Not long after, when Luo Wei left the No. 2 auction house, the crowd behind him expanded from more than 20 people at first to more than 50 people.

Everyone headed for the No. 3 auction house in a mighty way.

Like the No. 2 auction house, there is no auction house.

But there are not a few slaves in the auction house.

In fact, every slave auction house in the Chambord Islands has a large number of slaves. When the slaves accumulate a certain number, a huge auction will be held.

Of course, if you get any good goods, there will also be an auction house.

All in all, Luo Wei didn't have to worry about being empty at all.

But this time, Luo Wei didn't take action, because when he led the crowd into the third auction hall, the little giant Harley took the initiative to deal with the guards of the third auction hall.

As a tough guy with a height of seven meters, the little giant Harley's strength is amazing.

Even if they weren't as good as the giants, they were much stronger than ordinary people. The guards at the auction house were no match for Harley at all.

None of the people present was the one-round enemy of the little giant Harley.

Harley often throws a punch and can easily blast a guard away.

In addition to Harley, there were five other people who, like Harley, shot before Rowe.

Against the guards, one is more ruthless than the other.

These people were just rescued by Luo Wei from the No. 2 auction house.

According to them, they are the warriors of the guardian royal family of a country on the Great Route, and because of a coup d'etat, they have been reduced from powerful warriors to slaves.

A total of more than 50 companions were divided among more than 20 auction houses in the Chambord Islands.

So they shot, not only for Luo Wei, but also to save their comrades.

Therefore, Luo Wei didn't even have to shoot, all the guards in the No. 3 auction house were defeated by the slaves he rescued, and the person in charge was captured by the little giant Harley, still in front of Luo Wei.

Luo Wei smiled and asked, "If you are traveling, where do you want to go?"

The person in charge shivered and was speechless.

Rowe said, "Then the Holy Land Mary Joa."

Luo Wei calculated the position, grabbed the guy's head, and threw it out. After smashing the ceiling, he flew all the way to the Holy Land of the Red Continent.

As for the slaves in the auction house No. 3, they were rescued by a key obtained by a companion.

Luo Wei waved his hand, "Go, move on, and save more of our compatriots."

The crowd cheered for a while, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

But this time it didn't go as smoothly as expected.

Luo Wei led the crowd on the way to Auction No. 4 when they were blocked by a group of navies.

The navy headed by him is still an acquaintance.

This is not to say that the two have met, but that Rowe met the navy in the original plot.

A man with a ferocious expression wearing a helmet with a two-headed dragon on his head.

Vice Admiral, Ghost Spider.

"That's it."

The ghost spider stood in front of Rowe's group of people, blocking Rowe's way, his eyes locked on Rowe, "Now, immediately put down the weapons in your hands and surrender."

Rowe was not surprised by the appearance of the navy.

After all, he had taken down three auction houses in a row in the Chambord Archipelago. The navy stationed here is not a dead person, so how could he not have received the information.

But what Rowe didn't expect was that the person who appeared here turned out to be a ghost spider.

This one is also a veteran lieutenant general in the navy. He studied under General Zefa. In terms of strength, he may not be as good as a general, but he is definitely the top lieutenant general.

Rowe walked out of the crowd, stood alone in front of the veteran admiral, and said with a chuckle, "I know you, your name is Ghost Spider, right?"

Ghost Spider looked at Rowe indifferently, "I'm repeating it again, let's catch it, otherwise..."

He didn't continue speaking, but his right hand held his own hilt without hesitation.

Rowe asked, "I have a question."

"I have no obligation to answer you."

"You should know what kind of people are behind me." Rowe pointed to his back.

Ghost Spider couldn't help but stunned, "What do you mean?"

Luo Wei continued: "The Chambord Islands are full of auction venues. Because there are so many interests involved, your navy has no choice but to turn a blind eye."

"Shut up!" the ghost spider roared, as if being stabbed by the pain in his heart.

Luo Wei continued: "I just want to ask, I rescued this group of people today, do your navy really want to capture them all and send them back to be slaves?"

"Is this the justice of your navy?"

This time, not only the ghost spider, but even the navy behind the ghost spider was shaken.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, I don't know what to do for a while.

Although the navy in the world of One Piece likes to be a dog to the Tianlong people, it does not mean that they do not have justice and persistence in their hearts.

Ghost Spider pulled out his saber with a clang and put it on Rowe's neck, killing intent in his pupils.

"Don't try to shake our justice."

Luo Wei smiled and became happier, UU reading "I never thought about shaking your justice, I just wanted to know, is your justice trying to stop this group of people from finding freedom? If so, forget it."

This time, the surrounding navy became more and more shaken.

When the ghost spider saw this scene, he was furious and wished to slash Rowe with a sword.

But his reason told him that he couldn't do it. If he did it, the justice that the navy behind him believed in would collapse.

But the problem is, he didn't know how to refute Luo Wei's words, and he was stunned for a while.

Luo Wei said softly: "Well, let me give you an idea. Since you turn a blind eye to the auction houses of the Chambord Islands, you might as well turn a blind eye to our behavior. how?"

"After I rescue all the slaves in the Chambord Archipelago, I will leave the Chambord Archipelago. What do you think?"

"Ghost spider."

"Ridiculous!!" The ghost spider roared, "As a navy, how can I just sit back and ignore this evil."

"Evil deed? Does the current navy think so, is it also an evil deed to rescue slaves?" Rowe looked past the ghost spider and looked at the navy behind him.

"Do you think so too?"

Oops! The ghost spider screamed badly, and he would be forced into a corner by the other party in just a few words. This person's eloquence is too powerful.

If Rowe knew what the ghost spider was thinking at this time, he would definitely laugh.

He has a fart talent.

The reason why the ghost spider was forced into a corner by Rowe's few words is entirely because the navy in this world is not upright and clearly pursues justice, but turns a blind eye to the world's greatest evil.

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