Chapter 106 Three-Party Meeting!!

Under the action of the pulling beam, even if the Archangel loses 80% of its power, it can still come to the side of the Tianyuan very quickly.

The people in the bridge of the Archangel had left their places and were standing in a row by the porthole of the bridge.

In front of him was a promethean warrior armed with a weapon.

They witnessed the Archangel being sucked into the Tianyuan hangar.

From the appearance, you can see how advanced this incomparably huge spaceship is.

But when they entered the hangar, they found that they had finally underestimated the advanced level of the ship.

The blue barrier separates the hangar from the vacuum outside the ship’s fame.

Even when the hangar is open, the air does not flow!

This technique is completely beyond their comprehension!

Obviously, it is not a flying machine, but an object that can levitate in mid-air is better than “973.”


The most outrageous thing is that through the porthole, they can also see a group of white robots walking on a bridge made of blue light!

Wouldn’t they fall when they stepped on the light?

In the shock of everyone, the Archangel finally stopped.

At this moment, a man’s figure appeared on the big screen of the bridge.

This is the first time that Maliu and the others have seen each other’s living people!

It had always been robots, even in the hangar below, and they had suspected that the ship was controlled by a group of robots!

Lin Ziqin’s gaze swept over the bodies of this group of people one by one.

Seeing these people, he had the illusion of returning to his childhood.

Retracting his thoughts, he locked his eyes on Captain Maru.

“Captain Maru, come and talk to me.”

Why would the other person know her name?

Who is he?

Why arrest the Mishnah?

Although Maruel was full of doubts, she did not ask, but just nodded slightly.


Lin Ziqin continued, “Next my people will bring you to my side, and I will allow you to have one or two people accompany you.” ”

“Then thank you.”

When the communication ended, Maliu breathed a sigh of relief.

I don’t know if it is an illusion, when she looks at this man in person, she can feel a hint of closeness in the other person’s eyes.

Why is there a sense of intimacy?

She couldn’t figure it out.

Retracting her thoughts, Maliu’s eyes shifted to look at her colleague Natal.

“I’m going to bother you to accompany me again.”

Maru said slightly helplessly.

The mysterious man who went to meet this time did not know whether there was any danger.

If she could, she didn’t want to involve anyone else.

But she was a soldier and needed to do things according to military standards.

To meet with unknown forces, she must lead at least one lieutenant or subordinate with her.

Natal also expressed understanding.

“It doesn’t matter, I just want to know the purpose of the mysterious man.”

The two men, watched by a crowd, followed several Prometheus warriors out of the bridge.

On their way to meet Lin Ziqin, they also met Mu La Flag.

Then Maliu naturally took him with him.

The three men left the Archangel under the leadership of the Prometheus warriors.

Along the way, they looked around at everything around them.

When they came to a light bridge, they were still worried about falling off the light bridge, so they deliberately stepped on it with their feet first.

After finding that the bridge was strong, they continued to move forward with peace of mind.

Soon after, several people came to the end of the road.

It was a circular platform, and in front of it was an abyss with no bottom.

Are these robots taking the wrong path?

There is no road ahead, why did they bring them here?

The three of them had doubts in their hearts, but they did not dare to ask, and could only honestly continue to keep up.

But they made up their minds, if these robots were ready to push them down into the abyss, they would absolutely fight to the death!

Just as several people were making eye contact, they finally stepped onto the circular platform and immediately after, a light shrouded them for the next second and all they felt was a flicker in front of them.

When they reacted, the man came to another strange place!

“This, this is…”

The three looked at the unfamiliar environment in disbelief.

How did they get here?

“Space teleportation!”

Just then, Muhammad Flagg uttered a word.

Ma Liu’s eyes widened, “You mean, we just went through space teleportation?” ”

“I think it should be like that.”

Other than that, Muira La Flagg couldn’t think of any other answer…

In a blink of an eye, the kung fu appeared in another place, this is not space teleportation and what can it be?

So how many advanced technologies has this mysterious force mastered!

The Prometheus warriors nudged the three men, signaling them to move on.

The three calmed their inner shock and moved on.

It didn’t take long for the ladies to come to the door of the reception room.

However, just as several people were about to enter, Xiao Ai suddenly appeared and stopped several people.

“Please wait, the host is entertaining another distinguished guest, please stay here for a while.”

The other guest in Xiao Ai’s mouth is naturally the pink haired singer Lacus Klein!

Looking at a small robot that suddenly appeared, Ma Liu and the others looked at each other and then nodded.


At this time, in the reception room.

Lacus ate the food in front of her slowly and methodically.

Lin Ziqin sat on the first seat and looked at her quietly.

After about two minutes, Lacus finally put down the spoon, and the food in front of her had been wiped out.

“Thank you Mr. Lin Ziqin for your hospitality, I am already full.”

The reason why things have developed this way has to start ten minutes ago.

At that time, Xiao Ai had just brought Lacus to Lin Ziqin.

Just as Lin Ziqin was about to talk to this pink haired singer, a voice of discord suddenly came into his ears, and the atmosphere was suddenly embarrassed.

That’s right, a sound is the sound of Lax’s stomach grunting!

Not to mention, Lacus was cute when she blushed and shy.

I didn’t expect that Lacus would also show this kind of little girl posture, which is not common in anime!

In short, Lin Ziqin was not embarrassed to let a girl come hungry to talk to him.

So let Xiao Ai send a piece of food first, and fill Lax’s stomach first.

“I hope our food is to your liking.”

“Your food is very tasty, better than what my chef makes.”

Lacus smiled.

“Since Miss Helax’s appetite could not be better.”

Qin Yu waved his hand to let the robot take away the tableware, and looked serious.

“Miss Lacus has eaten and drunk enough, so it’s time for us to talk about the right thing.”

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