Conquering the Multiverse From Pirates

Chapter 126: exchange technology

My dear, this is completely irrelevant to what you just said.

Rowe thought to himself.

He said so much just now, but he just wanted to give Jiaji a slap in the face. As a result, people didn't care at all, and instead focused on the artificial devil fruit technology.

This state of mind is really good.

Rowe smiled and continued: "After I got Caesar's artificial devil fruit technology, combined with the artificial devil fruit made by Vega Punk, I finally overcome this problem."

"Now, I can mass-produce artificial devil fruits. Do you think you can buy this technology?"


"Can you make Devil Fruits?"

"Overcame this technology."

Gaji's sons, Iji, Niji, and Yongji were shocked.

Even her daughter Reiju had an unbelievable expression.

Even the World Government has not thoroughly mastered the research on Devil Fruits. How is it possible that this Rowe has mastered this technology.

During the conversation, the group finally came to the living room of the palace.

Gage invited Rowe to sit down and looked at Rowe with solemn eyes, "Do you really master the technology of artificial devil fruit?"

Luo Wei took out an apple from himself and put it on the table.

Everyone invariably looked at the apple, which had a strange pattern on its surface, very similar to a devil fruit.

"Is this a man-made devil fruit?"

"That's right." Rowe nodded, "If you don't believe it, you can give it a try."

Yuji said, "Leave it to me, father."

Gage nodded and agreed.

Yuji picked up the Devil Fruit on the table and took a bite, his facial features gradually distorted.

"It's best to finish it," Rowe said.

Yuji glared at Luo Wei, it's really torturous that you want me to finish eating this horrible food.

But in the end, he still ate the artificial devil fruit bit by bit under the watchful eye of his father.

Yuji immediately found that his body had undergone tremendous changes.

He took a deep breath, and his body began to swell. Interestingly, the battle suit on his body was not damaged because of this. Instead, as his body swelled, he instantly changed from a human to a huge cobra.

"It's in the form of a snake fruit, a cobra, you're lucky," said Rowe.

Yuji looked at Luo Wei with cold eyes, and then activated his ability, changing from a cobra back to a human form.

Gage's eyes flashed a little bit of heat, and he looked at Rowe and said, "Okay, it's really great, let's make an alliance, Your Excellency Rowe, you have devil fruits, and I have powerful soldiers."

"If we can form an alliance, we can completely create an army of capable people. At that time, the whole world will tremble under our command."

"Even the world government would not dare to offend us easily."

Iji, Niji, Yuji and others were all excited.

"Yes, our soldiers in Germa are extremely powerful, and if they have artificial devil fruits, they will be even more powerful."

"It is not a dream to rule the entire North Sea."

"No, not only the North Sea, but also the East China Sea, the West China Sea, and the South China Sea will tremble in our shadows."

bang bang bang...

Luo Wei knocked on the table, interrupting the group's thoughts, and said slowly, "I'm not interested in Germa 66. I'm here to get your research, Gage."

"My research?"

Luo Wei nodded and said, "Yes, although I can create artificial devil fruits, it can only be limited to the animal type. The superhuman type has encountered a little trouble, and the natural type cannot be overcome."

"That's why I think of you, Vinsmoke Gage."

"Although the direction of your research is not artificial devil fruit, but the bloodline factor, but Vega Punk also created the devil fruit based on the bloodline factor."

"I hope your research can open my eyes to overcome the difficulty of the nature department as soon as possible."

"I don't know if you are willing to hand over your research to me."

Gage lowered his eyes and looked at Luo Wei, "If you can hand over the technology of artificial devil fruit, I am willing to hand over all the research technology of bloodline factor to you."

"Okay." Rowe nodded.

Jiazhi's expression was shocked. If Rowe is willing to hand over the technology of artificial devil fruit, he can completely get rid of Rowe, and he knows the devil fruit.

At that time, the Vinsmoke family can still dominate the North Sea.

However, in the next second, his face darkened.

Because Luo Wei said: "I can only give you the research materials of Caesar Courant. After all, your bloodline factor research is only worth this price."

Iji looked cold and seemed to want to make a move.

Neddy was furious, "You bastard, don't you look down on us Germa?"

Yuji said gloomily: "You seem to have forgotten that you are still in our territory now."

Luo Wei looked at these hairy boys with a half-smile, "So, do you want to use force?"


At this moment, Gage opened his mouth and agreed to Luo Wei's request.

Iji and the others all looked Father, you have to agree to such an outrageous request? "

"I can catch him right now and torture him." Yongzhi was even more malicious.

Luo Wei glanced at him, and didn't intend to get mad, but he made up his mind that when he got the research on the bloodline factor at hand, he would definitely give this kid Yongzhi an unforgettable surprise for the rest of his life.

He believed that Yuji would love this surprise.

Leijiu glanced suspiciously at Luo Wei, and always felt that Luo Wei couldn't speculate in her heart. She always felt that the person in front of her was very dangerous. If her father made a deal with him, it was very likely that she would suffer a big loss.

But the problem is, she has no way to stop her father, she can only take a step by step.

After Luo Wei and Gage reached an agreement, they immediately began to exchange the technologies mastered by both parties.

Gage took Rowe to the replica arsenal in the Kingdom of Germa, and showed his research results in front of Rowe.

Luo Wei also took advantage of the situation to tell the other party some artificial devil fruit technology.

Soon after, the two sides formally exchanged each other's technologies.

Luo Wei handed over the thick stack of materials prepared in advance to Gage, and Gage also handed over the thick stack of materials to Luo Wei.

The two sides sat in the hall, silently watching each other's research materials.

Luo Wei spent a few minutes, and finally finished watching Jiazhi's research on bloodline factors. He found that these research materials were only the research data of replica soldiers, not the research data of transforming people.

You must know that what Jiazhi is best at is to transform the human body through the transformation of the bloodline factor, so that these people can obtain a physique beyond ordinary people after birth.

And will get an exoskeleton whose skin is sturdy and resilient.

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