Conquer the World

Chapter 960: bullet

Chapter 960 Bullets

East coast

This is a very typical small town in the south of the Yangtze River. Even in the war years, it was not affected. In fact, there are not many places in the entire Jiangnan region that have been affected by the war. Neither Shengtu nor Yang Jian dare to expand the war in Jiangnan.

The tranquility of this small town in the morning is very rare. There are few pedestrians on the paved road. The reason why people like to visit Jiangnan is because of the slow pace of life in Jiangnan, the picturesque beauty is second. People here know how to enjoy life and never get up early when there is nothing to do.

The men in Dongyan Town get up very late every day when they are not doing anything. Instead of washing first, they crouch at the door of their home and smoke a hookah. And women, even if just sitting in the neighborhood, will change into the most beautiful clothes, meticulous hair.

There are so many small towns like this in Jiangnan.

The sound of horseshoes broke the tranquility of the town, the sound of rattling was so crisp.

The old men who chatted at the village mouth looked back lazily, then startled. A team of seemingly imposing cavalry entered the town slowly. Those cavalry were wearing black armor, and the stables hanging on the winning hook on the side of the saddle were still chilling, even if they hid the front.

Each cavalry was carrying a stick-like thing on the back, and a deer skin sack hung on the waist. It seemed that the bulging stuff didn't know what it was.

The most frightening thing is the face armor pulled down from the cavalry iron helmet.

Incompatible with the atmosphere of this quiet town, it is the murderous spirit of those cavalry. The old people in the town haven't seen anything. Of course, they don't know that not every soldier in the army will be murderous. Only soldiers who have experienced countless lives and deaths will have such a cold and uncomfortable temperament.

If the tranquility of this small town is like a pool of water, then the cavalry team entering the town is a crocodile.

"Official Grandpa"

Hearing the news, Zheng Zhengshui ran over while wearing his clothes. He stopped in front of the team and smiled charmingly: "I don't know who the official grandfather is. What kind of work is there to come to our town? I'm from Dongyan Li Zheng, what do you tell me to do for you? "

"Are there any outsiders in this town?"

Don't ask the cavalry headed.

"No, our town is the safest. No outsider has ever come in."

Zheng Sanshui nodded and answered. Over the years, Dongyan Town has also joined the army and has seen the bandits. Zheng Sanshui has some experience dealing with these people. He knows that these soldiers must not offend, and if they do n’t want to be offended, follow them.

"The person we are looking for is special, and you will definitely be impressed if you have seen it."

Don't take an image out of your arms and shake it off: "It's all like this bald head, have you seen it?"

"Such a bald head?"

Zheng Sanshui suddenly trembled, thinking of the bald head who was a guest in his house at this time ... He didn't know the origin of the bald head, but only felt that the man was very gentle, kind, and extremely knowledgeable, and his son would not have read the hair. In a few days, he left that bald head.

"No ... no."

Zheng San's underwater conscious answer, he faintly felt that if he admits that he has one in his family, he must be sad.

"Please folks to cooperate. These bald heads are all Buddhist disciples who came from the Western Regions. They tried to assassinate Zhen Guogong some time ago, and fled after the defeat. These people are mild but extremely sinister. If anyone finds it, report it immediately, otherwise There is no danger. "


Zheng Sanshui murmured.

"He has it!"

An old man at the entrance of the village suddenly stood up and pointed at Zheng Sanshui loudly: "I only saw a bald head in his house yesterday, just dressed up like the people in this portrait. I didn't see it when I went in. It must have been hidden by Zheng Sanshui! "

Don't look at Zheng Sanshui and make a gesture.

The cavalry behind him immediately split into two teams and rushed forward to surround the yard. At this moment, a monk floated out of the yard and ran out in the distance.

"The musket!"

For the head, don't shout, the cavalry immediately took down the stick-like thing from the back, and then filled the bullet while chasing the monk, it was a firearm.


With the first shot, cavalry chasing behind the monks opened fire. Although the accuracy of the firearms in the longitudinal horse has been greatly affected, the number makes up for the lack of accuracy. After the child ejected the chamber, he made a fire snake, which was much faster than the feather arrow.

The monk swept forward and shook the sleeves of the robes as they swept forward. The large sleeves bulged like a sail full of wind, and the bullets hit them as if they were hitting a very soft but tough wall. However, if the monk wanted to avoid all the bullets, his running speed would drop immediately. The horse team quickly caught up with him and then trapped him in a circle.

Behind the team

Fang Xie and Xiang Qingniu rode over slowly and glanced at the monk: "This monk's cultivation is not very high. The firearms battalion sends out all together. He only has the power to protect himself and will not be long Kill. Foreigners in East Xinjiang should rely on the number of firearms to defeat the practitioners. "

Xiang Qingniu nodded: "However, you want the firearm camp to chase down Buddhism, what do you want to know?"

"Know how the foreigners killed the practitioners."

Fang Xie shook his head: "It seems that the foreigners' firearms are not the same as my firearms. The practitioners with more than eight grades have the ability to block the bullets and then pull back. As long as they do not rush forward, the problem of escape is not big. . But the news came back from Xiaoqi School, there are nine practitioners in Dongjiang who died under the firearms of foreigners. And the people who have the goods through the sky have already understood with Mu Guangling. At that time, many practitioners in Dongchu tried to assassinate. The Emperor of the Opulu, named Lehmann, failed. "

Xiang Qingniu frowned: "Do you mean, foreigners have firearms that restrain practitioners?"


Fang Jie's face was a bit unsightly. He could not think of how foreigners killed Jiupin practitioners.

In the distance, the monk was finally unable to resist under the volley of dense rainstorms. After a bullet penetrated his body, his inner strength immediately suffocated, followed by countless bullets that killed him. The body penetrated, and the blood mist burst.



The preparations for the northward movement of the army have been basically completed, and the troops of the Black Flag Army have dispatched a horse team of more than a thousand people to clear away the remaining bandits. Fang Xie can only do so much. After he leaves, he can conclude that most of the deserters under Sheng Tu and Yang Jian will become bandits and scourge. But after all, he had to leave, so he had to be more clear-minded.

It was getting dark when I returned to Guyuan City. Today, the firearm camp killed one monk, the one hiding in Dongyan Town. It's not that the firearm camp is not powerful enough, but that Fangjie has been sending people in the firearm camp to do this. At that time, the masters who were brought freely were killed by him and Xiang Qingniu. Some people fled, but the number was not large.

"Still wondering what methods the foreigners used to kill the overwhelming practitioners?"

Xiang Qingniu asked.

Fang Xie nodded, frowning with tea frowning.

"Zuo Mingchan came from Mu Ping to get the news."

Fang Xie passed a secret letter in front of Xiang Qingniu: "There are many foreigners in Muping. Yang Shunhui, who guards Muping, has completely become a slave to foreigners. The foreigners who landed behind Mu Guangling landed from Muping Zuo Mingchan said in the letter that the original foreign team entered Muping as businessmen. They came in batches, turned to zero, and then quietly left Muping. It took half a year to form a group of tens of thousands. Procession. This foreigner army was supposed to go behind Mu Guangling, but was stopped by Zhao Tianyu who was rushed from Jiangdu. "

"However, since then, Yang Shun has no obstacles to foreigners. The foreigners have not infiltrated the army a little bit with the previous method, but the fleet of the sailors landed directly in Muping City, and the first team of the army entered. City. The two guards of Yang Shunhui all withdrew beyond thirty miles and left unattended. "

Fang Xie sighed: "The commander of the foreigners' army over Mu Ping is an Archduke of Opulu Empire named Ertege, who is carrying no less than 100,000 people. Yang Shunhui simply sat in the slaves, and Mu Ping was in the city. The **** practitioners were unwilling to organize an assassination and wanted to get rid of Ertag. As a result ... the dozen or so practitioners who went there died. "

Fang Xie said: "Zuo Mingchan came to know the incident and took people to answer those rivers and lakes guests. But they did not answer, and those people did not come out when they entered the courtyard where Ertege lived. Zuo Mingchan ventured to investigate , Inspected the bodies of those rivers and lakes guests, and found that they were all killed by firearms. "

"However, Zuo Mingchan suspected that the firearms that had killed Jiang Huke were unusual. He quietly overturned a foreign soldier, inspected the soldier's firearm and found no difference. Then he went to capture an Ertai Ge's relatives came out and checked the relatives' muskets. Nothing was found, which is basically the same as that of our firearm battalion. "

"No difference?"

Xiang Qingniu asked curiously.

"There must be a difference, but Zuo Mingchan didn't find it."

"That's wrong."

Xiang Qingniu pondered for a while: "The musket is no different, is it a bullet?"

Fang Xie nodded: "Now I start to doubt this too ... wait ..."

Fang Xie's eyes suddenly flashed: "I have seen the so-called mages of foreigners before. In the Yunnan Province, Emperor Nan Yan Murong Sha invited the mages to help. There are several mages. They use different methods from practitioners, but The effect is almost the same, and it also uses the vitality of the world, but they are not urged by the force of cultivation, but by ... "

Fang Xie turned around and instructed: "Send someone to send a thousand miles to the Snap Riding School in Mu Guangling and Muping City, and let them try to find some of the bullets used by the foreign soldiers around the important generals of foreigners."



At the same time as Fang Xie thought about ~ ~ Muping City, a mile away.

Qianqi Zuo, a member of the Xiaoqi School, glanced at the dead body lying on the ground, and could not help but shake his head and sighed: "For two months, this guy actually carried it for so long! Two months, the means were exhausted, and I didn't have to ask The secret of these foreign firearms. "

"Thousands of households!"

A young Xiaoqiang school rubbed his nose, squatted down and looked at him and said, "This guy didn't find a bullet. Why didn't he bring a bullet?"

Zuo Mingchan patted his head: "I fuck! His mother is only looking for differences on firearms, looking for differences in people. I even his mother thought that these foreigners also have practitioners, but the practice is to be inside Jin is attached to the bullet, but does not think about the problem of the bullet. "

"Let's get some!"

He smiled: "As long as you know what the foreigners used to kill the practitioners, and then crack it, the good old days for foreigners are over!"

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