After Luo Wei settled the matter of the Sky Island training camp, he immediately turned his attention to Beihai.

The matter of conquering the nature-type devil fruit has been delayed until now, and he urgently needs a solution. After all, the nature-type devil fruit's ability far exceeds that of the animal system.

Just one elementalization is enough to make most people fall short.

So Rowe naturally set his sights on the Vinsmoke family.

Although the main direction of Wensmoggage's attack is the bloodline factor, not the artificial devil fruit, but the two are not completely unrelated.

In fact, anyone who has seen the plot knows that Vega Punk created the artificial devil fruit through the study of the bloodline factor.

Therefore, Rowe believes that Vinsmoke Gage's research on bloodline factors should give him some inspiration.

In fact, in addition to Wensmoggage, Rowe also thought of another scientist.

It was in One Piece's Golden Heart, the scientist who appeared who produced "pure gold".

This one is also a genius.

But unfortunately, the scientist is still in the belly of the lanternfish, and Luo Wei will not be able to find his whereabouts for a while.

So he focused his attention on the Vinsmoke family in the North Sea.

The North Sea is vast, and the sea far exceeds the great shipping routes. In addition, the Vinsmoke family does not have a fixed territory, so it is not difficult to find them...

After all, the Vinsmoke family started out with war, and other countries often hire the Vinsmoke family to fight.

So many people know how to contact this family.

Including Xia Qi.

When Luo Wei called Xia Qi and asked the other party for the contact information of the Vinsmoke family, Xia Qi readily offered a high price of 10 million Bailey.

Luo Wei agreed. For him, who had just obtained the hundreds of years of savings from the Eight Treasures Navy, 10 million Bailey was nothing at all.

Sprinkle water.

So he went to Xia Qi's ripping bar in the Chambord Islands and threw a gem in front of Xia Qi.

Xia Qi also handed over a note.

Above is the contact information of the Vinsmoke family.

Luo Wei took out the phone bug in front of Xia Qi and came to make a call.

There was a low voice over the phone, "This is the Vinsmoke family, who are you?"

Judging from the phone bug's imitation, the person answering the phone should be Sanji's father.


The head of the Vinsmoke family.

"I'm Rowe." Rowe reported his name, and he believed that the Vinsmoke family must know his name.

Since breaking through the Chambord Archipelago, he is no longer unknown now.

Sure enough, Gage's surprised voice came over the phone, "It turned out to be the famous slave liberator, do you have anything to do with our Vinsmoke family?"

Rowe said, "I have something important to talk to you about, Vinsmoke Gage."

Gage was curious, "Yo, you, a slave liberator, have something important to talk about with me. Could it be that you want to hire our Vinsmoke family to attack slave traders all over the world?"

Luo Wei didn't have such a big brain hole for Gage.

This aroused his interest, "If I said I really thought so, would you agree to this deal?"

"I refuse." Gage said without hesitation.

"Why, I can pay you a lot of money."

"This is not a matter of money. Many slave traders are related to the Tianlong people. As a member of the world government, our Vinsmoke family cannot fight against the Tianlong people."

Jage responded coldly to Rowe, "And you didn't come to me for this, right?"

Luo Wei smiled and said, "Yes, I'm not looking for you for this matter, but for something else. Do you want to make an appointment to meet?"

Gage didn't agree, "We'd better not meet until you figure out your purpose."

Luo Wei didn't expect this Gage to be so cautious, or to say that he didn't want to get entangled with himself. It seemed that it would be impossible not to make a big move.

"SAD, you should know what this is."

Gage couldn't help but be taken aback. He used to be a member of the same organization as Vega Punk and Caesar Courant. Of course, he knew what SAD was.

"What is the relationship between Caesar Courant and you?"

"The relationship between the murderer and the deceased." Rowe responded.

Gage was shocked, "You killed Caesar Kuran."

Luo Wei said with a smile: "Yes, I not only killed Caesar Kuran, but also took his research. I believe you should know what his research is."

Gage said in a deep voice, "Artificial devil fruit."

"So, let's meet, what do you think?" Rowe invited Vinsmoke Gadge again.

This time Gage did not refuse. He was silent for a while, and finally agreed.

"Okay, but I'll decide the time and place."

"No problem," Rowe said, "but I hope the sooner the better."

Gage said, "One day later, the Kingdom of Lubni in the North Sea, that's it."

After all, Before Luo Wei objected, Gage hung up the phone.

Luo Wei collected the phone bugs, looked at Xia Qi who was smoking behind the bar with a smile, and asked, "Where is the Lubny Kingdom, do you know?"

Xia Qi said, "For the sake of gems, you can answer this question for free."

"You should know the big liar Nolando. This is quite a famous fairy tale in the North Sea, and Lubni is Nolando's hometown and is quite famous in the North Sea."

"You can find this country if you go to Beihai and ask a little about it."

Of course Rowe knew about Nolando. After all, in the original plot, this one also had some writing.

Nolando was an excellent expedition admiral and botanist.

400 years ago, Norlando and his crew came to Gaya Island to avoid the storm, just to save the Shandia family from the "tree fever" attack, and ended the traditional ceremony of sacrifice of living people, and also joined the great warrior Karl. Gera became a good friend at first sight.

Although Nolando saved Shandia, he was misunderstood by the tribe as a sinner who violated traditions and beliefs because he cut down all of Shandia's "sacred trees" in the process.

After Calgary issued an eviction order to drive them away, he learned from Moose the reason why they cut down the tree, and he didn't catch Nolando in time to say goodbye, which became something he regretted immensely.

Later, Nolando returned to his country and told the king what he had seen and heard.

The king immediately sent Norland back to Gaya Island in search of gold.

As a result, everyone who has watched the plot knows that a part of Gaya Island was hit by the White Sea, so Nolando did not find any gold when he came back this time.

In the end, he was executed for the crime of deceiving the king.

And he himself has become a well-known big talker in Beihai.

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