Conquer the World

Chapter 925: Then you try it

Chapter 925 Then You Try It

The army was stationed at the junction of North Jiangsu Road and Jianghuai Road. Yang Jian's Sui Army stopped in front. Although there was no sign of a fight between the two armies, no one was sure if the swordsmen would face each other tomorrow. (Please search and update the fastest novel site!) There has never been one thing in the world, especially on the battlefield.

Only across a small river, the soldiers patrolling on both sides can even see each other's face clearly. If their eyes are better, they can even see the expression on the other side.

The river is not wide and the water flows slowly.

But how could the men and horses on both sides bring a kind of violent killing. Perhaps because of the autumn, this kind of killing looks particularly daunting.

When Fang Xie and Xiang Qingniu talked for a long time, Yang Jian and Da Zixun were also talking for a long time. This is a very strange phenomenon. People on both sides are ready to go to war at any time, but everyone is refusing to go to war. What Yang Jian wanted was to be conquered, and what he wanted were his hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers. What Fang Xie wanted was to send troops to aid the eastern Xinjiang. If it wasn't for him to get out of the way, he would even lead the troops himself.

It seems that there is still room for negotiation.

The lights in Yang Jian's tent stayed on for one night, and the lights were extinguished until a soldier came in early in the morning. Yang Jian didn't sleep all night. He couldn't judge whether Fang Jie's words were true or false, but he couldn't verify them in a short time. At daybreak, Yang Jian stepped out of the tent, looked at the red sun rising from the east, and his heart suddenly became cold ... The sun rose from the east, so red, is it the blood of the Dongjiang soldiers that stained it?

If he is not Yang Jian, he is Jin Shixiong, and he is Shengtu, he will not be so troubled and unable to make judgments as he is now. For Jin Shixiong, he would not consider Dongjiang. In the case of Shengtu, he would not consider Dongjiang. But he is Yang Jian, the founding emperor of Da Sui.

He wants to restore the heyday of the Great Sui Dynasty, but how should he choose when facing rebellion and defending against foreign enemies at the same time?

Da Zanzuo seemed to expect that Yang Jian would not fall asleep last night, and went outside Yang Jian's tent early in the morning. Seeing Yang Jian standing under a big tree, his brows frowned, and he seemed particularly dissatisfied with Yang Jian's performance. Perhaps he was dissatisfied that Yang Jian did not do what he wanted.

"Your Majesty is still thinking about Dongjiang?"

Ask with ease.

Yang Jian glanced at him and walked slowly to the river: "I have sent people to rush to Dongjiang to inquire about the news, but the distance is so long, even if the horsepower comes back, it is too long. He was invaded by foreigners, and when the inquiry came back, I was afraid that it would be too late to lead the troops. "

"If not?"

Ask with ease.

Yang Jiandao said, "It's better to have credibility than to have credibility."

The anger in Da Zi's heart burst out in an instant, but he would never make a trace of it. If someone in this world is higher than him, this cannot be refuted. Well, perhaps no one in this world is more forgiving than him. At the time, under King Dalun Ming, his years of reluctance were enough.

"Your Majesty wants Fang Xie to split up?"

After being silent for a while, Da Zi said, "Did your Majesty never think about it, if this is really just a conspiracy of Fang Jie, once His Majesty puts some of his men and horses over, he will probably face the situation of suffering from the enemy in the future. I do n’t know, and your Majesty does n’t know ... so I ca n’t say that Fang Jijie is lying, nor does His Majesty think that Fang Jijie is lying. ”

"in fact……"

Yang Jian walked to the side of the river and looked at the faintly visible Guyuan City.

"I don't just think of one thing in Dongjiang, but one thing I thought about more last night. Because the thing in Dongjiang is not in sight, but another thing is in sight."

"Why is your Majesty troubled?"

Asked with ease.

Yang Jian withdrew his sight from Guyuan City, and seemed to hesitate before he said slowly: "I haven't figured out why you are here and why you should rely on him. The war started, and it has been won, but on the grassland, the influence of Buddhism could not be eradicated for a while. The Great King Ming is dead, you are the first person of Buddhism ... Why do you come under such circumstances? Am I a courtier here? "

He waved his hand and said, "Don't tell him what you want to be the king of Ming Lu, then you have n’t believed from the beginning. You and you are only using each other. You need the power of the Buddha. I know it well, but I have no idea what you are trying to do ... so, compared to Dongjiang, you make me sleepless. "


Yang Jian said seriously: "Not only did you come to trust in You, but also what you said and done during this time, you really considered it for You, and You also distinguished clearly ... So, this makes You not sure."

"It turns out ... I used to admire the Emperor Yang Yi of Dasui. When he met Meng Yuan Khan Koktai Mengge, I met him. He was a man of great talent. At that time I thought Even so, what kind of incomparable Yang Jian, the founding emperor of Da Sui? "

Dazuo slowly said, "I never thought that one day I could stand with your Majesty like you face to face. But now I have some regrets. If I don't come, then the founding emperor of Da Sui will always be a few people in my heart. Comparing characters. I've seen and got along with each other ... I realized that you're just a layman. "

Yang Jian smiled suddenly: "Freedom ... maybe you don't even notice it?"


Asked with ease.

"You didn't claim to be a professor today, you professed me ... the subtle changes you made inadvertently, in fact, indicate something deep in your heart that you don't want to admit."

Da Zan's face changed slightly, and then he asked a little incomprehension: "Is that because of this?"

"Because of this."

Yang Jian said: "I can't keep you."

Freedom seemed to laugh with anger, and laughed more and more arrogantly: "Yang Jian ... don't you think it's ridiculous? Because of this, are you going to fight me?"

Yang Jian said: "Yes ... there must be a battle between you and me, and it will be more difficult to clean up in the future, it is better to finish the battle early."


Yang Jian's laughter grew louder and more: "Yang Jian ... until now you still dare not let me know, but how could I not know? The reason why you have to rush to fight with me is not for these unreasonable reasons. In fact, there is only one reason ... your cultivation is constantly falling! You have not completely integrated the half of Wanxing's cultivation! And you can only continue to exchange blood for yourself, and use the youth of your descendants Blood to sustain your body that should have been tattered long ago! But! "

Freely sneered: "But there is a disadvantage that you didn't expect! You keep changing blood, and every time you are injured, you have to change the blood, because your body has already started to decline, and it began to decline 200 years ago. You need fresh blood, and it can only be the blood of your children and grandchildren ... But the number of easy-going blood exchanges is increasing, and you no longer have your own blood in your body. And Wan Xingchen ’s cultivation is in those two It has coexisted with your blood for hundreds of years, now your own blood is gone, so your cultivation is constantly decreasing! "

"I think……"

Da Zizi looked at Yang Jian with a playful look: "In the beginning, you should have seen this drawback, but you thought you could overcome it, and you were afraid that others would know. Therefore, after every blood exchange, you will definitely pretend to compare it It used to be more powerful, right? "

"You tried to deceive everyone, but ... isn't this deceiving yourself?"

After listening to the words, Yang Jian smiled and said, "You know so much, how can you allow you?"




Daozong slowly said, "There is more than one clear-cut practitioner on the other side of the river, and the number of masters around Fang Jie is even unthinkable. Yang Jian, you think you can kill while your own cultivation has not completely subsided. Fuck me, haven't you thought you would be killed by me? Haven't you thought that even if you beat me, wouldn't the people on the other side explain that they would kill you?

Freedom said: "Even if I die, you will not be good. Fang Jie is not an idiot, and he will not miss such a golden opportunity."

"I have no time to pay attention to this."

Yang Jian said: "If Xun can kill you as soon as possible, then it must be jealous to solve their confrontation."

"I suddenly understood."

Da Zizuo breathed a long sigh of relief: "The reason you are in a hurry to kill me, Xiu is down for a reason. There is also a reason ... I said something wrong. Only now I wake up, I have a word true Shouldn't tell you. "


Yang Jian did not deny, he nodded: "That sentence really cares."

Dazui sighed a little: "When I saw you, I told you ... I want my name to be in front of Dalun Mingwang. At that time, I only intentionally said something to gain your trust. Then, because the only reason I can make you believe in me is that I have ambitions. But I forget ... I really should n’t compare it to the King of the Great Wheel. I forgot why the King of the Great Wheel The people of the Ketaimeng family have been a thousand years old! Because of this, you can't help but want to kill me? "

Yang Jian nodded again: "Being at ease, why can't I know that the people of the Kuoketaimeng family have been juggled by the big 6 for more than a thousand years, and they are controlled like thread puppets. This is why Mengge It would be crazy to declare war on Buddhism. He wanted to eradicate the evil. When Mongolia knew that Da Sui was in trouble, he was afraid to decide to break with Buddhism without hesitation? "

"Because he knows that he is just a puppet, but he has a strong neighbor to the east. He is afraid of the great strength of Buddhism, so why not fight against the strength of Da Sui. He is worried that if he breaks with the Buddhism, Da Sui Taking advantage of the western invasion, at that time, it is still unknown whether the owner of the court of the Yuan Dynasty was still a member of the Kuoktaimeng family. Therefore, Kouktaimenge has been preparing for a long time. When Li Yuanshan was in the northwest, When he found Meng before the rebellion, he certainly agreed to Li Yuanshan's request without even thinking about it. "

Yang Jiandao: "So, Mengge's original goal was not Da Sui. Although he sent hundreds of thousands of troops to help Li Yuanshan, his ultimate goal is still your Buddhism. After being oppressed for thousands of years, he lived like a slave. You can imagine how many fires in the family's hearts. You said that you want to become a larger Ming Dynasty king, but you don't want the Yang family to become the second Koktaimeng family. "

Freely sneered: "Yang family? Who else is your Yang family besides yourself? I see a lot of self-deceiving people in this world, like you, there is only one."

"Fang Xie has a descendant next to her. Although she is only a woman, she has the blood of the Yang family. Do you know why you let her escape to Fang Jie? I just want to keep one, even if it is a woman , Also to continue the bloodline of the Yang family. I don't trust Fangjie, but I trust him more than you. "

Yang Jiandao: "I came out this time, thinking about restoring the prosperous times of Da Sui. But I didn't think about it, what if I didn't do it? If I drank the blood of my descendants, but ultimately failed , That's the most sad thing. "

"I can't think of ~ ~ Yang Jian has such a decisive moment."

Dazuo took a few steps back: "Since you want to fight, then hit it."


Yang Jian couldn't help but laughed: "In this world, I'm afraid that no one has ever experienced many things that must be decided. If you beat Jiangshan, you will do more."

He pulled up his cuffs and took a deep breath: "And, your role is gone. Why don't you kill you if you don't kill you?"

Da Zi bloomed a seven-petal lotus in front of him, and the sneer on the corner of his mouth became more and more intense: "I want to see, how do you win me ... Don't forget, I also brought a lot of Buddhist disciples this time. You fight with me here, and as long as I command, the disciples of the Buddhism will be able to kill all the warlords under you. "

Yang Jian's hand turned into a big hoe, not his real big cock, but his inner strength.

"Then you try it."

He says.

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