"I do." The little giant agreed without hesitation.

Although the two years are neither long nor short, compared to being a slave, I don't know when and where I will die. It is a world of difference.

He had no reason to reject his benefactor.

And after he agreed, other people present, including sisters, singers and dancers, agreed one after another.

Rowe removed the collars from their necks one by one.

A series of explosions sounded in the sky above the No. 1 auction hall, which immediately alerted the entire Chambord Archipelago.

The little giant said quickly: "Benefactor, the navy will soon come to reinforce, let's leave soon."

"Need not."

Luo Wei waved his hand, "My factory currently lacks a large number of workers, so I plan to go to other auction venues for a spin. You follow me. With me, no one can hurt you."

Everyone looked at each other, wondering if what Rowe said was true or not.

They are all afraid and afraid. If Rowe fails, won't they become slaves again.

For a while, everyone was worried.

There were even a few people who turned their heads and ran on the spot, shouting as they ran, "I won't go crazy with you."

"Run, this guy is a lunatic."

For the behavior of this group of people, the little giant glared angrily, wishing to rush up to punch these ungrateful guys to death.

But Luo Wei didn't care. After all, everyone has their own ideas. They didn't believe that Luo Wei could protect them, so they naturally took advantage of this great opportunity to slip away.

As for whether they can escape, it depends on their luck.

If they are lucky, they can escape from the Chambord Islands smoothly.

If you are unlucky and get caught, you deserve it.

Luo Wei had already given the chance to live in front of this group of people. They couldn't grasp it, so who could blame it?

The rest of the people saw that Luo Wei didn't stop the escaping guys. One by one, they became excited. Many people looked at the escaping men and seemed to want to catch up.

To them, it seemed safer to run away now.

If you go to other auction houses, you will only be caught by the navy of the Chambord Islands and the slave traders.

At this moment, the little giant gritted his teeth and stood in front of Luo Wei, "I am willing to go through fire and water for you, benefactor."

"Call me Rowe."

"My name is Harley." The little giant called out his name.

"Fine, come with me, Harley."

Luo Wei punched out, and the surging power swept out like a landslide and tsunami, instantly pierced the wall of the No. 1 auction hall, and strode out.

"Yes, Lord Rowe."

Without saying a word, Halley followed with great strides. Since he said just now that he was willing to go through fire and water for Rowe, he would never violate his oath.

Others look at me, I look at you, I don't know whether to follow or run away immediately.

At this moment, the beautiful sister Hua from the East China Sea Goa Kingdom glanced at each other and followed with strides.

In their opinion, since Luo Wei dared to come here to make trouble, and declared that he had killed a Qiwuhai.

It shows that his strength is very strong. Whether he can leave the Chambord Islands depends on the man in front of him.

Then, the beautiful singer and dancer also followed.

Their idea is very simple. They have no money on their bodies, and they are so beautiful. If they run away alone, they will easily be targeted by the slave traders of the Chambord Islands again.

So it's definitely a good idea to follow the big army.

The behavior of a few people seemed to have some kind of chain reaction, and the rest followed suit.

Instead of running away from the stomach, everyone finally chose to hold a group.

In the end, only a few people chose to escape alone.

Luo Wei walked at the front of the crowd, and felt the more than 20 companions behind him with a domineering look, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but raise a slight smile.

Although there are ungrateful people in this world, there are also many people who repay their gratitude.

So, a group of people came to the No. 2 auction house in a mighty way.

This time, Luo Wei did not choose to buy slaves by participating in the auction.

It is enough to play this trick once.

What's more, the No. 2 auction house did not hold an auction today.

Luo Wei led the crowd into the No. 2 auction house swaggeringly, and shot out all the people who were blocking him, leaving only the person in charge of the No. 2 auction house.

The person in charge, Se Li Nei, roared loudly, "Do you know where this place is?"

Luo Wei stepped forward, pinched the person in charge's wrist, and crushed his wrist with a click.

Ah ah ah ah ah…

The person in charge suddenly let out a hysterical cry.

Luo Wei looked at him blankly, and said coldly, "Give you three seconds, if you don't stop howling, I'll pinch your neck."

Luo Wei has never been polite to such beasts who like to auction the same kind as goods.

Perhaps it was Rowe's ruthless eyes that frightened the person in charge. The other party instantly stopped his hysterical wailing and looked at Rowe tremblingly.

"You, what are you going to do?"

"I'm here to free the slaves here. Where are they all? Show me the way. If you don't stand up and bring me in for three seconds, I'll break your neck. UU www.uukanshu.com"

The person in charge endured the pain of shattering his wrist and stood up rolling from the ground.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'll show you the way now."

Under his leadership, Luo Wei and others came to a warehouse.

In Noda's warehouse, there were more than 20 slaves who were wearing collars, each with a gloomy expression, and the hope of life was lost in his pupils.

No one is becoming a slave, and they can still maintain their love for life.

When they saw Luo Wei, they all looked like they were about to die, like living corpses.

"Are all the slaves here?" Rowe asked.

The person in charge of the auction house nodded tremblingly, "All, all are here."

"Very good." Rowe asked with a smile, "If you are traveling, where do you want to go?"


"Forget it, I'll choose one for you, how about the windless belt?" Rowe said, without waiting for the person in charge to resist, he grabbed the guy's head and threw it hard.


The ceiling of the auction house shattered, and the person in charge, like a disco, turned into a black spot in the sky and disappeared from everyone's sight.

But the destination of his journey was not Dressrosa, but the windless belt.

As for whether or not to survive...

Well, Rowe admitted that with his physical fitness, it was probably impossible to survive.

However, this ending is quite in line with the identity of such a beast, doesn't it?

After solving the person in charge, Luo Wei looked at the slaves in the warehouse again, and found that the eyes of this group of people lit up one by one.

"I'm here to rescue you, everyone." Luo Wei said with a smile.

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