Chapter 107 Pink Cut Black Lax!!

“What’s the right thing to do?”

Lacus still had an innocent smile on his face, and he was cute.

But I just don’t know if this smile is true or not.

Lacus Klein, who looks like a naïve girl, but that’s just her appearance!

Hidden beneath innocence is a heart with a black belly!

A proper powder cut black!

She was undoubtedly a brilliant politician, even more politically gifted than her father, the current PLANT Speaker Higger Klein!

The funny thing is that the world just treats her like an ordinary singer.

The adjusters are also known as the new humans.

Their genes have been adjusted and engineered, and they are far superior to natural humans in both physical fitness and other aspects!

And this genetically adjusted technology can even set the child’s desired talent in advance before the fetus is born!

And Lacus, born into a political family, would she only have a talent for singing?

Obviously impossible!

Retracting his thoughts, Lin Ziqin said, “Lacus Klein, Miss Klein, the pearl in the palm of Siegel Klein, the speaker of PLANT.” ”

“Your father must be very worried about your disappearance.”

Lacus lowered her head, a glint of sadness in her eyes.

“I think my father should be looking for me all over the world at this time, and I really hope to see him soon, so that he can know that I am safe.”

That chuchu pitiful look made people look a little distressed.

Lin Ziqin could see that Lax’s expression at this moment was not pretending.

She really wished she could have met her father sooner.

Lin Ziqin said, “I can send you home.” ”

As soon as these words came out, Lacus instantly raised her head, and her face was filled with a happy smile.


Lin Ziqin nodded.

“But I have a condition.”

Lacus’s smile stiffened.

She also thought that Lin Ziqin was sending her home for free.

However, it is really impossible to take a closer look.

Her identity is special, there is a lot of room for operation, and no one will not be impressed.

Lax calmed down the complicated mood in her heart, her face remained unchanged, and asked, “What are the conditions?” If it wasn’t difficult, I would definitely say yes. ”

“It’s really not that hard.”

Lin Ziqin took a sip of tea and said, “Help me lead a line, I want to talk to your father.” ”

Lax was stunned, she didn’t expect Lin Ziqin’s conditions to be so simple!

“Can you tell me what Mr. Lin Ziqin wants to talk about with his father?”

Lacus asked tentatively, but she did not expect Lin Ziqin to answer herself.

But Lin Ziqin told her the answer after a moment of silence.

“Nothing, just want to ask him if he is willing to take PLANT to another more powerful country!”

The corners of Lin Ziqin’s mouth rose slightly, revealing a faint smile.

He didn’t mind telling the other person about it, and she would know sooner or later anyway.

The Lacus in front of her was stunned.

Let your father jump ship with PLANT?

This…… Is this possible?

It took a while for Lacus to come back to her senses.

She calmed her inner surprise and said, “I can help Mr. Lin Ziqin to connect with him, but I can’t guarantee whether he will agree to talk to you.” ”

“You just have to say yes, as to whether he wants to talk or not… I’m sure he won’t refuse. ”

Lin Ziqin was full of confidence.

He knew Siegel Klein too well.

Lin Ziqin saved his daughter, and Higger would talk to him no matter what.

As for whether the other party will turn against his side, it will be necessary to see what benefits Lin Ziqin will give later.

“Well, you go down and rest, and I’ll arrange for someone to send you home.”

Lin Ziqin snapped his fingers, and several service robots walked in.

“Then thank you Mr. Lin Ziqin first.”

Lacus followed the robot away.

When she walked out of the reception room door, she found three people standing at the door.

From the military uniforms worn by these people, it can be seen that these three people are the people of the Earth Army, that is, did the people of that ship also come here?

A faint glint flashed in Lax’s eyes, but they were quickly obscured.

As she passed by the monkey next to the three of them, she stopped and bowed slightly to greet them.

The three nodded in response.

“This girl feels a little familiar.”

When Lacus had left, Natal whispered.

Ma Liu also pinched his smooth chin and said, “Indeed, it seems that I have seen it somewhere.” ”

Muira Flagg looked at the two wordlessly.

“Don’t you know this big lady?” She’s the daughter of PLANT Speaker Siegel Klein, Lacus Klein! ”

Muira La Flag’s memory is obviously better than that of two people.

Of course, the main thing is that not long ago he saw the singing performance of this singer on a big screen, so he had an impression.

“It was her!”

“Why is the daughter of the Speaker of PLANT here?” Could it be that this is really the warship of the Zaft Army? ”

“It should be impossible, if the Zaft Army had such a strong scientific and technological strength, it would have already destroyed us.”

“The world is right.”

“But in any case, the presence of this Miss Lax here may not be a good thing for us.”

“A few of you can go in.”

Xiao Ai’s words interrupted the communication between the three of them.

Maliu glanced at the two men behind him and then led the way inside.

In the guest room, Lin Ziqin was still sitting on the first seat.

In this guest room, they also smelled a faint smell of food.

Did someone just eat here?

This immediately aroused the appetite of several people.

However, compared to Lax’s mischievous little belly, their big belly is very honest and did not make trouble on such a formal occasion.

“Sit down, a few of you.”

Lin Ziqin pointed to the position in front of him and signaled several people to sit down, and then he opened his mouth again.

“First of all, welcome to the ship, I am Lin Ziqin, the captain of this battleship.”

Lin Ziqin?

Listening to the name, this person seems to be a Han Chinese who has the blood of that ancient country.

That is to say, this person is also an earthling, just like them?

No, no!

A single name alone simply cannot confirm much information.

And no one knows if the name is real.

In just two seconds, one conjecture after another flashed through the minds of the three people.

“Hello Mr. Lin Ziqin, although you may know me, we still feel that we need to introduce ourselves.”

“First of all my name is Marliu Lamias, captain of the Archangel.”

“This is Natal Bakilulu and this is Muira La Fradha.”

Maliu also introduced his companions to each other.

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