Conquer the World

Chapter 961: Something so familiar

Chapter 961 Something So Familiar

Army advance

Not only did the Black Flag Army advance in Guyuan City, but also Suzakushan.

The reason why Fang Jie waited so long is that one is to be safe, and the other is to wait for someone.

Fang Xie was waiting for Chen Dingnan's army to return.

After receiving Fang Xie's military order, Chen Dingnan learned that he would attack Changan City.Where did he dare to delay? They waited in Xinyang City while Chen Qianshan returned to Suzakushan Camp to mobilize the remaining available troops.

After the two met, according to Fang Xie's instructions, they did not enter the Jiangnan to the east, but instead went north to cross the Huangniu River into the northwest of Da Sui.

The reason Fang Xie arranged this is because the number of sad soldiers and horses is too large. If the troops are concentrated, the speed of crossing Hebei will be slow. Although the sailor is now very good, it is not the same to **** so many soldiers and horses. A matter of two days. Chen Qianshan and Chen Dingnan took the horses across the not-so-wide Yellow River without the assistance of a sailor.

The mission of the two of them was to go to the northwest first, to ask Jin Shixiong to stay in the remnant of the northwest, and then to take down the iron ore in the northwest, leaving the garrison behind, and the brigade crossed Yishui into Hedong Road.

There are two benefits to this arrangement.

First, it is needless to say that although the northwest is exhausted, it is thousands of miles away, not to mention there is a huge iron mine in it. Second, entering the Hedong Road from the northwest has broken Gao Kaitai's return.

Both Chen Dingnan and Chen Qianshan knew the significance of this battle, so they did not dare to slack off. After the army converged, they sent someone to send a letter to Fang, and then the two men immediately started their troops. There is naturally nothing to do in Huangzhi It is not difficult to cross the Yellow Cattle River. Even in the northwest, the resistance of the two people will not be strong. When Jin Shixiong left, he almost came out of the nest, and the number of defenders left in the northwest was not large and the equipment was simple.

Fang Xie is not worried about Chen Qianshan and Chen Dingnan, but is it against the team that aids Eastern Xinjiang?

I am quite concerned. There is no problem in Nalanding's east leadership. The problem lies in the chaotic situation in East Xinjiang. Now the teams from Jiangnan Jiangbei to aid East Xinjiang are not only Zhao Tianzhang and Nalan, and all the teams nominally returned to East Xinjiang. Mu Guangling's temperance, but it is difficult for such a complex team to manage well.

Everyone is going to fight against foreign enemies. This is good, but we must know that regardless of the past or present life of the Fangjie Han people, the Central Plains Chinese people have never regard the rights regardless of time and place. Mu Guangling is the nominal commander. This is true. How many people really listen to his military order? How many people think they should be the deputy commander?

Worry is worry, but now that the team has been released, Fang Jie knows that he cannot interfere too much.

Winter passed in such a hurry, and on a sunny day, the curtain of the Black Flag's northern expedition slowly opened.

According to Fang Xie's military order, the army was divided into six roads. The first to open the road was Xia Hou Baichuan with 50,000 troops. The left wing was Zhuge Wudi, and the right wing was Liu Xuri, each with 50,000 troops. Fang Xie brought in the Chinese army, and he served as military staff with Dugu Wenxiu, leading 200,000 troops.

This is a typical formation of the Da Sui marching around.Although Da Sui's army is behind in weapons compared to foreigners, Da Sui never lags behind either party in the formation.

An army of three hundred thousand and eighty thousand, mighty.

In addition, Zheng Qiu and Duan Zheng's two sailors were already waiting on the Yangtze River. After Fang Xie's military order was sent to Yunnan Province, the first one was Duan Zheng's newly formed sailor. Integration After the original Nan Yan's navy division, coupled with the new warship, Duan Zheng's navy division is no less powerful than Zheng Qiu's fleet.

This magnificent use of troops is the first time since Fang Jie established the Black Flag Army.

Fang Xie has been concentrating on his strength in Southwest China over the years, and by the time it is taken out, this strength is already enough to make people fear.

\ "Principal \"

Dugu Wenxiu looked at the map and sat on the slightly swaying carriage.

\ "The water division of Duan Zheng is in Qinglin, and the water division of Zheng Qiu is in Wanzhou. The two places are not more than ten miles apart. According to the size of the water division, it takes at least ten days for the entire army to cross the river. 38 10,000, auxiliary soldiers and civilian husbands, plus 100,000, coupled with war horse carts, especially the heavy heavy camp, crossing the river is time-consuming. \ "

Fang Jie nodded: \ "I have ordered Duan Zheng and Zheng Qiu's sailors to take down a place on the north bank.The Sui army on the north bank has basically been cleaned up by Gao Kaitai's men, and there is basically no defense on the river bank. The Marine Division has ample troops, and it is not difficult to win the place needed for landing. \ "

\ "Xia Hou, although he is anxious, is safe."

Dugu Wenxiu said: "" The master uses him as a pioneer and is the most suitable person. "

\ "Your duty is not to make flattery. \"

Fang Xie smiled and said: \ "Find the best route from this map, this is what you have to do. \"

Dugu Wenxiu also laughed, and then drew a line on the map with charcoal: \ "It is best to land from Qiong Ai City. However, Qiong Ai City is near the river. It used to be a supply for commercial ships on the Yangtze River. Ground, now there are fewer wars than in previous years, so there must be a lot of ships on the city of Qiong Ai, and those merchant ships can be recruited by then. \ "

Wu Yidao said beside: "" Fleet of cargo through the sky, waiting for Qiong Ai City. "



Fang Jie looked at. [,! ] Map, the idea in my head extends along the line drawn by Dugu Wenxiu. There is no doubt that although this route selected by Dugu Wenxiu is not the latest, it is definitely the most secure. If you follow this line to enter the army, As long as you cross the river, you can get to Changan City in less than a month.

\ "Now the strongest person in Jiangbei is naturally Gao Kaitai. After Wang Yiqu's death, although some of Wang Yiqu's subordinates were unwilling to honor Gaokai's order, and several people even fled, Gao Kaitai still had at least a dozen or 200,000 horses. It is tantamount to laugh at these troops to break through Changan, but it is an obstacle to stop us. "

Dugu Wenxiu sighed: \ "It would be nice if the conflicts in Gao Kaitai could be intensified before the war. Wang Yiqu's men, even those who stayed to listen to his orders, may not be convinced of him. If you can find some suitable people to encourage rebellion, then the first war in this real sense will be much smoother. \ "

Fang Jie said: "I have already informed Chen Xiaoru to do it, and Xiaoqi School is doing this job. No one is better than them."

\ "If Gao Kaitai is not a problem ... then the biggest problem is the walls of Chang'an City. \"

Dugu Wenxiu said: \ "Although his subordinates have not been to Changan, it is conceivable how strong and tall the wall of this circle built by the power of the 200 years of the Great Sui Dynasty is, even if we have a firearm camp and want to break through that The city walls are also difficult. \ "


Dugu Wenxiu said: "" We don't know much about the city of Chang'an. In addition to the five thousand iron generals left by Yang Jian, how many troops are there in the city? If we can find out in advance, it will be very helpful to the attack. "

\ "Not difficult \"

Wu Yi smiled: \ "I have a fat man named Jiu Caicai in Changan City. Although his light work is not like the world's unparalleled, but it is not too difficult to get in and out of Changan City. \"

Fang Xie nodded: \ "I know the nature of Jiuxiecai, and he ran like a catkin of catkins blown by the wind. \"

\ "Although ... it looks like a big ball. \"

Du Gu Wenxiu's eyes brightened.He didn't expect Fang Jie to leave a **** in Changan City.

\ "Not only the number of defenders, if you can contact our people in Changan City, then you can completely divide the nobles in the city. Yang Jian is dead, and his general Weimu leads the 5000 Iron General to guard Changan, which is like giving Ben Changan City, which is absolutely defensive, is equipped with a knife, which can not only defend but also attack. However, the subordinates thought that the eminent officials in Changan City did not want to stay with Weimu. \ "

Wu Yidao nodded his head: \ "These people most often meet the wind helm. Maybe they will not do anything at first, but as long as the protagonist fights the prestige, many people will actively contact the protagonist. \"

Fang Jie said, "Jiu Se Cai is not a stupid person. If he knows that the army is here, he knows what to do."

Wu Yidao thought for a while and said: "" The **** of the elder princess ... "

He looked at Fang Jie, but did not say the following words.


Fang Jie didn't hesitate: \ "Notice everywhere. \"

\ "What to say next is forage ... \"

Dugu Wenxiu said: "Not counting Chen Qianshan and Chen Dingnan's team, the total number of people and horses led by the protagonist must be more than half a million people, plus the war horses and animals, such a huge team, a huge consumption every day. Let's bring the military rations of Shengtu and Yang Jian, plus brought from the Suzaku Mountain, and the dedication of the families of the Jiangnan ... It is estimated that it is enough for the army for one month. No more can be brought ... \ "

\ "It seems that the grain is worry-free for the time being, but after arriving in Jiangbei, the place has been swept by Wang Yiqu Gao Kaitai for two or three years, the people are suffering, the land is barren, and it is difficult to supply military food. If it is transported from the side of Suzakushan Camp, Then Houye ’s fleet and sailor will be taken up a large part. \ "

He shook his head: \ "It is better to solve the problem of grain and grass in Jiangbei. \"

\ "So ... the route marked by the subordinates, turned a small turn here ... \"

Dugu Wenxiu pointed to a place: \ "安庆 仓 \"

Wu Yidao shook his head: \ "Gao Kaitai has been in Jiangbei for a few years, I'm afraid that he has already shorted Anqing warehouse. \"

\ "Not necessarily \"

Dugu Wenxiu said: \ "The reason why Gao Kaitai searched the people so hard was that I didn't think he had emptied An Qingcang, but he wanted to leave An Qingcang to the end. I deliberately learned that Gao Kaitai is a very personal person. Be cautious. His team eats predatory food first, and keeps the food in Anqing warehouse in case of emergency. \ "

\ "After all, I have to fight. \"

Fang Xie thought about it and said: "In addition to the Anqing warehouse and the Suzakushan camp, there is also the Xinkou warehouse in Xinyang City. It is the fastest to transfer grain from Shunkou Road to the north."

As he said, he looked out of the carriage and said, "" It's almost time to the river. You can already smell the smell of the river. "

Just then, the carriage suddenly stopped.

Chen Xiaoru's voice sounded outside: "" Master, there are many famous people and countless people gathered on the riverfront, saying that they want to work. "

\"The troops?\"

Dugu Wenxiu smiled: \ "It's time for them to make gestures. \"

\ "How much does the army bring? \"

Fang Xie asked.

Chen Xiaoru came in from outside, holding a large wooden plate in his hand.

\ "Apart from the grain ... and this one. \"

Fang Xie looked over her head, her heart suddenly tightening.

On the big tray, there is a set of brilliant gold. [,! ] A!

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