Conquering the Multiverse From Pirates

Chapter 125: Germa Sixty Six

From Rowe's point of view, Nolando's execution as the king of big talk was tragic, but it was better than the fact that he led the people of the Lubni Kingdom to find the Golden Land.

The reason is very simple. There is too much gold in Golden Township.

At least thousands of tons.

No king can be unmoved when he sees so much gold.

In fact, the reason why the king of the Lubni Kingdom asked Nolando to take his people to the Golden Land, he knew what he was thinking.

Don't you just like the gold in the Golden Country?

If Nolando really led the group to find gold, what would happen to the Sandians?

It is entirely possible to refer to Columbus's discovery of the New World.

Anyone who has studied history knows that Columbus's discovery of the New World also successfully opened up a new route across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas. These new routes laid a solid foundation for future capitalist development in Western countries.

But this was a disaster for the local Indians.

European colonists such as Spain and Portugal carried guns and weapons directly and carried out brutal colonial rule on the indigenous people of the Americas.

It is true that it is unknown whether the people of the Lubni Kingdom will rule over Sandia.

But they will definitely plunder the golden land guarded by the Sandians.

And will the Shandians give the gold of the Golden Country to these greedy people of the Lubni Kingdom?

Of course not.

So what is most likely to happen next is a tragic war between the Kingdom of Lubni and the Shandians.

Although the people of the Shandia tribe are very powerful, the problem is that their population is too small.

Compared with the soldiers of the Lubni Kingdom, they are not worth mentioning at all.

Once the two conflict, the possibility of the Shandians being strangled is very high.

And at this time, Norland is the devil who brought disaster to the Shandians. At that time, can he maintain his friendship with the great warrior Calgary?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

If such a thing really happened, there would be a complete break between the two, and the hatred would be as deep as the sea.

Then the story goes in a different direction.

So in Luo Wei's opinion, it is not a bad thing that the Golden Land of Gaya Island was washed up into the White Sea, at least they managed to escape a disaster.

Uh, far too far.

A day later, Rowe left the Chambord Islands and successfully arrived at the Kingdom of Lubni in the North Sea.

Xia Qi is right at all, the Lubny Kingdom is indeed famous because of Nolando's story.

He entered the North Sea and inquired a little, and then he got the exact location of the Lubni Kingdom, and came to the port city of this kingdom.

He waited at the port of the city for a while, and a small boat came slowly and entered the port.

A well-dressed man jumped out of the boat.

The man has long, fiery red hair on the right side that covers his right eye, left eyebrow swirls left, and tattoos with the word "1" and a flame pattern on his right arm. He wears sunglasses, a red battle tights and a white cape. The cape symbol is "1". , special white gloves and belt.

This guy is none other than the eldest son of the Vinsmoke family.

Sanji's brother.

Vinsmoke Idge.

"You are Rowe, the slave liberator."

Vinsmoke Idge jumped off the boat, looked around at the pier, locked his eyes on Rowe, and walked over.

Luo Wei nodded, "I am, what about your father?"

Iji pointed to the boat behind him with his thumb, "Upload it, I'll take you to see my father now."

"Okay." Rowe smiled, followed behind Vinsmoke Idge, and got on the boat.

The boat soon left the port and headed towards the depths of the sea.

After the boat sailed at sea for nearly an hour, a snail boat larger than a sea train appeared in Rowe's field of vision.

This is the legendary kingdom of Germa.

This kingdom is a unique maritime country with no fixed territory in the world. It is usually operated separately by hundreds of snail boats. When combined, it is a kingdom.

When the boat reached the bottom of the snail boat, several huge hooks fell from above and hooked the boat.

The chain slowly rose, pulling the boat onto the snail boat.

Rowe boarded the snail boat and saw the symbol of the Kingdom of Germa.

It is a skull, the left eye of the skull is in the shape of a "6", and the right eye is in the shape of an inverted "6". A yellow lightning pattern runs through the skull.

On the wide floor, a tall man was waiting for Rowe's arrival, and there were several men and women wearing Germa combat uniforms beside him.

These people all had curly eyebrows, and at first glance they knew they were members of the Vinsmoke family.

Those eyebrows were printed in the same mold as Sanji's.

Behind them were a large group of combat soldiers from the Germa Kingdom, all wearing combat uniforms, looking at Rowe.

The tall man walked in front of Rowe, "First time, Rowe, I'm Vinsmoke Gage."

Rowe looked up at the head of the Jerma Kingdom.

Wearing a metal helmet, UU Reading has long blond hair, a pointed black beard sloping upwards, and a small beard on his prominent lower jaw.

"First meeting, Gage, I'm Rowe." Rowe shook hands with the king of Germa Kingdom with a smile.

He said: "Let's put aside the polite words and get straight to the point, what do you think?"

Gage nodded, "Very good, let's go to the living room and talk while walking."

Luo Wei did not refuse, and the group moved towards the living room of the palace.

Rowe said as he walked, "Not long ago, I found Caesar Courant, beat him, and got the technology to make SAD and the technology of artificial devil fruit from him."

"Of course, he didn't give me some of the key data."

"This makes me very dissatisfied. I gave him the opportunity to hand over key data to me, but this Caesar seems to be afraid that I will cross the river and demolish the bridge, so he will not give me life or death."

"So I had to spend some small means to get this data."

"After that, I killed this Caesar tenderly. Who made him have reservations about me before."

"Obviously I have already said that as long as he is willing to be my dog, I will let him go. As a result, he dares to hide these key data from me. There is no need to keep such an unfamiliar dog."

"So I killed him."

"Do you think I did it right, Mr. Gage."

Jiazhi didn't answer. Instead, the three sons and one daughter beside him glanced at Luo Wei and raised their vigilance, listing Luo Wei as a dangerous person.

This kind of guy must be vigilant.

After a while, Gage said, "Are you going to trade with me for the devil fruit manufacturing technology? Your Excellency Rowe."

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