
Marshal Sengoku sneered, these guys really played him like a fool, really thought he didn't know what the minds of these people were.

But if you understand it, you will understand that Marshal Sengoku also has some headaches.

Because he didn't know how to deal with these guys for a while, so he could only scolded him twice on the phone to let these **** know his attitude and warned them not to make their own decisions next time.

After hanging up the phone, Marshal Sengoku couldn't help pondering.

To be honest, he didn't want to care about the slave riots in the Chambord Islands at all.

A group of slaves pursuing freedom, as long as they don't hurt anyone, he can turn a blind eye.

But the problem is that the opponent has already injured the Vice Admiral Ghost Spider, and the nature of the matter has changed.

This is completely provoking the Navy.

Especially the leading man who dared to say that he was a righteous man who ate the fruit of justice.

This is not bullshit.

He has been a marshal for so many years, but he has never heard of the fruit of justice in this world.

Of course, there are many fruits on the sea.

Warring States did not dare to draw conclusions lightly as to whether the fruit of justice exists or not, but based on his years of experience, this kind of fruit should not exist.

If it exists, the world government will definitely get this fruit.

Since the world government has not mentioned this fruit to itself, it means that most of this fruit does not exist.

Therefore, he judged that the guy was completely bullshitting.

After thinking for a moment, Sengoku called in the signal soldiers outside his office.

"Your Excellency Marshal." The signal soldier gave a military salute after entering.

The Warring States said, "Go and call Kuzan."

"Yes, Your Excellency Marshal." The signal soldier nodded and left quickly.

After a while, Aoki Kuzan walked in from outside, looking lazy, as if he had just woken up.

"Are you looking for me? Marshal of the Warring States Period."

The Warring States Period briefly explained what happened in the Chambord Archipelago, and then gave an order, "Kuzan, go and deal with the affairs of the Chambord Archipelago."

After Aoki Kuzan heard this, his eyes flickered several times, and he was reluctant to accept this order.

What is it to bully a group of slaves who yearn for freedom.

So he thought about it and decided to reject this mission, "As for Polsalino, he is the fastest and should be the most suitable for handling this matter."

Sengoku said, "Polusalino has returned to the Naval Science Unit, and he is not free now."

Kuzan thought for a while and then said, "What about Sakaski, the ghost spider should be his subordinate."

Sengoku said: "Sakaski encountered something and went to the New World. Now the naval headquarters can dispatch only you, Kuzan."

"This matter is so troublesome, can't we just turn a blind eye?" Kuzan still didn't want to go.

Warring States finally got angry, "Kuzan, do you know that this incident has caused an uproar in the Chambord Islands, and there are not many witnesses. If our navy does not act, it will be disgraced."

"I order you to act immediately, Kuzan!!!"

Kuzan sighed helplessly, knowing that he had no way to say no, he slowly got up, "Okay, then I'll go."

Warring States then nodded in satisfaction, "Go back quickly, Kuzan."

After Kuzan left the post-marshal's office, he walked all the way towards the port of Marinvando.

He did not take a boat, but rode a bicycle, along a frozen ice road, to the Chambord Islands.

Anyway, the Marine Headquarters Marine Vandeau is very close to the Chambord Islands, so there is no need to take a boat at all.

More importantly, he hoped that the person who rescued the slaves would be smarter and leave the Chambord Islands as soon as possible after the slaves were rescued, instead of staying in the Chambord Islands.

At that time, you can be perfectly staggered from the other party, wouldn't everyone be happy.

Even if Warring States asked, he could plausibly say that he was late and let the group run away.

He doesn't have the speed of Polsalino.

So Kuzan rode his bicycle and arrived at the Chambord Islands slowly.

The Rear Admiral, who had already received the message, was waiting at the port.

When he saw Kuzan appear in his field of vision, he immediately greeted him.

"General Green Pheasant."

Kuzan glanced at him and recognized the identity of the other party, "So it's you, Major General Cuaron, am I late? Sorry, I ran into a little trouble on the way."

Of course, Major General Cuaron knew that with the strength of General Aokiji, if he did his best, he should have arrived at the Chambord Islands an hour ago.

He is only here now, obviously trying to delay the time so that the slaves can leave.

But the problem is...

"General, you are not too late." Major General Cuaron said with tears in his eyes, "That group of people are still in the Chambord Islands."

Qingzhi Kuzan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He was already an hour late, and that group of people was still there?

"What happened, Major General Cuaron."

Major General Cuaron said with a wry smile: "Actually, as early as an hour ago, that group of people had liberated all the slaves in the Chambord Islands, and they completely penetrated the illegal zone from the 1st to the ~Then what happened next, why didn't they leave?" Kuzan asked curiously.

Major General Cuaron sighed and said, "The group originally wanted to leave, but because there were too many people, they needed boats, so they paid attention to knocking down the slave trader."

"As a result, they found that the slave traders still had a group of slaves in their hands, so they began to clean the slave traders from the Chambord Islands again."

"Nowadays, a large number of slave traders in the Chambord Islands have been arrested by them and turned into slaves."

"I believe that if this continues, the slave industry in the Chambord Islands will be hit as never before."

"Within a year, there should be no way to recover."

Kuzan nodded and said, "This is a good thing."

Major General Caron raised his chest and said without hesitation: "My subordinates also think this is a good thing, but the problem is that we have received too many complaints, General Aokiji."

"You also know that the illegal industry in the Chambord Islands involves many countries that are members of the world government, so we are about to be unable to withstand it, General Aokiji."

Kuzan was thoughtful, and he knew the key.

The Chambord Islands are so close to the naval headquarters, yet the slave industry is so developed.

And the navy can only turn a blind eye to it.

The factor in this cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences, and it is only natural that a major general can't stand it.

He is more aware that if this matter is not handled properly, this Major General Cuaron will definitely suffer.

The best result might be to be dispatched to that remote place and live a life of mediocrity.

So he sighed and said, "Leave this matter to me."

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