is because Wan Xingchen has swept it once before ... I have to say that the people in this room are not Wan Xingchen's opponents, They may not be Yang Jian ’s opponents in total. Although your cultivation is definitely stronger than Yang Jian ’s, after all, you are not a whole, so you still ca n’t. ”

An old woman couldn't help but ask, "Yes, you want to do it yourself?"

"Do not"

Li Qingfeng shook her head: "Ye said, watching Wan Xingchen changed from an ordinary ant to an ant with wings, and then to an eagle flying to the sky. It's interesting. But it's enough to see it once. Now someone is walking along the road that Wan Xingchen had traveled. Ye doesn't plan to let him go to the end. "

"And Yang Jian, a living dead man, is not interested in shooting, so in the end we have to cook."


An old man stood up and asked, "You also said, how many of us are not Yang Jian's opponents, how to cook?"

"Master helped us figure out a way, like I said just now, you don't add up because you are not a whole, ten people add up or ten people, not a powerful person."

Li Qingfeng smiled: "You know, why are you elected this time?"

Hearing him like this ~ ~ The old people's faces are a little discolored.

He clapped his hands and walked in from the door to a smiling young man. He nodded politely to everyone, looking very kind, but the stern air in his brows was tense. His name was Luo Tu, originally called Luo Xiaotu.

"Because ..."

Li Qingfeng couldn't help laughing, so happy: "You people are just like the Pang family, there is no need to exist."

Everyone was as dead as a chicken, but no one dared to resist. They are not afraid of Li Qingfeng, nor are they afraid of Luo Tu. It was because of the grandfather that Li Qingfeng said ... They knew that if they did not resist, they would die by themselves.

"Come and see, how about the dim sum I choose for you?"

Li Qingfeng asked.

Luo Tu smiled and said, "It smells delicious."

Li Qingfeng nodded: "You seem to have to change your name again. Previously, your name was Luo Xiaotu, but later it was changed to Luo Tu. Now, in my opinion ... you're called Tu Hao."

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