Chapter 101 Picked up a Pink Hair Singer!!

Some people say that the history of mankind is a history of war.

While this statement cannot be said to be entirely true, it is pretty much the same.

Since the birth of human beings, most of the time has been spent in killing each other, and as humans set foot in the universe, the flames of war have also spread to this vast space with human beings.

New living spaces also bring new disputes.

New weapons to make the war even more brutal!

The sheer number of battleship wrecks and meteorites floating in Earth’s high orbit is the best proof of this.

At this time, in the wreckage of these meteorites and battleships, there is a purple warship.

That’s right, it’s the CRS-class light cruiser sent out by Lin Ziqin to gather intelligence!

An hour ago, it reached Pluto’s orbit on the outskirts of the solar system and sent the intelligence it had gathered back to the fleet.

Then it came here, waiting for the arrival of the fleet.

At this time, the fleet is probably still gliding in the fault space.

The fleet is expected to arrive in two hours.

The battleship is controlled by Xiao Ai’s subsystem.

Of course, if you use plain words, it means doppelganger.

While waiting here, she continued to gather intelligence to prepare for future fleet operations.

Just then, a distress signal caught her attention.

It’s not surprising that there will be distress signals here.

According to the information she intercepted, there was a battle here just a few hours ago.

Maybe the distress signal was sent by the survivors.

After pondering for a moment, Xiao Ai’s subsystem made a decision – to save the other party!

It was not her act of kindness.

She did this for one purpose, and that was to get more information!

A human being living in this world must have more information than she had.

And she believed that when her master arrived, this native world human might be useful to him!

Subsequently, Xiao Ai’s subsystem sent a Phantom transport plane and flew to the location where the distress signal was located.

Similarly, she awakens the dormant battle robots in the ship.

A moment later, the Phantom transporter returned.

Its belly also dragged a blue-ton triangular escape pod.

The moment the Phantom lowered the escape pod, a large group of battle robots, armed with weapons, surrounded it.

Star Alliance warships are protected by powerful shields.

But its interior is very fragile.

During the Human Star Alliance War, many Star Alliance warships were destroyed by the enemy from the inside because they infiltrated the enemy inside.

Especially when the Spartan warriors entered the ship, the only thing the Star Alliance could do was to abandon the ship as soon as possible.

After all, the Spartan warriors are also known as the Ship Treasure.

Once you are on the ship, you will die!

Although Xiao Ai’s subsystem does not think that the people in the escape pod can be as strong as the Spartan warriors, she will never take it lightly until she knows the identity of the other party.

The escape pod has a security system.

For her, though, this backward security system is easy to crack.


Two seconds later, the escape hatch was opened with the sound of air pressure jets.

In an instant, all the combat robots raised their weapons and aimed them at the exit of the escape pod.

“Hello, hello…”

Meanwhile, a pink sphere jumped out of the escape pod.

The mouth kept shouting ‘Hello Hello’.

The moment the pink sphere flew out, Xiao Ai’s subsystem scanned each gadget in an all-round way.

After confirming that it was just a robot pet with no danger, she was relieved.

“Allah, here it is?”

A pink head popped out of the escape pod.

The purple eyes looked around, and their eyes were full of doubt.

The maiden can be very sure that this is not the warship of the Zaft Army!

Of course, it can’t be the warship of the Earth Army.

The robots in front of her and the flying machines around her were something she had never seen before.

The little love subsystem also quickly performed an identity scan on the girl.

More than an hour ago, she had hacked into all the networks of this world’s human beings.

She quickly confirmed the man’s identity.

“Lax-Klein?” It looks like I’ve picked up a big package. ”

Lacus Klein, daughter of Speaker of PLANT, Higger Klein.

PLANT’s most popular pink fur singer!

I didn’t expect to be able to pick up this big lady in such a ghost place!

However, this is also good, this person’s identity is not simple, perhaps some use for them in the future.

“Hello! Hello! Are you Huh? ”

The little pink robot jumped to the side of the subsystem…

Because it is a small love subsystem, its shape is naturally the same as that of Xiao Ai, which is a spherical drone.

The subsystem shot out a ray of light that imprisoned Hello.

It’s annoying that this little thing keeps bouncing around in front of your eyes.

She also ignored the stupid robot pet and came to Lacus.

“First of all, welcome to the ship, Miss Lax.”

“Please come with me next, but rest assured that as long as you don’t make dangerous moves, your safety will be guaranteed!”

“Who are you?”

Lacus looked at the subsystem with curious eyes.

It feels like a little guy who looks a lot like a Hello robot is very smart, but in the face of Lax’s question, the subsystem does not have to answer.

“Please come with me.”

Seeing that the little robot did not answer himself, Lacus did not continue to inquire.

“Can you give me back my little huh?”

For such small requirements, the subsystem will still meet.

“No problem.”

The next second, Hello’s confinement is lifted.

“Bad! Bad! You’re bad! Imprisonment is not allowed! ”

Hello then jumped back to his master’s side.

The mouth also said that the subsystem is not.

But the subsystem ignored it.

Subsequently, Lax, led by several combat robots and subsystems, came to the bridge.

The ship was not built with people in mind.

Therefore, there is no interrogation room built here, let alone a lounge.

The subsystem had to take Lacus to the bridge for a conversation.

Seeing the sci-fi starship bridge, Lacus was shocked.

Although she didn’t know much about technology, along the way, she also understood that the ship seemed very advanced!

At least she had never seen a more advanced ship than this one!

A holographic platform is enough to see that the scientific and technological level of this battleship is at least tens or even hundreds of years beyond the current era!

So, who built this ship?

She hadn’t seen the ship’s exterior.

If she could see the appearance of the ship, perhaps she would understand that the ship might not have been built by humans.

At least not by the humans of this world!

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