Conquer the World

Chapter 818: 3rd reaction

Chapter 818 The Third Reaction

Tengnuo Mountain is located to the west of Liuzhou City. The scenery of Jiangnan lies in the mountains everywhere, and there are water in the mountains. From a distance, it is a freehand landscape, and from a close distance, it is a detailed painting. When viewed from afar, there is beauty from a distance, and when viewed from a distance, it has a beauty of closeness.

Or it is because of the beautiful water and soil that many literary lords were born in Jiangnan. Of course, there are also politicians who influence the world. However, no matter in the former dynasty or contemporary, Jiangnan has not produced any handsome talents who can really make a name in Qingshi.

Looking at the history of nearly a thousand years, famous North Dynasty generals have emerged, and Jiangnan's reincarnation of several courts is also rare. This may be related to the lesser wars in the south of the Yangtze River. The north of the Yangtze River has been subjected to repeated foreign wars, so talents have continued to rise in the army. Jiangnan has no enemies since confronting Zheng Guo since Chen Guo. At the same time, Zheng Guo not only fought with Chen Guo from time to time, but also constantly fought with grassland people in the west, barbarians in the north, and Chu people in the east.

Non-war, hard to find a real handsome.

After the founding of the Sui Dynasty, Jiangnan Song and Dance leveling has no war at all, or the Yang family deliberately did it. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Da Sui continued to expand the territory, but Jiangnan has always been peaceful. Drive the barbarians northward into the barren mountains, fight westward with Meng Yuanming, and swallow up most of the eastern Chu. After the destruction of the merchants in the southwest, they often fought against the Tatars.

Jiangnan hasn't smelled the smoke of gunpowder for 200 years.

Now, the war and tragedy have finally spread here. The moment the gunfire ignited on Mount Teng Nuo, it was as if an ignition star had fallen on a famous painting handed down and a hole was burned.

The hole is small, but if a gust of wind blows through, the entire painting may be burned.

Tu was very satisfied with the hole, and he really felt the power of the firearm. He was in a very good mood. The elite team of more than 10,000 people in Muli looked so weak in front of twenty artillery pieces. In the two hundred years since the founding of the Great Sui Dynasty, the enemy array that most frightened foreign enemies was like a basket of eggs in front of the artillery. Throwing a stone into it broke most of it.

He began to imagine that without a lot, if there were a hundred artillery, it would be enough to wipe out the invincible armored army. Although the armor of these iron armies is unparalleled, it is because of this heavy iron armor that they are difficult to dodge when facing artillery.

Tu seems to have seen the scene where he stepped on the iron banner of the Iron Armor.

The reason why he would rather risk being punished by the grandfather behind Tonggu Academy is to avoid the Iron Armor, just waiting for these firearms. He knew why Tonggu Academy had to cultivate itself, it was just a stone blocking Yang Jian. If blocked, everyone is happy. If it cannot be blocked, Tonggu Academy will not be saddened by his death.

But Tu cannot regard himself as a stone, even if it is a stone, it must be a huge stone that is higher than the sky.

Before he himself felt that he was not ready to fight Yang Jian resolutely, no one could force him to go to the battlefield in advance. He knows that his cultivation is already strong enough to fight Yang Jian one-on-one. But this is not what he wants, what he wants is to completely defeat Yang Jian. That includes defeating that armoured army. Victory cannot be discounted. Victory must be complete.

The power of the artillery was tested with Mu Li's men and horses, and Tu had a little more confidence.


He glanced at his newly promoted confidante: "You said that the caravan was attacked when they were out of Muping? How much was lost?"

The person called Scarface is a Scarface. The name Scarface is actually not his real name. However, Tu liked to call him Scarface, so he lost his original name. There was a scar on his face, running from his left temple to his right temple, across the forehead.

This injury is a bit weird. It stands to reason that unless a wound was deliberately cut in such a way, such a wound would hardly appear on the battlefield. But this wound was not cut by anyone, nor was it cut off on the battlefield, but he himself cut it out with a dagger.

"Back to Lord Wang, about one hundred and fifty muskets and two artillery were lost. The attackers appeared at night, and they should have followed our team when they were in Muping City. They were very accurate and they fled after the killing. We have n’t taken our things with us. Obviously there are n’t many of them. It ’s too late for our subordinates to take them after they heard. The team died, the guns were smashed and the artillery was destroyed. ”

"Is there a clue?"


"The subordinates suspect that it will not be done by the big forces. If they were Yang Shunhui or Mufu, they would not destroy those things. They have enough people to carry things away. So the subordinates Inferred, it should be a coincidence. There are a lot of robbers and robbers outside Muping City, who make a living by looting past caravans. If the subordinates speculate well, they should be the people who met us in the city to purchase the goods of Dongchu merchants. Thought it was profitable, so attacked the camp. "

Tu nodded and said, "You don't have to worry about it this way."

"The subordinates have already dealt with it. Those muskets and artillery have sunk into the bottom of a small lake, and the scene has been cleaned. It looks like it is just killing and robbing goods. This is not uncommon and should not cause Yang Shunhui or Mu Fu's suspicion. "


Tu nodded and nodded: "Go, it's time to talk to the wealthy households in the city, and let each of them hand over half of their property to buy their lives. If you don't want it, you can take all of them. You can get the money I am in charge of going to Muping and continue trading with foreigners. I want 100 artillery pieces and 20,000 guns. If the money is not enough, I will order the team to expand around. It will not be much worse to slaughter several counties. "


Scar face bowed down, "However, the Rose people are afraid to take out such a large tree."

"That is to do business with the man of the Opulu Empire. As long as there is enough money, there will always be people who are not afraid of death."

"Subordinates understand."

"and also"

Tu thought for a while and thought: "It will be Mid-Autumn Festival in a few days. Please invite General Zheng Qiu of the Normal University to Liuzhou City for a banquet. This person ..."

He paused and turned to look at the person standing on the other side: "Shiro, Mid-Autumn Festival night, take your people to the Dahong River, the sailor people have always refused to obey my orders, and in the future, they can't do without water Teacher, but I do n’t want a disobedient sailor, send those people to **** on Mid-autumn night, and there is a bright moon in **** ... "

The young man called Shiro smiled coldly: "Master Wang, rest assured, I will send them all the way."



Jiangnan waterways are crisscrossed and crisscrossed. The Dahong River has a wide waterway. A river like this in the north must be more famous than in the south of the river, but in the south of the river, the water flow like the Dahong River is too ordinary. Before the Sui Dynasty annihilated Chen, he began to build the Yangtze River Marine Division. After ten years, he finally built a unique fleet. It was precisely because of this fleet that the Sui Army was able to invade Jiangnan like a bamboo.

Before that, Jiangnan ’s naval forces were proud. In their view, the Yangtze River is the heavenly danger and treasure given to them by heaven, and in the eyes of the enemy, the Yangtze River is only the word heavenly danger. When the north and the south stood side by side, Zheng Guo was unable to invade the Jiangnan because the naval forces were inferior to Chen Guo. And Chen Guo could not invade Jiangbei because they could not fight Zheng Guo's infantry on land.

Da Sui changed this situation, and the establishment of the Yangtze River Marine Division symbolized the beginning of a new generation.

On the day of crossing the river, the Yangtze River Marine Division frightened Chen Guoshuijun as soon as he appeared. Chen Guoren couldn't imagine how the Sui people suddenly had such a huge fleet, hundreds of giant ships, thousands of Huanglong ships, Coupled with the innumerable countless fast boats, the Yangtze River waterways are almost full.

In that battle, the Great Sui Marine Division left a huge reputation.

Later, after the Jiangnan was calmed down, although the size of the Yangtze River Marine Division was slightly abolished, and the warships damaged during the war were abandoned and not repaired, they still had a suffocating fighting power. After the war, the Yangtze River Marine Division still had 160 giant ships, thousands of yellow dragon ships, five hundred white-tooth ships, and of course, the flagship specially built for the Emperor Sui ... .

Such a powerful force is enough to deter Jiangnan.

After the northwest rebellion, Emperor Yang Yi of the Yangtze River moved north to the Yangtze River Marine Division, and then Wang Yiqu, General of the Yangtze River Marine Division, rebelled, leaving about a third of the fleet. The other third is in the hands of Luo Tu, while the Fangjie and the court account for the other one. However, in terms of combat power, Wang Yiqu's fleet is the most powerful. Seventy percent of the best-equipped and strongest white-tooth ships are in Wang Yiqu's hands.

At present, the sailor under Luo Tu has 36 large ships, 270 yellow dragons, 90 white teeth, and the Tenglong battleship that the Emperor Da Sui only boarded once after it was completed. Sailor General Zheng Qiu was the commander of the Dragon Warship. At that time, Wang Yiqu didn't dare to take the ship when he went north, otherwise the rebellion would be too obvious.

Now the ship fell into Luo Tu's hands.

Because of the presence of this ship, Luo Tu always felt that it was a providence.

The Tenglong battleship is more than 200 meters long. Such a huge wooden battleship is the only one from ancient times to the present. The warship has four floors, and the building is built like a palace. Because it is too large, the boat can only walk on a wide river, and the water is slightly shallow and impassable.

At that time, the best craftsmen of Da Sui were brought together to build this Dragon Warship. It took six years to complete the construction. Those who participated in the construction of the Tamron at the time firmly believed that even if the ship went to sea and ocean, it was the overlord of Megatron.

This ship is now the flagship of the Luo Tu fleet.

Zheng Qiu has been the commander-in-chief of Tenglong since 17 years ago, but he has never met the emperor. Tianyi Emperor Yang Yi was the least loved traveler in the history of Da Sui. He had never seen himself as a warship that symbolized the status of emperor. If he had seen this big ship, he would be proud.

Only a country like Da Sui can create such a behemoth.

Zheng Qiu stood at the bow and watched the bright moon reflecting on the water. The sailor has been here for more than a month ~ ~ He has deliberately avoided seeing Cairo. To that young man, Zheng Qiu has never had a good impression.

"The general ... a visitor came."

Just as he was in a daze, the captain of the soldiers could not come near and said to his ear.


"General Muli!"

Hearing this name, Zheng Qiu's expression changed abruptly: "He wasn't dead?"

The captain of the relatives said: "It's not just him, there is another person who follows. It doesn't look like Mu Li's men, raising his hands, as if Mu Li respects him."


Zheng Qiu hesitated and decided to see Mu Li. He always felt that if he drove this person away today, he would miss something important. I don't know why, he even denied his first decision. After hearing that it was Mu Li's arrival, the first reaction was to take this person to Luo Tujun. The second reaction is to drive the person away, and the third reaction is ... this person must meet.

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