Chapter 102 The Archangel!!

“That is, you only came here to comfort the dead, and then you were sunk by someone and then entered the escape pod, right?”

“Yes, Miss Subsystems.”

After a brief inquiry, the subsystem had already learned from Lacus the reason why the young lady was here.

It can only be said that the approach of the Earth Army is really shameful to the subsystem.

Just because the passengers on the ship were adjusters, they did not hesitate to attack this civilian ship!

Tick tock!

Just then, the radar suddenly reacted.

The subsystem quickly stepped forward to check the situation.

At this time, a spaceship came.

And it’s a ship of the Earth Army!

Was it for this pink haired lady?

Perhaps, after all, this woman’s identity is not simple.

If they fall into the hands of the Earth Army, they can use their identity to disgust the Zaft Army.

However, the subsystem does not want to cause trouble for the time being, so of course she does not intend to take the initiative to provoke the other party, and she has no intention of leaving from here.

Because it was the meeting point, she didn’t want to wait for the fleet to arrive before she left here.

However, in order not to be discovered, she still controlled the battleship and hid in the meteorite pile.

By the way, the stealth system is also turned on.

The Archangel, aka Long Foot.

It is the latest space warship of the Earth Army.

According to the original plan, it will enter the service in a few days and become the flagship of the Earth Army, but the scenery is endless.

But because of one thing, the fate of the ship was completely changed.

Inside the bridge of the Archangel.

The crowd was debating to obtain the necessary resources from the wreckage.

“Are we really going to do this?”

Dole couldn’t bear it.

He didn’t want to take anything from the hands of the dead.

Even if it’s just a small glass of water, or a can.

Muira Flagg patted him on the shoulder and said in a deep voice, “There is no way, no one wants to disturb the deceased.” ”

“But our situation today is very unoptimistic, water resources and food have bottomed out, and if we can’t replenish it in time, we will starve or thirst.”

“If we want to live, we must make a decision.”

The captain of the Archangel, Maliu, also said, “We only took a small part of it.” ”

In the end, Dole was persuaded and the others had no opinion.

While disturbing the dead is disrespectful to the deceased, they do need this batch of resources!

Subsequently, the people of the Angel began to recycle resources.

In this meteorite belt, there are a large number of battleship wreckage.

Among them are the resources they need.

Kira Yamato piloted the Strike Gundam and flew out of the Granacus of the Archangel with several engineering ships.

The scene in front of me amazed everyone.

I saw a huge continental plate floating in front of everyone’s eyes.

“Unius VII!”

Unius VII, a colonial satellite destroyed by a nuclear bomb a year ago.

They didn’t expect the wreckage of Unius VII to appear here!

“Don’t be in a daze, we don’t have much time, we must recycle resources as soon as possible.”

At this moment, the voice of Mu-la Flagg sounded in the communicator.

Only then did the crowd turn back to their senses and move on.

They came to a huge piece of ice.

The ice here used to be fresh water for the colonization satellite of Yunius VII.

Now exposed to the vacuum universe, the water has condensed into hard ice cubes and if you look closely, you will find that the ice cubes are still mixed with a lot of debris.

You can even see some corpses!

The crowd had to endure the discomfort and begin the cutting operation.

Meanwhile, Kira Yamato pilots his Gundam to patrol the vicinity while the entire process is witnessed by the CRS-class light cruisers hiding in the meteorite belt.

“Are they recycling resources?”

The subsystem murmured.

Lacus, who was next to him, showed a look of surprise.

Because she witnessed the Gundam flying near the ship, but the other party did not seem to find the ship!

Is the other person blind?

On such a day, a ship was not seen!

Lacus had no idea that the ship had turned on the stealth system.

Tick tock!

Half an hour later, the radar reacted again.

Another signal broke into the radar range.

But this time it wasn’t a ship, it was a mech.

This is commonly known as MS.

This MS is clearly not with this group, because it has the Zaft Army icon on its shoulder.

See, Lacus flashed a glint of anticipation in her eyes.

She knew that the other party might have come looking for her.

The MS soon came to the vicinity of the CRS-class light cruiser as well.

Lacus, however, was disappointed again.

The other party was also as blind as the previous Earth Army pilot, and did not find the ship at all.

Obviously, they all arrived at the side of this ship, but they looked left and right, but they didn’t look over!

When did the soldiers of the Zaft Army have such a bad look?


Maybe it’s not their reason, it’s the ship’s fault!

Could it be that the ship had hidden its form with technology she didn’t know?

Lacus wasn’t stupid, and she quickly thought of the answer.

It seemed that she could not expect the other party to find herself.

Lax sighed in his heart.

Time passes by minute by minute.

Soon more than half an hour passed.

The two armies have been wandering in this wreckage, but they have not found that the other side has no way, there are battleship wreckage everywhere, there are too many radiation sources, with their backward radar technology, it is impossible to detect each other.

Even if the radar finds the other party’s signal, it is estimated that it will be judged to be wreckage.

However, after a long time, the kitchen will eventually be exposed.

Kira Yamato was the first to discover the Zaft MS that was searching for survivors, but he was still a kind teenager, and although he was now a soldier, he still could not kill the enemy.

He just hid behind a meteorite and aimed his gun at the other side, praying in his heart that the other party would get out of here quickly.

If the other party can get out of here quickly, then he doesn’t need to kill people.

Such naïve thinking also shows that he is not a qualified soldier.

Contrary to expectations, M’s pilots searched for the wreckage and eventually found the Archangel’s engineering ship.

Compared to the kind Kira Yamato, the MS driver would obviously not be so naïve.

Without hesitation, he controlled the MS to raise his rifle and fire at the engineering ship!

Two shells passed by the engineering ship’s side.

“It’s Zaft’s Army!”

“Damn, why is the Zaft Army here?!”

The pilot in the engineering ship screamed in fright.

The screams of fear of his companions came from his ears, and Kira Yamato no longer hesitated.

He gritted his teeth and pulled the trigger, and two beams of light fell on MS’s body with precision, taking the other away.

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