Conquering the Multiverse From Pirates

Chapter 112: fruit of justice

In Rowe's opinion, the chairs under the Navy's buttocks are rotten, and there is no justice at all.

Speaking of justice, is he worthy?

Not suitable.

After all, the ghost spider is not a dove with a mild personality, but a hawkish navy like Akainu. When he realized that he couldn't beat Rowe with his mouth cannon, he did not hesitate to do it.

"I have nothing to say with villains like you. Those who disrupt the order of the Shambert Islands must pay the price."

After all, he slashed at Rowe's arm with a sword.


At this moment, the sound of steel clashing suddenly sounded.

Ghost Spider looked at Rowe in disbelief, "How is that possible."

I saw Luo Wei stretched out a finger and blocked the attack of the ghost spider. The sharp blade hit Luo Wei's finger and was stopped abruptly, and he could not advance an inch.

Although he didn't use all his strength, this move wasn't something that could be stopped with just one finger.

Who is this guy? ! ! !

When the navy behind him saw this scene, they were all shocked and unable to control themselves.

"The attack of Lieutenant General Ghost Spider was stopped."

"The enemy only used one finger."

"how can that be?"

"How is that possible?" Rowe couldn't help laughing and asked, "Why is it impossible, because I represent justice."

"What?" Lieutenant General Ghost Spider was dumbfounded, how could this person be so nonsense.

Luo Wei said solemnly: "Maybe you don't know, I am actually a fruit of justice. When what I do is in line with justice, I am invincible."

"Absurd, how can there be such a thing as the fruit of justice in the world!!!!"

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider roared in disbelief, and tried his best to deny Rowe's words. Because he knew very well that once Luo Wei's words got out, the Navy would definitely be disgraced.

"So you know that there is no fruit of justice in this world, Vice Admiral Ghost Spider, do you know the names of all the fruits in the world?"

Rowe asked rhetorically with a half-smile but not a smile.

"Those who speak nonsense and shake the justice of our army deserve to die for their crimes!!!"

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider realized that he couldn't talk about these things with Luo Wei, so he made a decisive move, holding a sharp knife in each of his left and right hands, and slashed towards Luo Wei overwhelmingly.

However, Luo Wei was unmoved and even laughed lightly.

"Wood, big, big, big, big, big, big..."

He stretched out a finger and swayed it lightly, and every time he swayed, he could easily stop Lieutenant General Ghost Spider's attack.

No matter how fast and how fierce the Ghost Spider Lieutenant General attacks.

Rowe can easily stop him.

dang dang dang dang dang...

In an instant, the sound of steel clashing spread throughout the air, like a gust of wind and rain.

"Didn't I just say that I am a righteous person who has eaten the fruits of justice. When my actions are in line with justice, I am invincible, let alone you, even if it is the future, it will not be able to stop me."

"Today, I will definitely penetrate the entire Chambord Archipelago."


The ghost spider roared, and under the urging of the return of life, the long hair instantly turned into six huge arms, grabbed six quick knives, and two arms, forming the eight knives flow.

At the same time, he motivated his armed arrogance, and the eight sharp knives instantly turned pitch black.

"Eight knives, cutting!"

In an instant, the eight hands were about to slash at Luo Wei's body at the same time at eight different angles, as fast as lightning.

The ghost spider looked hideous, and vowed to cut Rowe into pieces in an instant.

"It's boring."

Luo Wei didn't dodge or evade, and even put down his fingers, letting the eight sharp knives wrapped in a domineering armed color slash at his neck, arms, thighs, waist, etc.

"Benefactor!!" the little giant Harley roared.


A loud voice came, and the ghost spider felt a huge anti-shock force passed from Luo Wei's body, tearing the jaws of his knife-wielding hands.

The six arms made of hair were shattered in an instant, and the sharp knife in his hand fell to the ground.

But Rowe was unscathed except for a few cuts in his clothes.

"How is this possible..." The ghost spider is almost unimaginable, can the human body really be so hard?

He could see that Luo Wei didn't use the domineering arrogance to protect his body just now.

And I used it myself.

But even so, his attack was still useless, not even breaking the opponent's skin.

Luo Wei looked at him with a smile on his face, and said a sentence of murder.

"Justice is invincible, isn't it a matter of course, Navy."

After all, he took a step forward and charged forward like lightning. Before Lieutenant General Ghost Spider could react, he slapped him on the chest.


A dull voice came, and the ghost spider was slapped by Luo Wei and flew out, and instantly hit the big tree number 4 in the Chambord Archipelago.

The huge force directly shattered the tree and collapsed downward.

Luo Wei looked at the dumbfounded and overwhelmed Ghost Spider subordinates, waved his hand and said, "Leave, Navy, there is nothing for you here."

Then Luo Wei led the crowd to the No. 4 auction house.

The navy who were present looked at each other in dismay, watching Rowe and the group of people leaving, no one made a move.

On the one hand, they knew they couldn't beat Rowe.

On the other hand, it was because they were shaken by Rowe's words just now.

They can't do it against a group of slaves who are trying to find only one.

After Luo Wei's group left, the remaining major generals gathered to discuss how to deal with this matter.

"What should we do now?"

"Rescue the Ghost Spider Lieutenant immediately and send him to the hospital."

"What about those people?"

"Report it to the Navy Headquarters. We can't control this matter. Let the people above get a headache."

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and finally nodded, even the Ghost Spider Lieutenant General was defeated by that group of people, they really had no choice.

So everyone quickly found the comatose Ghost Spider Lieutenant General and sent him to the hospital for treatment.

Finally, I remembered this incident, found the phone bug, and made a phone call to the Navy Headquarters.

At this time, let alone the No. 4 auction house, even the No. 5 and No. 6 auction houses were attacked by Luo Wei, freeing all the slaves in it.

His team, already more than 200 people, is getting bigger and bigger.

At this time, the navy headquarters received a call and learned of the incident in the Chambord Islands.

Marshal Sengoku was furious, "Why didn't you report this earlier?"

The person over there said hesitantly, "Because everyone is concerned about the injured Ghost Spider Lieutenant General, so I accidentally forgot about this matter. I'm very sorry, Marshal Warring States, we are willing to accept any punishment."

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