Luo Wei doesn't feel sorry for Green Pepper or Lao Cai.

Although the wealth here is the result of hundreds of years of hard work accumulated by the Eight Treasures Navy as a whole, Luo Wei has not forgotten what the Eight Treasures Navy is.

They are pirates.

Even though their homeland is the Land of Flowers, they are official pirates formed under the orders of the King of the Land of Flowers.

But the problem is that pirates are pirates. They don't do anything about production. The wealth accumulated over the past few hundred years is not earned by them bit by bit, but by plundering them again and again.

These riches are smeared with the blood of innocents as much as a single gold coin.

It is precisely because of this that Luo Wei asked Nami to empty this treasure, exchange all the treasures for money, and put them into the construction of the East China Sea.

After all, the construction of the sea train is a great thing for the country and the people.

It can make people's travel more convenient and even safer.

After leaving the Ice Continent, Luo Wei returned to the empty island, and was shocked to find that his temple was covered with treasures, and there was almost no place to stay.

Only then did I know that Nami actually poured the treasure of the Eight Treasures Navy into her own temple.

Is a talent.

Rowe couldn't help giving Nami a thumbs up.

However, after emptying the last piece of gold in the sea train, Nami lifted the sea train and left.

She wants to return the sea train.

Rowe took the opportunity of her departure and called Nico Robin over.

As soon as Nico Robin entered the door, she saw the massive wealth accumulated in the hall of the temple, and everyone was stupid.


She has seen the ark motto made of gold, which is a huge wealth.

However, compared with today's huge wealth, that wealth seems to be insignificant.

Rao is a woman like Nicole Robin who doesn't value money. When she saw the gold jewelry that she did, she was still dazed and had a feeling of exclamation and suffocation.

Because the money is too much.

"How do you feel?" Rowe asked.

"It's spectacular." Nicole Robin took a few deep breaths, regained her former calm, and asked curiously, "Boss, did you rob the Tianlong people?"

"How is it possible that the Tianlong people are so poor?" Luo Wei asked.

Nico Robin was not dumbfounded, feeling that she had said something stupid.

Yes, the wealth accumulated by the Eight Treasures Navy for hundreds of years is huge, but compared with the wealth of the Tianlong people, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Tianlong is the richest person in the world.

This group of people living in the Holy Land Mary Joa has unimaginable wealth.

There are more than 170 member countries of the world government. In order to maintain their status as member countries, they will contribute a part of their wealth to Tianlong people every year.

This is the wealth of more than 170 countries.

And it’s still an annual one, which lasted for 800 years.

Luo Wei couldn't imagine how huge this amount of money was, but he knew that even if everyone from Tianlong was a master of spending money and often spent randomly, it was impossible to spend the money.

Compared with the wealth of the Tianlong people, the wealth accumulated by the Eight Treasures Navy for hundreds of years can even be described as a drop in the bucket.

Nico Robin asked curiously, "Where did the money come from?"

Luo Wei said, "This is the treasure that the Eight Treasures Navy has accumulated for hundreds of years. It was just robbed by Nami."

Nico Robin knows the Eight Treasures Marines, after all, this pirate is very famous all over the world.

"It turns out that the Eight Treasures Marines are really pitiful."

"Poor?" Luo Wei sneered: "The poor are not the Eight Treasures Marines, but the people who were robbed by the Eight Treasures Marines. They are really pitiful. Some people have accumulated a lifetime of wealth, but they are all robbed by the Eight Treasures Marines. Take it away, and who will make sense of it?"

Nico Robin said quietly: "The boss doesn't seem to like seeing pirates very much."

Luo Wei did not deny it, "When I conquer the world, I will clean up all the pirates at the same time. Under the world I have notified, there is no need for the existence of pirates."

Nicole Robin smiled and didn't object.

She asked, "Boss, when you came to me this time, shouldn't you simply show off your wealth to me?"

"Am I a shallow person like Nami?"

"I feel that Nami was so badly hacked by you."

"That's because you didn't see the look on Nami's face when she was carrying this wealth. You really can't get it out of the money."

Luo Wei snorted twice and said, "My purpose of looking for you this time is very simple. You are an archaeologist, sort out these treasures, pick out the valuable antiques, and throw the worthless antiques aside."

"I want to know the specific value of this treasure as soon as possible."

Nico Robin looked around, looking at the mountains of treasure, her face turned pale.

"Boss, are you trying to exhaust me?"

She couldn't even divide this huge treasure until tomorrow.

Luo Wei glanced at her and said, "You're stupid, can't you recruit people? Let the Baroque Work Club pay attention to scholars from all over the world, take them to the sky island, and let them help you."

Nicole Robin said, "Boss, don't you care that this treasure is exposed?"

"Do I need to care?"

"I understand."

Nico Robin nodded and began to think about where to find someone, and this matter must be discussed with Nami.

After Rowe sent Nico Robin away, he went to the devil fruit production factory again.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw that the little giant Harley was discussing something with a pair of beautiful sisters. UU reading


When the little giant Harley heard the footsteps, he turned back suddenly, saw Rowe, and ran over quickly.

"How's the devil fruit production going?"

The little giant Harley said: "At present, we have produced 400 artificial devil fruits, all of which are stored in the warehouse."

Luo Wei said, "Take out a hundred of them for me, I'll be useful."

"Yes, benefactor."

"Also, call me Luo Wei, or boss, don't call me benefactor."

"Okay, um... Boss." The little giant Harley nodded and turned to go to the warehouse to get the devil fruit.

Since Luo Wei brought this group of people back, he has arranged to work in the factory.

Because the little giant Harley was very loyal to Rowe, he was appointed by Rowe as the director of the factory to manage everything in the factory.

However, the little giant Harley didn't read much, so Luo Wei appointed a pair of sisters as his assistants.

The two sisters are nobles born in the East China Sea, well educated, and they assist the little giant Harley in managing the factory, which is not a problem at all.

At least during this time, the factory was running smoothly and there was never a big mistake.

Rowe was very satisfied.

After a while, the little giant Harley took a box and placed it in front of Rowe, "Benefactor, this is the hundred devil fruits you asked for, all of them are here."

"Very good." Luo Wei nodded, picked up the box and said, "According to what I said before, the factory implements a three-shift system and only works eight hours a day, so don't make everyone overworked."

"Don't worry, um... Boss, I won't be harsh on everyone," said the little giant Harley.

"That's good."

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