Rowe left the Devil Fruit Factory and went to the windless Nine Snake Island, where he met Boya Hancock.

Boya Hancock is sparring with his two younger sisters.

She was originally stronger than Sandasonia and Marigold, and after inheriting the power of Wonder Woman, she left the two younger sisters thousands of miles away.

Now he can deal with his two younger sisters with one hand.

So in order to make her younger sisters stronger, she would compete with her two younger sisters at the same time every day.

The effect is obvious.

After these days, both Sandasonia and Marigold have become stronger.

Even her body size has become smaller, and she has the shadow of a beautiful woman.

For this, Luo Wei was not surprised. After all, these two people are Boyahan Cook's younger sister. Boyahan Cook is called the most beautiful woman in the world, and her two younger sisters are not far behind.

When I was young, the three sisters were cuter than the other.

But later, because of being a slave, he suffered a lot, causing Boyahan Cook's two younger sisters to give up their beauty in order to become stronger.

An overworked one.

One is addicted to eating sumo hot pot and training muscles.

That's why the figure becomes so strange.

This time, under the high pressure training of Boyahan Cook, the two women began to develop in the direction of refinement.

As for whether he can return to his old figure, Luo Wei is not too sure.

"Hancock." Rowe's arrival interrupted the discussion between the three.

Boya Hancock kicked Sandasonia away with one kick and looked back at Rowe.

Rowe fell from the sky and landed in front of Boya Hancock.

Boyahan Cook asked curiously, "Boss, is there anything you want to do with your concubine?"

Luo Wei put the box in his hand on the ground and opened it. Inside were apples with strange patterns, "This is what I promised you, artificial devil fruits, a total of 100."

Sandasonia got up from the ground, took a closer look, picked up a Devil Fruit and observed it carefully for a while.

Marigold asked, "Are all of these zoology?"


"What kind of fruit are they?" Boyahan Cook asked.

Luo Wei replied, "Spider fruit, snake and snake fruit, ox and ox fruit, and even phantom beasts."

"Eudemons?" Boyahan Cook couldn't help being surprised.


"What kind of phantom beast?" Sandasonia asked. After all, this is a phantom beast. In the eyes of many people, Eudemons are not weaker than nature.

"Fish fish fruit, phantom species, green dragon form." Rowe said: "This is the devil fruit that Kaido ate, but Kaido has been caught by the navy many times, and Vega Punk used his bloodline factor to create it. A similar devil fruit."

"After I got this devil fruit, I have analyzed the principle and can produce this devil fruit."

"However, the output is not much. Among the hundred devil fruits, only three or five are phantom beasts."

Boyahan Cook said, "Enough is enough."

Usually in the sea, there is not a single phantom beast in the animal-type devil fruit for several years.

But now, on average, Nine Snake Island can get three or five phantom beasts a month.

Boyahan Cook put away the box and handed it over to Sandasonia, "According to my concubine's plan, distribute these Devil Fruits to our warriors as soon as possible."

"Okay, sister." Sandasonia nodded and left hurriedly with Marigold.

Boyahan Cook asked, "Boss, this time you came to find your concubine, besides giving away the devil fruit, there should be other things."

"How can you see it?"

"If you don't have any business, you won't go to Nine Snake Island in person. If you make a phone call, your concubine will go there in person."

"That's right." Rowe nodded. Although Boyahan Cook had a problem with his head, his IQ was normal.

The real problem is the circuit of her way of thinking.

"When I came to Nine Snake Island this time, in addition to sending fruits, I also wanted to borrow a few of you."

"Who does the boss want to borrow?"

"The warriors who are proficient in domineering, I need them to teach people to use domineering."

Nearly a month ago, after the war ghost Weber learned to be domineering, Rayleigh handed over all the training tasks to Webber, and he officially retired and left the empty island.

Rowe originally thought that Webber should be fine.

Then he realized that he was wrong.

It is true that Weber is an excellent fighter, but a good fighter is not necessarily a good teacher.

He will only follow the training manual left by Rayleigh, and keep training the soldiers of Shandia and the senior agents of the Baroque work club.

As for bringing forth new ideas, it can be said that it is a daydream to set a training plan according to each person's ability.

He couldn't do that at all.

So up to now, apart from Weber, there are only a handful of people who can cultivate the domineering look of armament.

Rowe couldn't keep his face down, and called Rayleigh back.

So after thinking about it, I finally chose Nine Snake Island.

Nine Snake Island is full of soldiers, even a weak woman can be domineering, so it can be seen that Nine Snake Island's domineering cultivation must be superior.

In the original plot, Luffy was slapped by the tyrant bear and flew to the Nine Snakes Island in the Chambord Islands, and met Margaret, the warrior of the Nine Snake Island.

Whether it is strength or physique, Margaret is far inferior to Luffy at the beginning.

But people are just domineering.

Therefore, Luo Wei hoped that Boyahan Cook would give himself a face, and send a few warriors who were proficient in domineering to protect the country, and send them to the sky island to teach the cultivation method of domineering on Nine Snake Island to his subordinates.

Boyahan Cook originally thought that Rowe would make some demands, but he just wanted a few domineering warriors.

Without any hesitation, she readily agreed.

"Of course you can, concubine can let my sister teach your boss how to cultivate domineering."

"Then I'll trouble you." Rowe couldn't help laughing.

Not long after, when Luo Wei left the Nine Snake Island, he was surrounded by five Nine Snake Island warriors who were proficient in domineering.

One of them was Boya Marigold.

Several people were sitting on a small boat. Rowe lifted the boat and sent them to the empty island, and handed them over to the war ghost Webber, so that Webber could entertain the group of people well.

When Weber knew that the group of Marie Groud was here to teach them domineering, the whole person was relieved and agreed.

"Don't worry, Lord Luo Wei, I will definitely take good care of them."

These days, after he replaced Rayleigh and became the chief instructor of the Sky Island training camp, he realized that this instructor is not easy to be a good one.

He will be domineering, but he can't do the same as Rayleigh, formulating training plans according to each person's characteristics to help them wake up domineering as soon as possible, causing the progress of training to be delayed again and again.

Now seeing that Luo Wei has sent a few more masters who are proficient in domineering, he finally sees the hope of liberation, and of course he will not neglect it.

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