Conquer the World

Chapter 919: Intolerable!

Chapter 915: No Invasion!

The power of the artillery was reduced a lot in the sea water, and too many stakes were dropped by the Mufu army in the shallow water. So even the 300 gunboats of the Opulu Empire took an hour to clear the coast and wait for them. When preparing to storm the landing, he was still hindered.

"Damn fishing net!"

A foreigner cursed resentfully. They rowed over the boat, but were stopped by the broken fishing nets.

He scrambled to untangle the fishing nets on the bow of the boat, before reaching out, he was shot by a few feather arrows, his eyelids rolled up, and he plopped into the water, and soon a red rose rose from below.


In the distance, Supel, who stayed outside the range of the Chinese archers shouted, "Suppress the backward bows and arrows of the Chinese, keep the formation!"

On the boat, the musketeers kept pulling the trigger, and the bullets shot like a meteor shower towards the shore. Although the fortifications on the coast were bombed a lot, the Mufu Army could still find a hidden place to fight back in a bullet rain. The first offensive of the Opulu Empire was suppressed on the bank, and no one could land ashore.


Supel turned back and shouted, "Suppress the Han archers!"

As the commander waved the flag, the artillery on the ship began a second round of power. The shells flew to the shore one by one, blowing up the sand bag, including the broken limbs. The backwardness of the long-range weapons allowed Mufu Army to suffer in the beginning. Although a lot of rock throwing vehicles were also set up on the shore, the large ships of the Opulu Empire stopped out of range, and the rock throwing vehicles could not cause greater damage to the enemy.

However, the boat near the shore was overturned by a rock thrower, and the soldiers of the Opulu Empire picked up the contempt and slackness before they began to pay attention to the Han army with backward equipment in front of them. The battles and victorious battles over the years have made the soldiers of the Opulu Empire proud.

Especially in the battle against Dong Chu, their huge advantage when facing Dong Chu army made them all think that today's battle will not be difficult.

They forgot that the lead of weapons on the battlefield was not the only factor in victory.

There is another thing that determines the outcome ... called fighting spirit.

Puff puff

Several Mu Fu soldiers were shot several times in the chest, and blood arrows splattered as the bullets entered. When he fell down, he was still holding the hard bow tightly, and there was no fear on his face before he died, and some were unfortunately unable to shoot the last arrow.

"Suppress the enemy in shallow water, don't give them a chance to land!"

Yan Li walked back and forth behind the low wall piled up with sandbags, shouting loudly as he walked: "The crossbow car! The moving crossbow car is moved by his mother, not for you to come to the nest on the shore! Chen Chaozheng, to Lao Tzu Come here! "

The reward for commanding the archer Chen Chaozheng heard the shout and immediately ran over his waist, and the bullet exploded on the sandbag beside him.


Chen Chaozheng came forward and crouched down and asked, "What's the order!"

Yan Li glared at him and yelled, "You look at your people! How can counterattack be so messy! Let your archer fifty people aim at a ship, don't waste the feather arrows! Didn't you see the distance? The enemy's sailor The sea route between us and the land has been blocked, the supply ship can't pass at all, we must be prepared to fight to the end without support! Give Lao Tzu aiming points, don't fight back, a team of people aim at a ship , Pick up the front shot! "


Chen Chaozheng promised, stood up and ran back. After only three or five steps, a bullet was hitting his shoulder and knocked him over. This time, the soldiers in the vicinity were shocked. Several people had to lift him up in the past, but Chen Chaozheng clenched his teeth and got up, looking at the blood hole in his shoulder and cursing.

"Du Te Niang went back and aimed at me!"

He tore himself off a piece of clothing and tied it with his teeth, then returned to the archer and continued to command.

The bloodiness of the general stimulated the bloodiness of the soldiers, and no one on the front retreated.

"This is not the way to fight."

Mu Xianjun shouted to Yan Li and said, "The enemy's artillery is suppressed from time to time, and then the enemy can take advantage of it for a while. If we continue to fight this way, our feathers will consume a lot but not kill the enemy."

"What's the little grandpa?"

Yan Li asked.

"Let them come over!"

Mu Xianjun lifted his eyes and looked at the big ship in the distant Opulu Empire: "When the enemy approaches 60 or 70 steps, the big ship will not dare to fire at random. Although the speed of the enemy's musket is not faster than our feathers The arrows are fast, but their aiming is simpler. We are at a disadvantage when we fight at a long distance. If you put the enemy closer to about sixty steps, the archer is the most lethal! "

"But once we can't hold the enemy down, our defense is dangerous!"

Yan Li said loudly.

"give it to me!"

Mu Xianjun stared directly into Yan Li's eyes: "The reserve team is up at this time. As long as the enemy is too close, I will bring all the practitioners to kill me and fight the enemy again!"

"it is good!"

Yan Li didn't hesitate, knowing that Mu Xianjun's method is indeed the best at present: "It's up to you!"

Yan Li shouted, and then got up and instructed the archer to temporarily stop shooting arrows.



Yan Li looked at the soldiers who were falling down one by one, the bloodshot in his eyes became heavier. He gritted his teeth and could not wait to rush up and kill all the **** foreigners. Putting the enemy back at about sixty steps and then hit back, it did kill the enemy a lot more, but at this distance, the enemy's musket also threatened the soldiers.

"General Yan!"

Mu Xianjun swooped in from a distance and pointed to the battlefield in front: "You see, the enemy's attack is not blindly pressed, the queue is neat!"


Yan Lidao said: "The enemy's muskets need to maintain an array to put pressure on us. If they spread their offense, although the attack speed will increase, but the loss will be greater. Little grandpa, look ... the enemy also keeps sideways when they move It ’s neat, the first row of shots stopped immediately, and the latter row was supplemented to continue firing. Their muskets were single shots, so they could only rotate in this way! "

"Our losses are too great!"

Mu Xianjun glanced at the corpse behind the low wall, which was almost as tall as the low wall: "Let the soldiers see the opportunity and fight back when the enemy's two rows are swapped!"


Yan Li had ordered before, but he was very pleased with Mu Xianjun's eyesight. In this weekday, he looks at the unpleasant little grandfather, not only has enviable talents in practice, but also has the same keen observation on the battlefield. He did not tell Mu Xianjun that he had ordered it, because he knew that Mu Xianjun needed affirmation and encouragement at this time.

"Within thirty steps, our company is sharper than their muskets!"

Mu Xianjun leaned against the low wall to avoid bullets. Although his repair was very high, the bullets were too dense, and he would be injured if he was hit. Even if the practitioner is moving much faster than ordinary people, even if the practitioner's ability to protect himself is very strong, when the bullet is as dense as a raindrop and the range is large, the practitioner cannot guarantee that he will not be injured.

"Is the little grandfather planning to bring the enemy closer?"


Mu Xianjun said: "Put it within thirty steps, and then let the soldiers fight back with a crossbow! At that instant, the enemy's loss will be heavy. When the enemy formation is in chaos, I will immediately take people to fight back. As long as they are mixed with them, they are sheep with their legs and feet tied! When I get entangled with them, you will immediately bring someone to fight back and force them back into the sea! If you fight repeatedly, the enemy will not dare Get close! "

"it is good!"

Yan Li looked at Mu Xianjun and said, "Be careful, Grandpa!"

Mu Xianjun smiled proudly: "Rest assured, although the foreigners' things are sharp, I have a sense. You tell the soldiers to prepare a crossbow, and when the crossbow is within range, I will immediately take people out!"

As the military order continued, the archers began to deliberately slow down the firing rhythm, and the foreigners' team kept in a horizontal line and pressed towards this side. Seeing that at about thirty steps, Yan Li personally beat the war drum, and the drum sounded like a thunder blast on the seashore, and the trumpets of Mufu soldiers' counterattack blew immediately!

A crossbow begins to show its might!

The dense crossbow covered the past frantically, and the foremost Opulu soldiers fell like a wheat that had been laid down by a sickle. In the army of the Opulu Empire, although the soldiers also wore leather breastplates, they were thinner than the Da Sui's standard leather armor. It is not difficult to tear off such breastplates with crossbow arrows, and they can send twelve arrows in a row. At this time, the crossbow was a nightmare for the soldiers of the Opulu Empire.

People fell row by row, and the wailing sound became one piece about thirty steps before the Mufu Army position. The crossbow is too dense, so dense that even a bird passing by will be shot into a hedgehog. Every foreign soldier has more than one crossbow in his body, and the least one in the front row has six or seven crossbows.


Seeing the opportunity came, Mu Xianjun shouted immediately. With the banner of Mufu waving, the practitioners in the army who had been waiting for the battle for a long time were like hungry tigers, swooping on the sheep. Seeing the Han's crossbow stopped and started to fight back, the panicked foreigners fired wildly in an attempt to stop the practitioners.

Hundreds of practitioners in the army took a short time to cross these thirty steps, but many were shot. Their repairs are uneven. The high ones have seven or eight grades, and the low ones have only two or three grades. Especially for those who have very low cultivation, their defense against bullets is not much stronger than ordinary people.

Many people fell, but more people flew in the past.

Tigers flock!

A strong tower-like man rushed into the foreigner's team, tearing a foreigner into two pieces with his bare hands. His two arms were opened, and they slammed together again. The two large fan-like hands hit the copper cymbals together and slammed on the head of a foreigner, and immediately patted this foreigner's head into a broken watermelon, and the brain cracked , Brain fluttering.

"Let them see!"

The tower-like brave shouted, "How did the men kill people!"

His fist slammed up ~ ~ A slamming directly knocked down a foreigner's chest and collapsed. I didn't know how many ribs were broken. The foreigner vomited a lot of blood and fell down. Already. This brave man walks with his feet, killing one person with one punch, like no one else.

A small captain of a foreigner focused on shooting with dozens of soldiers. The brave man was only able to avoid the killing. The bullet immediately hit a blood hole on him, and the bursting blood mist reflected a magnificent one in the sunlight. rainbow.


The brawny man blew his throat and snarled and rushed forward. Two big hands gripped the captain of the foreigner's neck, and then he fell to the ground. He stepped on the back of the foreigner with his big foot, and grabbed by two hands. The head of the living foreigner pulled up hard, but it was just a head pulled out!

"The Chinese are magnificent!"

He shouted, "Do not invade!"

The sound of gunfire sounded, and the big man hit a dozen more shots, and his body staggered down, as if falling down a mountain.

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