Conquer the World

: 819 Palm Retreat for Progress

829th Palm Retreat

Zheng Qiu also floated in the Great Sui Shui Division for many years. He used to be the fourth-ranked outstanding talent at the end of Yanwuyuan. The Emperor Zhenzong wrote his name into the record of Chu Cai, but his career was quite bumpy. Zhenzong's military campaign against the Shang State was the beginning of his fortunes, and he rose directly from the accumulation of military merits from the ranks of the five ranks to the ranks of the four ranks. However, because of the disagreement with the previous General of the Marine Division, all his military achievements were suppressed, and he was scorned by the contempt of the coach. His business was dismissed and he was transferred from the Marine Division to serve as a local general.

According to Da Sui's official system, General Daofu was the first person under each governor. From Sanpin, he has almost reached the peak of the military officer's official post. However, in the Taiping years, the general of the government was simply an empty post, and he had no real power under the governors of each province. Every day, mediocrity and idleness do nothing, watching the Governor's face act.

Zheng Qiu thought that his official transport would end here. In another 20 years, he might have the opportunity to be promoted to Governor, but the chance is slim.

But after Tianyi emperor Yang Yi ascended the throne, his fate changed again.

Yang Yi re-appointed the sailor general, promoted Wang Yiqu, and recommended Zheng Qiu to the Emperor Tianyou. Yang Yi then appointed Zheng Qiu as the commanding general of the dragon-ship. It must be known that there is already a convention among the navy divisions. Anyone who commands the dragon boat will be the first candidate for the general of the navy division in the future. This is how Wang Yiqu went up, and so did Wang Yiqu's appointment.

When receiving the will, Zheng Qiuxin was ecstatic. Although the general from the prefecture to the commander-in-chief of the dragon dragon ship has been reduced by half a rank from the third grade to the fourth grade, everyone knows which weight is heavier. General Daofu may not be able to take another step for another 20 years, but the commander-in-chief of Tenglong Ship is equivalent to the naval deputy commander, with at least tens of thousands of generals under his command, but it is a real soldier.

Zheng Qiu waited for more than ten years, seeing that Wang Yiqu was about to reach the age when he had to ask himself to tell the old man to return home, but Da Sui was in chaos. Wang Yiqu rebelled in the northwest, intercepted the Emperor Tianyou, and forcibly took the sailor and Gao Kaitai to occupy the Hedong Road. Zheng Qiu knew that he no longer had the opportunity to become a general of the Marine Division.

Later, when Luo Yao invited him to the Yongjun, he also hesitated. Although Luo Yao was strong and strong at the time, he was carrying the word traitor on his body. For people like him, as long as they rely on the past, this is the imprint of eternal life, and history books will leave a stroke about him, which will never be erased.

In the end, he decided to turn to Luo Yao because of his disappointment with the court.

While Luo Yao was still alive, Zheng Qiu's status in General Luo was actually not low. At least Luo Yao gave him enough face to show his status deliberately in front of people. For this, Zheng Qiu was very grateful to Luo Yao.

Later, Luo Yao died unclearly, Luo Tu inherited General Luo. From that moment on, the future of the sailor became confused again.

The Dahong River is one hundred and sixty miles away from Liuzhou, but four days have been enough news to pass through Liuzhou. Luo Tu set up an ambush on Tengnuo Mountain, annihilating more than 10,000 men and women in the Muli Division. This incident was only passed on to the sailor yesterday afternoon. Who would have thought that today Muli had dared to appear outside the sailor.

Zheng Qiu glanced at Mu Li and said after a moment of silence: "General Mu ... It is rumored that you have been killed. Is this a good thing for you? Since you are dead, why should you appear again? It is far more sensible than going to see me today, whether you live in seclusion or go to other people.

Mu Li smiled and said, "Thank you General Zheng for being so direct. If I had to go around some corners, I wouldn't speak well."

He took a sip of tea: "General Zheng knows, why did Luo Tu kill me?"

Zheng Qiu shook his head: "I don't know, I don't want to know. If General Mu came to ask for help, I would like to subsidize General Mu and give you a good horse. I will treat you as if you have not been here, and the people below me will not Leaking your whereabouts, I have this confidence in the sailor. "

"Even if I am down again ..."

Mu Li shook her head and smiled: "It's not too bold to run to you and ask for a couple of silvers. My martial arts are not too good, but I won't be stumped by silver. I didn't come to save myself, yes Come to save General Zheng. "


Zheng Qiu couldn't help but smile: "At this point, why should General Mu still pose? If you come to persuade me to betray the Lord, then you should save your saliva. I did not immediately take you down to Liuzhou. Thinking of the friendship of my colleagues in the past, if you say anything more casually, I can't guarantee that I will not change my mind. "

"General Mu ... let's go."

Zuo Mingchan, who was sitting under Mu Li, could not help but shook his head: "You have the heart to save him, but he begged to die. This kind of person can't save it. You and I are bothering here too, so I might as well start early Huangyang Road. In contrast, the lives of others are not as important as their own future. If we go fast, we can reach Xinyang City in one and a half months. "

"Huangyang Road?"

Zheng Qiu's face changed dramatically. He glanced at Zuo Mingchan: "What is this ...?"



Zuo Mingchan stood up and clenched his fists: "Since General Mu is speaking out to you, I will not do anything to hide. I am a small scout captain in the Black Flag Army and was responsible for my family's order Discussing the surrender with General Mu, but unfortunately, because some things were exposed, the **** battle of the other day was only possible. "

He glanced at Mu Li, which was a negotiation that the two had negotiated. If Zuo Mingchan said that he was just passing by and saved Mu Li, then Zheng Qiu may not believe that he is a Heiqi Army. Even if you believe it, you will not believe that Mu Li has contacted the Black Flag Army. For a person like Zheng Qiu, if Mu Li wants to persuade him, he must pretend to have some contact with the Heiqi Army.

"I blame me when it comes to this."

Zuo Mingchan sighed: "I underestimated Luo Tu's ambitions. I thought that as long as I could hide Luo Tu, I could use the opportunity of military training outside the city to lead General Mu's men to Huangyang Road. Unfortunately ... Luo Tu I already had the heart to kill General Mu. I didn't think enough, but it reminded me and General Mu that I rushed to the sailor to meet General Zheng. "

He asked, "General Zheng may have guessed, what did General Mu and I think of?"

Zheng Qiu was shocked, but he guessed something but didn't say it.

Mu Li said: "Did General Zheng not see that Luo Tu has killed a lot of people in the past? The old men in the army are basically dead. 878 To kill the army completely, Luo Tu has already issued a killing ring. Yesterday was someone else. , Today is me, and who is tomorrow? As far as I know, Luo Tu doesn't seem to be very relieved that General Zheng is in charge of the navy. "

"It's not good to think about other people's minds like this?"

Zheng Qiudao.

"I only know!"

Mu Li said loudly: "If I wanted to understand these things earlier, my Majesty's 10,000 Yuan Erlang would not have died tragically! If I had not been hopeful for Luo Tu, I would not have reached the point where I am today!"

Zheng Qiu opened his mouth, but did not speak.

Zuo Mingchan cried Mu Li, and said with a smile: "We just came to remind General Zheng with good intentions, and we must not offend people because of our good intentions. Since we have already mentioned this, we can do our best, Mu General, let's go. While Luo Tu hasn't found it yet, let's go north from the Dahong River to the Yangtze River, and take the waterway to Xinyang City. Less than a year ago, my host had already broken Xinyang, where it is now safe . "

He pulled Mu Li and said, "My master is just building a navy division, and General Duan Zheng is responsible for this in the Black Flag Army. It's just a bit powerless ... My main character should have killed Nan Yan at this time. I came to Duan Zheng before I was instructed to go to Nanyan to take over the navy, and then take over the shipyard in Nanyan. But Huangyang Road also built a shipyard, and no one is staring ... "

Mu Li nodded, and then clenched his fists at Zheng Qiu: "I'm too anxious. This is the end of the matter. In fact, I still ask for General Zheng. Can you give us a boat? Luo Tuzai There are staff on the west side, and it will be difficult for us to pass by land. "

"This one……"

Zheng Qiu's complexion kept changing, and he subconsciously glanced at Zuo Mingchan, but Zuo Mingchan did not look at him, and lowered his head and played with the cup in his hand.

"The ship is not the problem."

Zheng Qiu was silent for a while and said, "But since General Mu is leaving, I still have to get one free. I will send someone to prepare the banquet first, and it will not be too late to leave after I'm full, will I order one Clippers, and arrange dozens of strong sailors to take you to the Yangtze River ferry. Can you hire another boat to go west? "

"it's not good……"

Zuo Mingchan cried and said Mu Li whispered something in his ear, Mu Li nodded: "You will not bother General Zheng, we will leave now."

After speaking, he turned around and went out, Zuo Mingchan got up and followed.

When the two talents came to the door, they hurried in from the outside and almost bumped into it. The face of the man was a bit disgusting. He took a subconscious look at the two of them, and then quickly walked over to Zheng Qiudao: "Large general ... Luo Tupai Here comes and asks to see you! "

Zheng Qiu's eyes flickered and his brow jumped twice.



Zheng Qiu personally sent the person sent by Luo Tu off the big boat and hugged him: "Go back and tell Wang Ye that I must enter the city early on the night of Mid-Autumn Festival. I will also ask Wang Ye's fine wine at that time, I also prepared Some baubles are for Wang Ye. "

The man gave his fist, and when he disembarked, he seemed to have found something to look at the ship, his eyes were quite puzzled.

On the bow of the ship, Mu Li smiled and said, "That man is a close friend of Luo Tu's, called Scarface. I just shook it deliberately. This man must have seen it. This man is the most careful, although I just shook it. After a while, he must be suspicious. Luo Tu has never caught me and can't see my body these days. He must be unreliable. When this man goes back, he will definitely bring the matter to Luo Tu. "

Zuo Mingchan said that the surname was also cruel enough, so that Zheng Qiu was able to pull the word Yin on his boat.

"However, I suspect that scars are not reassuring."

Mu Li said: "You also heard it. He asked Zheng Qiu to go to Liuzhou and tell him what to share in the fine wine and enjoy the moon ... Tenth is the intention of killing."

Zuo Mingchan said: "I think that Zheng Qiu has already moved, UU reading is a little bit worse!"

As he said, Zheng Qiu sent someone to invite them both. The two walked into Zheng Qiu's study again, and Zheng Qiu had sent someone to prepare the meal.

The three people chatted while eating. Zheng Qiu cited the topic to the Heiqi Army several times. Zuo Mingchan pretended not to understand him. Gu Yue said that the more he did, the more it tickled Zheng Qiu's heart.

While the three of them were drinking, someone in the water quietly approached the dragon boat. The man was breathing with a thin reed tube in his mouth, and the man had been sneaking underwater. When he got to the side of the boat, he leaned out his head cautiously, pressing his hands on the boat, and climbed up like a gecko!

After avoiding the guards when he got on the ship, he walked lightly outside the study. He listened, and happened to hear Mu Li talking. The man's eyes changed, and a sneer aroused in the corner of his mouth.

Then he left immediately, without making a sound.

Zuo Mingchan, who was drinking while holding a cup, glanced outside, and a smile came into his mouth.

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