Conquer the World

Chapter 810: Come here

Chapter 810 The Guest Comes

Dali City

Imperial palace

The noon sun hangs at the highest point in the south, but it is not as hot as the bake of flames. Under the shade of the green wood-lined palace of Dali City, there are no little lazy eunuchs in the past, nor those The figures of the embargo soldiers and the guards of Inai, because they were all busy fleeing.

The moment the news of the city broke into the palace, everyone was crazy. The panicked person didn't even consider changing his clothes and started to run outside. It seemed that not running was a dead end. The greedy person went to the palaces to collect some valuable items and crammed them into his arms before running, hoping that these things could help his future life. The sane people returned to the room and waited quietly for that moment, because they knew they could not be slaughtered.

There was a mess in the corridor, a slender figure walked slowly, no matter how bright the sun was, he could not take away the lonely depression of his back, the scenery was still so beautiful, but he was so sad.

Prince Yan Guo Murong Changlan walked expressionlessly. He saw an abandoned horizontal knife on the ground and did not know who had abandoned it. He leaned down and picked it up. Then he seemed to make a decision, turned, and walked towards the ancestral spirit. The main hall. There are many ranks in that hall, which are the spiritual positions of the emperors of Da Shang Dynasty.

His Royal Highness did not know that these people had nothing to do with him.

The blade of the crossblade slipped across the ground, and the sound was harsh.

Murong Changlan stood at the entrance of the main hall and glanced back at the palace he knew best. The meaning in his eyes was very complicated, there were sadness, nostalgia and perseverance, and no decision. He carefully looked at everything he could see, then went into the hall and knelt down in front of those spirits.

"The ancestors ..."

Murong Changlan knelt down and knucked a head: "Several years ago, the Sui army broke through Yongzhou, Da Shang destroyed the country, and the father emperor escaped after all his hard work and re-established his country in Dali City. Understand the helplessness of the Father Emperor at that time, in order to continue the Da Shang, he had to bow to the enemy, even the Emperor himself, these humiliations are only to keep the blood of Murong's family from breaking.

"Father Emperor has done a good job, but he is not born at the right time. Dayan is worried about domestic and foreign problems, he is not a minister, the people are not the people, and even the king is not the king. The father has always wanted to regain the brilliance of the Rong family and bear the burden of developing national power. The son knows that he has done his best, but it is difficult to make a difference in this era. The royal blood of the Murong family may end today, because the son is not filial, and has not reached the Murong family, but ... Because of this, sons and daughters don't have to make cruel choices today. "

"Father Emperor abandoned me, but I don't blame him."

Murong Changlan sat up straight and looked at the spirits above him in a calm tone and said, "Father Emperor Xiu is amazing. If he flees alone and still has the opportunity to go out, if he takes me, it will inevitably be a drag. As long as the father can Going out, you should be able to make a comeback in the future. "

"Since the father and the emperor have left, someone in Murong's family must be responsible for the country's breaking today. Let me do it."

Murong Changlan stumbled again: "Children have dreamed of reviving Dayyan from a young age, so they don't like writing and martial arts. They always think that one day they can send soldiers north to restore the mountains and mountains, and strengthen my Murong family's former power. With Ling Yunzhi in his heart, but no time to show his ambitions, twenty years have passed, and it is a regret for the sons and daughters to not give up the blood for Murong's ZTE. "

"Children, there are three major hates. One is that the enemy is too strong and Dayan is weak. The second is that the courtiers cannot be equal to Germany. The three is that they are weak and embarrassed."

He raised his head slowly and said, "If the ancestors and ancestors have spirits, please bless the emperor to escape this calamity. On the day of the country's break, the soldiers outside were still bleeding for the Murong family, and the men and ministers of the Murong family would not dare Gou Ji. I only wish to return to Murong's house and raise 100,000 soldiers to break through Chang'an. "

He scratched his head for a third time, then grabbed the horizontal knife on the ground, and pointed the tip of his knife at his heart: "The country is broken, people are killed."

These four words said, he poked the horizontal knife into his heart.

At the moment he fell down softly, a downcast figure fell out of the hall, and happened to see Murong Changlan's body fall.

"Do not!"

The man screamed, then kneeled softly: "Laner ... I should have told you long ago that you are not a descendant of Murong's family. You have nothing to do with these people. You are wrong for the father, for the father I deceived everyone, including myself, for you in this throne. If I told you all this early, you wouldn't do such a stupid thing! "

"Laner, why are you so stupid! When you die in the spirit of these people, they will only laugh!"

Emperor Yan Guo Murong cried in shame and fell down on the ground. Where did he care about the bright clothes?

"Bad for my father!"

He burst down crying: "Wrong! You shouldn't have escaped alone for your father. If I walked with you, you wouldn't do that. I hate it!"

He struggled to stand up, stumbled into the hall, and glanced at the young body on the ground tearing old. He walked to Murong Changlan's body, leaned over, picked him up, and walked outside the hall. When he came to the door, he turned around and flicked his sleeves, and rolled inwardly, and the enlightened spirits were blown up.

"It's enough to pretend, you guys don't have to make a joke, I just stole the rivers and mountains of your Murong family, and I'll give it back to you now."

He held his son's body and walked towards the main hall step by step.

"Laner, you're not Murong, you're Chen."

As he walked, he said, "No father is called Murong Shao, it is called Chen Yandong. Our ancestral land of the Chen family is no longer Peicheng, in a small village two hundred miles south of Yongzhou. You are the Chen family, not the Murong family. . "

He walked all the way and said, tears wet his front. After walking to the entrance of the palace's main hall, he seemed to hesitate for a moment, then smiled suddenly: "Lan, you are dead, what's the point of fleeing even if you live alive? I'm guarding these rivers and mountains for you, now, These rivers and mountains have nothing to do with us. "

He placed Murong Changlan's body on a dragon chair, and then went out. He returned shortly afterwards, holding a big sip in one hand. It was the old wine in the royal dining room, which had a strong and aromatic taste. Murong Sha broke the vat and spilled the old wine around.

Overthrown the fairy crane light in the temple, the fire spread quickly and burned up along the curtain.

He sat next to Murong Changlan on a dragon chair and watched the flames gradually rise.

"Actually, it ’s not like I ’ve never thought about it. I ’ll take you out of the palace to be a farmer and give you some farming skills instead of the way of the emperor. Knowing that as long as you give time, after you inherit the throne, you will surely make the Great Yan Kingdom strong and unmatched. As a father, I have always believed that you will become a generation of bright monarchs ... Unfortunately, as a father, I could not keep that day for you. "

"It turns out ... how to get, how to lose."

Murong shame curled up on the dragon chair, and slowly closed his eyes: "For decades, rich and glorious, but a void. I got so much, so I lost so much. Murong's family, please come back when I go down Find me the theory, there is no big Yan country in this world, in fact, there are no big business anymore. "

Flames of sky

The hall was devoured by the sea of ​​fire.



Weiji Temple

Fang Xie patted the white lion's forehead and left it on the ground, then walked into the temple gate. Speaking of which, this is Fang Xie's first Buddhist gate. During the asylum in Dali City, the monk who had mistaken himself had several encounters with him, and at that time Fang Jie understood all Buddhist ancestors in the Buddhist monks in Weihui Temple instead of the Great Wheel Temple in the Western Region.

Now, Fang Xie ’s mind has completely changed the impression of the Buddhism, but he has kept the people in the temple a little bit.

Fang Xie now also believes that if the rules of the Buddhism in the Western Regions were followed, then the monks in Weihou Temple were rebellious. If we follow the rules set by the first-generation abbot in Weixian Temple, the monks now can be called false monks ... This is because there is a monk who has mistaken himself in Weixu Temple, and went to a monk and was born alone. He leaned in red dust.

When Fang Xie entered the gate of the temple, the two gray monks in the door were fighting, and there was no fear of the city breaking.

"The abbot said that when we met a fancy woman, we were allowed to go back and have children. I now fancy the granddaughter of the Chen family in the alley. Why do you say that I broke the rules and regulations?"

A young monk solemnly said that he looked like seven or eight years old, leaned on his waist, and looked just like me. Another young monk was five or six years old, and his tongue was a little bit clumsy: "The abbot said that he looked at the eye, which means that you see her pleasing to the eye, and she sees you pleasing to the eye. On what basis? "

"Why do you say she doesn't look good to me?"

"Because she looks at me, it is more pleasing to the eye."

The seven- or eight-year-old monk froze and cried, "Have you ever thought of me like this, can we still eat, sleep, and chant together?"

When he saw him crying, the six- or seven-year-old monk panicked and rushed to wipe his tears: "It's a big deal ... we don't care about her anymore. I think it's more important if we don't break between us. "

"Okay, you talk, pull the hook!"

Fang Xie couldn't help shaking his head, and said to himself that this slightly hidden temple was still so shocking. He stopped to listen to the conversation between the two young monks, and smiled brighter and brighter. The monk who had mistaken himself came out of it, saw Fang Jie standing there, and then shook his head and sighed: "When I look back, I take apart the two of them, and the bright eyes of Xiao Nizi's eyes are actually lost to the man ... oh!"

Fang Xie laughed, and fisted as he walked: "I've seen the monk, thank you."

"no need thank me?"

Asked the monk by mistake.

Fang Xie smiled: "Forget, just remember to thank you."

The monk who had mistaken himself nodded: "Forget it, just remember it badly."

Fang Jie knew what he meant, stepped up the steps and asked, "Can the osmanthus cakes in the temple be so delicious?"

The monk who had mistaken himself shook his head: "The osmanthus cake was returned home ten years ago."


Fang Xiewen ~ ~ The monk who had mistaken himself felt helpless: "Because I sat at the door and cried, no one who was so good at himself had a descendant who was too pathetic. He looked scared and ran away that night. Alas, I didn't cry once or twice, why is he so indifferent? "

Crying people actually look away long ago, watching others crying instead.

"The monk has great wisdom."

Fang Jie praised.

"What did you say you were doing here?"

Asked the monk by mistake.

"Come thank you."

"Are you empty-handed?"

"Uh ... I'm in a hurry. I forgot to prepare a gift. Next time, I'll bring some good gifts next time."

"Come here, drop off!"

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