Does the Fourth Emperor care about money? Doesn't seem to care.

Kaido is entrenched in the island of ghosts, and is allied with the black charcoal snake of Wano country, and the sea stone in the world is produced from the country of Wano. It can be seen that Kaido only sells sea stone, and he can get it. Endless wealth.

Not to mention that this guy is a pirate, he can **** any wealth he wants.

Moreover, Kaido is dedicated to dominating the world and building an army of capable people, and his pursuit of wealth is not enthusiastic.

Charlotte Lingling builds a world with Cake Island as the center in the New World.

She aspires to build a utopia where all races and species can live in harmony.

This also led her to marry forty-three husbands, and gave birth to thirty-nine daughters and forty-six sons.

But what's interesting is that she clearly gave birth to these children, but she doesn't care about the lives of these children at all.

Once a child disobeyed her, she would ruthlessly eradicate the child.

Even killing the child is at the expense of it.

From her point of view, these children are just very handy tools she uses in her pursuit of One Piece and **** of the world.

This is exactly the opposite of Whitebeard.

Whitebeard has been single all his life. He has neither married nor had children, but he is most passionate about accepting sons.

All the sons under his command are not related to him by blood, but he treats everyone as his own son.

In his mind, his family and his son **** everything else.

Naturally, he has no interest in the wealth of the Ice Continent.

As for the red hair, although this guy is amazing in strength, his purpose is unclear. Not only is he a crew member of One Piece Roger, but he also has a close relationship with the Five Old Stars. He seems to be silently waiting for the next One Piece to appear.

Such people naturally don't care about money and wealth.

More importantly, although this group of people does not care about money and wealth, they never lack money and wealth.

So everyone knows that the new world is the world of the four emperors, and the four emperors divided most of the new world.

So they need money, and they can get a lot of money with just their fingers, and there is no need to go to the Ice Continent at all.

This is probably the reason why the wealth of the Eight Treasures Marines has remained in the Ice Continent.

Of course, this does not rule out that this group of people does not know that the Ice Continent has wealth.

But these people don't need money, but Rowe does.

Who let Nami and Nuoqigao take such big steps, if there is no money, the plan of sea trains all over the East China Sea will go bankrupt.

Of course Rowe would not allow this to happen.

So after he heard the news of the Ice Continent from Xia Qi's mouth, he took Nami away from the empty island and went to the Ice Continent.

The Ice Continent is said to be a continent, but in reality it is nothing more than a huge island.

Kind of like the island where the kingdom of Alabasta is located.

The ground of the Ice Continent is a thick layer of ice covered with sharp icicles.

After Luo Wei and Nami arrived in the Ice Continent, they lowered their eyes and used their perspective ability to sweep through the ice layer of the Ice Continent, and soon found the treasure hidden under the ice layer.


Luo Wei's eyes shot two red lasers, hitting the ice layer above the treasure, and in just a few seconds, the ice layer was melted.

The maximum temperature of superman's thermal vision can even exceed the core temperature of the sun, which can melt most of the matter in the universe.

Although Luo Wei did not reach this level, the thermal vision he released had already exceeded the temperature of the surface of the sun, reaching a high temperature of over 100,000 degrees.

It is more than enough to cut through the ice layer of the Ice Continent.

Nami opened her eyes wide and saw that after the ice melted, an underground ice layer hundreds of meters long was covered with gold jewelry.

For a time, her eyes turned into money symbols again.

"We got rich, we got rich!!"

Luo Wei said before that the treasures of the Ice Continent are huge, even more than the Golden Land.

She was still a little unconvinced.

After all, in her eyes, the Golden Land is already considered a great wealth.

But now she believes that the underground ice layer hundreds of meters long is full of gold and jewelry. This treasure is really huge, comparable to several golden villages.

"How much Bailey can this be exchanged for?" Nami muttered to herself.

Rowe said: "I don't know, at least there are hundreds of billions of Baileys, enough for you to use it for a while."

Nami nodded again and again, "Enough is enough, with this treasure, we can completely spread sea trains all over the East China Sea."

Rowe asked, "How are you going to take away these treasures?"

Nami turned her head and thought of an idea.

"Wait a minute."

After all, she soared into the sky and disappeared into Rowe's field of vision with a swoosh.

Not long after, Nami returned.

But this time, she came back with a sea train.

She took the edge of the hundreds of meters long sea train Wang ice layer, and then, like a hard-working little bee, transferred hundreds of years of wealth accumulated by the Eight Treasures Navy to the sea train little by little. .

Luo Wei couldn't help giving Nami a thumbs up. UU Reading

As expected of you, you were able to come up with such a solution.

After a while, the sea train was filled with gold jewels.

But the treasure in the Ice Continent is only nearly one-third less.

Nami lifted the sea train full of gold jewelry, slowly lifted it into the sky, and sent it to the empty island, dumping all the gold jewelry in the car into the temple.

Then she took the vacated sea train back to the Ice Continent and continued to carry the treasure.

Rowe originally wanted to help, but Nami decisively refused.

"Let me alone, I can do it, no problem, I'll do it alone."

This guy really fell into the eyes of money and couldn't pull it out.

Rowe couldn't help but complain.

After repeatedly trying to help and being rejected, Rowe simply stood by and watched Nami perform alone.

It took Nami more than a few hours and three or four trips to finally remove all the treasures of the Eight Treasures Navy, not even a single piece of gold was left.

This Nima is cleaner than a dog has licked.

Looking at this bare treasure trove, Luo Wei couldn't help but think.

How would you feel if Qingjiao and others from the Eight Treasures Marine Army came to the Ice Continent again in the future and saw the treasures accumulated over hundreds of years were gone.

Must be fun.

No, or do you really want to die?

After all, the treasures here are the efforts of the Eight Treasures Marines from generation to generation, accumulating huge wealth that took hundreds of years to accumulate.

As a result, it disappeared in the blink of an eye. This kind of thing is unacceptable no matter who it is on.

Luo Wei felt that it was not impossible for Qingjiao or Lao Cai to explode on the spot after seeing this scene.

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