Conquering the Multiverse From Pirates

Chapter 114: Are we doing something bad?

After Major General Cuaron heard Aokiji's promise, he was excited for a while.

As a rear admiral in his prime, he really does not want to be sent to a remote place to spend his life.

So when General Aokiji was willing to take over this matter, if it wasn't for his calmness, he would probably be dancing and celebrating now.

My future was finally secured.

"Where are those people?" Kuzan asked.

Major General Cuaron said quickly, "Please come with me, General."

He took Kuzan to the illegal area of ​​No. 21. At the end of a street, there was a luxurious Gothic building.

Now, in front of this tall and luxurious Gothic building, there are crowds of people standing.

There are about a thousand people.

This group of people includes old and young, male and female, tall and low, tall and burly warriors, and weak girls.

I just heard a loud bang.

The Gothic building shook violently and even began to collapse.

A seven-meter-tall little giant smashed the door of the building and rushed out, holding a thin girl in his hand.

"Doctor, come and save her."

A white-bearded old man immediately emerged from the crowd, "I'm a doctor, put her down."

The little giant nodded, knelt down carefully, and put the girl in his hand on the ground. The white-bearded old man opened the suitcase and quickly diagnosed the little girl.

More than half of her ribs were broken, her internal organs were bleeding, her teeth fell off, and her finger bones were forcibly broken several times.

Even one eye is blind.

There is no doubt that the little girl was tortured unimaginably in this slave trader's base.

What the white-bearded old man looked at was furious, "Beasts, a bunch of beasts."

The little giant asked, "Doctor, how is she, won't she die?"

"No, but with the blind eye, there's nothing I can do." The white-bearded old man said bitterly.

As a doctor, he has never hated his poor medical skills as much as he does today, and there is no way to save a girl's eyes.

"Benefactor." The little giant Harley looked up at Luo Wei who was standing in the middle of the crowd, and begged, "Can you save her, she is still so young."

Luo Wei said calmly: "Don't worry, I know there is someone who can save her."

The little giant Harley suddenly felt relieved. He now has 120 trusts in Rowe.

Immediately afterwards, he stood up abruptly, turned his head to look at the slave trader's base, and was about to rush in again.

"I'm going to kill those beasts!"


At this moment, a voice came from inside the building.

A group of burly soldiers came out from the inside, and the man at the head was still on the ground with a grim-faced head.

"I have killed them all!"

"Good job." The little giant Harley laughed, "It's not a pity for these guys to die!!!"

When the people around saw the slave trader's fate, they all burst into laughter, because they were all slaves, and they hated the slave trader to the core.

The more miserable the slave traders were, the happier they were.

The little giant Harley said, "Where are we going next?"

"Go to the Hardy's." A girl in wiry clothes said loudly with hatred on her face: "I was caught by them and sold to the auction house. I know their location, and I'll show you the way."

The little giant Harley looked at Rowe.

Rowe pointed in one direction and said, "The Hardy family got news and ran away, but it doesn't matter, they are hiding there."

The little giant Harley said loudly, "Okay, then let's go to the Hardy family."

However, at this moment, a discordant voice suddenly came, resounding in everyone's ears.

"It's very difficult for me to handle you like this."

"Who is it?" The little giant Harley was furious. He looked in the direction the voice came from, and saw a man in a navy uniform with a lazy face standing outside the dark crowd.

The moment he saw this man, the little giant Harley's anger turned into fear.

"Big... General!!!"

For a while, there was an uproar in the crowd, and the screams continued one after another, and no one went to the legendary Admiral, but suddenly appeared in the Chambord Archipelago.

The rescued slaves backed away in fright.

In an instant, there was an open space in front of Kuzan.

Luo Wei walked through the crowd and walked slowly in front of Qingzhi. In fact, he had noticed it long ago when Qingzhi Kuzan landed on the Chambord Islands.

But Rowe didn't care, he was just a general.

He didn't care at all.

"How do you feel?" Rowe asked.

Qing pheasant Kuzan originally thought that Luo Wei would do something, but he was suddenly asked a question by the other side Mei, who was confused, and asked for unknown reasons: "What does it feel like?"

Luo Wei pointed to the people behind him, "How does it feel to be feared by them, General, are you proud of yourself? As soon as he appeared, there were so many people who were afraid of him, afraid of him."

"Look, General, how majestic."

Kuzan was silent, and was almost defeated by Rowe's words.

If it is feared by he may be proud or not, but the question is how could he be proud of being feared by a group of slaves.

This person's words are too yin and yang.

Luo Wei looked at Kuzan in surprise, "Hey, you don't seem to be upset, why?"

Kuzan glanced at him and said, "I know what to ask."

"Is it me who I know to ask?" Luo Wei asked rhetorically.

Kuzan didn't want to pay attention to him, and a trace of cold air was released from his body, which was a harbinger of action.

Luo Wei didn't care about Kuzan's coldness. If Akainu came, he would beat him without hesitation.

But since it was Aokiji, Luo Wei decided to tease him.

He ignored Qingzhi Kuzan's coldness, patted the other party's arm, and asked with a smile, "Hey, Qingzhi, let me ask you, are we doing something bad?"

The coldness on Kuzan's body couldn't help but suffocate.

He couldn't answer Rowe's question, was it a bad thing to free the slaves and fight the slave traders?

of course not.

But if he denied it on the spot, Rowe asked again, "Since it's not a bad thing, why did you come to arrest us?"

Then how does he answer?

At this moment, Kuzan clearly felt a little bit, the justice of the navy seems to be unable to justify itself.

No, you can't fall into the opponent's rhythm.

Aokiku Kuzan reacted immediately, looked at Luo Wei seriously, and said slowly, "You attacked the navy, Luo Wei."

He caught Rowe's attack on the ghost spider, "No matter what your purpose is, if you attack the navy, you must go back with me and be punished."

"I can let other people go, but you can't, absolutely not."

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