Conquer the World

Chapter 809: No horrible threat at 1

Chapter 809 Not a Terrible Threat

Perhaps Zhu Zhijian was the first person to see through Fangjie's strategy, but when he saw it, the overall situation was set.

Outside the North Gate of Dali City

The Heiqi Army and the Nanyan Army have been tangled together. From the beginning, the troops of the two sides directly entered the tragic killing without trial. The Nanyan Army tried to prevent the Heiqi Army from entering the city. It's simple and straightforward. After the teams collided, the land became a meat grinder.

There is no doubt that the Dali City defenders, who have not fought for decades, cannot experience the same level of experience as the new Black Flag Army on the battlefield. Although the qualifications of Dali City defenders have been in the army for decades, they are also well equipped and trained. The Black Flag Army was formed only a few years ago, and even soldiers in a regiment were not familiar with each other.

However, this is not the criterion for judging the outcome.

The soldiers in the Dali City who have been in the army for decades are no matter how old they are, they are weak without combat experience, and the Heiqi Army was killed by blood all the way. Everyone has a strong **** smell.

In addition, the Black Flag Army was prepared, and the Dali City Guards rushed out of the city. The Black Flag Army soldiers were already waiting for this day, and the Dali City Guards were not ready for the decisive battle. In fact, they Never thought of a decisive battle between the city and the Black Flag. Mu Rongmu has always adhered to his strategy, because Mu Rongsha determined that the solution would not be entangled here for too long. The Great Sui is now civil unrest and the forces of all parties fight. If the solution is delayed for too long, it will inevitably not miss a lot of hegemony. Chance of the Central Plains.

He was right, so Fang Jie was in a hurry to decide.

The formed team is like two fierce beasts colliding together, and the situation changes color.

"Breaking Army! Savior!"

Kirin and Nie Xiaoju rushed to the front with Fang Jie's pro-battalion battalion. Each of the carefully selected men in this group of black flags was a killing machine. After numerous baptisms of war, the knife in their hands Although not sharper than the enemy's knife, it is definitely more powerful.

Lifting the slashing knife the size of the door again, Nie Xiaoju has a bit of a twisty look in the past. At this time, he turned into a **** of war, and every time the huge slashing knife was swept away, it would sweep away an enemy army. In front of him, a stump and a broken arm fell.

Fang Xie's pro-battle camp formed a sharp cone array, with Nie Xiaoju and Kirin facing the front. The double arrows opened the enemy's defense line for the same robes behind. Ten of them were Chungu behind them. It's as daunting as the elite, the bright light armored sword, and the ten gods to kill the world.


Kirin shouted loudly. With his shout, the soldiers of the pro-battalion took a neat step forward. The strange sword in their hands matched the pace and fell neatly. Turn down one level. Step by step, kill the sword.

The array of Nanyan troops in the front is still very thick. Each step forward of the pro-battalion battalion must kill an enemy. They all know that the coach persists in the city gate, so each of them understands what they should do now, that is Go forward, keep going!

Knife rises and falls.

Head rolling.


Every time Kirin shouted, the soldiers behind stepped forward, so the neat steps and neat swords made the soldiers of the Nanyan Army feel that they were facing a monster with countless fangs, and it was impossible to destroy the army camp. This way. When the front row array of the soldiers of the Nanyan army was breached by the pro-battalion, Kirin shouted the copper stick in his hand forward: "Kill the enemy array!"

The front formation of the Nanyan army is a multi-row row. This kind of defense is not very satisfactory. That is because it has been pushed to the extreme by numerous people before numerous historical wars. This kind of defense seems simple. The strongest.

After tearing the front layers, although the Nanyan army in the back has a certain thickness, it is much softer than the front. The rear team does not have the line of defense in front of multiple rows of horizontal shields and is shielded by the black flag army. The speed of breakthrough was immediately much faster.

Kirin and Nie Xiaoju are like two dragon heads on a giant dragon, constantly devouring the enemy in front of them. The two-headed dragon could cut the team behind the Nanyan army unstoppably. The knife opened a piece of cloth. When the mouth appeared, it couldn't stop the back from getting bigger and bigger.

"Did you see the gate building!"

Kirin pointed the copper gate in the direction of the city gate: "The prince is there waiting for you! If you want to go by the knife in your hand, just kill people, just like you did before, and let all the enemies die. ! "

"Kill the enemy line!"

He roared again, and the soldiers of the pro-barracks shouted to speed up behind him. When the enemy's defense line was first attacked, the pro-battalion relied on perfect cooperation. Now, the defense in front of them has become loose. They have begun to move from a step-by-step planned move to a big step and then to run .

City wall

The foreigner who was about to fire was stopped by Nan Yanshou. He pushed the ignited foreigner and shouted, "My soldiers are also outside!"

The foreigner didn't understand what he was talking about, but feared his eyes and finally retreated.

The artillery on the wall did not sound, but an artillery inside the gate rang.

The artillery was ignited by the foreign leader Boskov from the other side of the ocean. He came here with pride. When he fired the artillery in front of Nan Yan Emperor Murong Sha, he even looked down on the dragon sitting on the dragon chair. People, in his opinion, the people here are backward and weak and not worthy of respect. Today, he ignited the fuze with a sense of fear, because the man in a black robe in front of him made him fear, and his ignition hands were shaking.


The shells detonated straight towards Fang.



Boskov began to pray at the moment when the artillery rang, praying for the gods they believed in, to let the artillery smash the perverted Han. Until now, only the Han died when Boskov would gradually forget the fear. There is a proverb in the Opulu Empire saying that only killing the devil in your heart will not scare you again.

Boskov is doing just that.

He looked forward to seeing Fang Jie's flesh flying.

However, he was disappointed.

The cannonball arrived instantly, and Fang Jie's palm was straight up and swept out. The moment he touched the cannonball, the body turned in a circle like a gyro, and the cannonball was in the hand of Fang Jie. Li followed a circle around his body, then left Fang Jie's hand and flew out in the direction it came from.

Maybe this is the first person to change the direction of the shell by manpower since the birth of this world artillery. If this incident is passed back to the other side of the ocean, it will definitely cause uproar!

In the eyes of foreigners, that is impossible!

But practitioners in the Central Plains tell them that they can!

The shell flew back in the original way, accurately drilled into the muzzle and then exploded. The huge explosive force blasted the artillery, and the fragmented bullets flew out around, and the people around the artillery immediately fell down. one slice. Boskov, who was closest to the artillery, was blown up and shattered, and his body fell only seven or eight meters away, leaving only a small half to recognize the human form.

This one scared everyone present!

Even those who were not injured by the explosion started to step back. They no longer had the courage to continue to face the man who was incomplete in a black robe. These Nanyan soldiers had heard a story a long time ago, when the army of Da Sui attacked Yongzhou, the city gate broke, but the practitioners in Yongzhou city blocked at the gate of the city, a team of Da Sui soldiers Killed in and killed.

The man named Luo Yao ordered the soldiers to stop, and he walked into the gate alone. What happened afterwards has been extolled until now. Luo Yao killed all the practitioners who blocked the gates of the city, and shattered the last hope of the noble merchants in Yongzhou City.


Fang Xie shattered the morale of the Nanyan army in a more domineering way.

"kill him!"

A general Nan Yan shouted, pointing the solution with a knife and ordered the soldiers to rush forward. But the soldiers were still retreating. General Nan Yan himself did not realize that his voice was so trembling when he shouted.

Lying on the side of Fangjie's feet, Hei Shangguo saw Nan Yan's army retreating back and forth with a single person, but he couldn't help laughing, and smiled so proudly: "A bunch of waste ... he is now There is no more energy. If your courage is big enough, he may not be able to hold on. Unfortunately, you are all waste! "


Fang Xie kicked his head back into the pit again, then strode forward. Every time he took a step forward, the soldiers of the Nanyan Army on the opposite side took a step back, and no one dared to stand up.


General Nan Yan shouted, "Archer! Hurry up!"

The frightened Nanyan Army archer came back to life, and pulled out the arrows from the arrow pots to take the bow and shoot, but at this time the team behind them was in chaos, and the shouting and killing went from behind them. come out.

On the city wall, Zhu Jijian tore off a white cloth from his white underwear inside his robe and tied it to his arm. Then he took the horizontal knife handed over by his relatives and pointed forward: "Punch the city gate to welcome the Black Flag Army into the city! Tyrant! The people of Xie Dayan are upside down! "

The army loyal to Zhu Chijian had tied white cloths to their arms and killed them from behind.

Fang Xie looked at Zhu Chijian, who was rushing down the city wall, and couldn't help but smile. This person wasn't too stupid to know when he should make the right decision. In such a situation, he made such a clear statement, how could it be easy to kill him with the rear solution? Fang Xie must calm down the South, and naturally he must reward and punish clearly. For a person who is good at the Black Flag Army, Fang Xie must consider it even if he wants to kill.

Zhu Chijian, thinking of this at a critical time, summoned a team loyal to him on the wall to kill him.

At this moment, Dali City was actually broken.



Imperial palace

Mu Rongxi strode to the middle of the square, shaking his fingers to the wrong monk who slowly got up: "You bald! You are collaborating with Fang Xie, are you coming to seize the country? You already know that Fang Xie is fundamental You wo n’t enter the palace! Is it that you deliberately made you believe that the solution will come, you are not waiting for the solution at the palace, but are holding on to you! ”

"You are wrong"

The monk who had mistaken himself shook his head: "I don't know how Fang Jie planned. When your Majesty was looking for me, I didn't think about what would happen, but I was awake than you ... Why do superior people take risks to enter the enemy ’s territory? I ca n’t think of any other reason than being profitable. But Your Majesty ... You obviously did n’t see this clearly. So I do n’t know what Fangjie is going to do, but I ’m sure I'm calculating you. "

"I remember I told my Majesty two days ago that your eyes were only staring at the dragon robe on your body. That dragon robe was too bright and dazzling, and you couldn't see anything else."

"I want to kill you!"

Murong took a step forward in shame, raising his hand to attack the monk who had mistaken himself, and the inner strength swallowed in his palm. The next second was a thunder strike.

"Your Majesty, you may not have killed me ~ ~ The monk who had mistaken himself shook his head:" Are you willing to run out of energy to kill me? Even if you kill me, what else do you face the Black Flag Army? It is better to keep some strength to defend the enemy, at least there are more opportunities to escape. "

The hand raised by Murong Shai was stiff in the air, and finally fell down softly.

"I won't fall!"

He looked at the monk who had mistaken himself and said fiercely, "On the day when I come back to reorganize, I will kill all of your shameless villains one by one and crush them! I will kill your family and make you betrayal Your people sever their children and grandchildren! You have to sever your last names in the world! "

The monk who had mistaken himself couldn't help laughing: "You're going to be disappointed ... Your Majesty, it's very difficult for me to fully realize your vow, first because you don't necessarily beat me, and second because ... … I've cut off my grandchildren, your threat, why am I not afraid at all? "

If you can say something like breaking off the grandson by yourself, you can still be proud, and you have mistaken your own monk?

Of course, he had cried for it.

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