Chapter 108 Lin Zi Qin who keeps digging the foot of the wall!!

After introducing myself, the relationship instantly became closer.

Well, at least that’s what Malius thinks.

But as everyone knows, in fact, Lin Ziqin knows them very well!

Especially Ma Liu, Lin Ziqin could even shout out her three circles on the spot!

The gaze did not mind a glance at Maru’s chest.


In short, even if they didn’t need to introduce themselves, Lin Ziqin recognized a few of them.

“Cough, according to my ship report, you Yu seems to have launched an attack on my ship, and I am curious, why did you attack my ship for no reason?”

“I can explain this!”

Ma Liu immediately began to explain, seemingly deeply afraid that Lin Ziqin would misunderstand.

“It was a misunderstanding, we mistakenly thought your warship was a Zaft warship, so we attacked.”

“We are deeply sorry for the disrespectful behavior of our deities.”

Speaking of this, Ma Liu stood up and bowed deeply to Lin Ziqin.

The proud twin peaks shook in front of Lin Ziqin’s eyes.

Worthy of you, Captain Shake!

Mu La Forada and Natal, who were nearby, also stood up and bowed to Lin Qin and apologized.

However, it was obvious that the two of them were not enough to attract Lin Ziqin’s attention.

, one man, the other is not big, what’s so pretty!

“Cough cough!”

Lin Ziqin retracted his gaze and said, “If an apology is useful, there will not be so many disputes in the world.” ”

Is it still not so easy to get forgiveness?

The three men looked up, not surprised by such an outcome.

Ma Liu said, “Then I don’t know how Mr. Li is willing to let us go?” ”

Lin Ziqin’s index finger gently tapped the tabletop, making a clicking sound, which touched the heartbeat of the three people.

In fact, he didn’t quite know what to do with the Archangels.

Bring them on board, mainly because they don’t want to see death and not be saved.

Now the Archangel is badly damaged, and if they encounter the Zaft Army, they will undoubtedly die!

And he still had a good feeling for these people in the Archangel, and did not want to let them die.

The three of them looked nervously at Lin Ziqin without speaking, they were waiting for Lin Ziqin’s reply.

After a long time, Lin Ziqin finally made a decision.

He glanced at the three of them and said, “Have you ever thought about job-hopping?” ”


The three of them were stunned.

Maru blinked and asked, “You mean you want us to jump to your side?” ”

Lin Ziqin bowed his head gently.

“Good value for money”

These three people have talents in all aspects, especially the experience of space combat and command, which is the most lacking in the current Empire.

If the three of them were willing to join the Empire, Lin Ziqin would arrange for them to work at the Imperial Naval Academy, so that they could cultivate more Imperial Navy talents!

“It’s impossible!”

Natar, who had been silent all along, finally spoke.

She smacked up from her chair.

“We will never betray our country!”

Born into a military family, Natal despised traitors the most, and never wanted to be a traitor.

And her persistence is one of the reasons why Lin Ziqin values her.

Admittedly, Natal’s personality is indeed inferior to Maliu’s.

Because she does everything like the rules of the army as the highest priority, it gives people a feeling of impersonal taste.

Because of this, there are many people in the original book who do not like the character of Natal.

The same is true of Lin Ziqin.

But if you look at Natal from the perspective of the military, you will find that she is definitely a good soldier!

It is no exaggeration to say that she is even more suitable to be a commander than Malu!

Although Maliu and Mullah Frada did not speak, it was not difficult to see their choice from their determined eyes.

However, this was also expected by Lin Ziqin.

“If you are willing to jump ship, I don’t force it, so let’s talk about it in another way.”

Lin Ziqin cocked Erlang’s legs and changed into a comfortable sitting position.

“Let’s make a deal!”

“I can release you, and I can even help you repair the damage to the Archangel!”

“And the only thing I need is that when one day you are betrayed by your own country, or when your country is destroyed, you have nowhere to go, you must come to me and be loyal to me from now on!”

This time, none of the three spoke.

Although the content of the transaction is still his loyalist.

But this time it was replaced by their future loyalists!

It’s not out of the way!

Because they believe that their country will not betray them!

As for the demise of the state?

They think this is even less likely to happen!

The United Nations of Earth has existed for so long, how can it be said that it will be extinguished?

Thinking about it, the three exchanged a wave of eyes with each other.

After a moment, Maruel bowed his head slightly, “Deal! If in the future our country betrays me, or if our country dies, we will come to you! ”

In fact, such a transaction is good for them, there is no harm!

Even if both of the above things happened, it would not be a bad thing to turn to Lin Ziqin!

So no matter how you look at the deal, they won!

In fact, in the short term, they did win.

Even in the long run, they don’t lose.

When in fact, Lin Ziqin still did not lose!

Even in the long run, Lin Ziqin has earned it!

The three of them have extremely rich experience in cosmic combat and command!

If he became an instructor of the Imperial Naval Academy, in time, they would definitely be able to cultivate more talents for the Tianyuan Empire!

“Oh, then I’m here to look forward to the day you turn to me soon.”

Maryunatarmu La Fradha: “…”

How does it feel like the other side is cursing their country to betray them quickly or perish quickly?

“Well, go back and rest, and the restoration of the Archangel will begin tomorrow.”

“Thank you very much.”

Maruel left with the two men.

“This guy is really weird.”

On the way back, Maruel pondered with a smooth little chin.

Make such a deal just to dig the foot of the wall!

And it’s a corner that you can’t necessarily dig into.

“Is he doing this very sure that our country will betray us or that our country will be destroyed?”

“How is this possible!”

Natal immediately dismissed Maliu’s speculations.

“Our country will never do anything that betray us!”

“As for the demise of the nation? Who can destroy the Earth United Nations? Zaft? If they could have done it, they would have done it a long time ago! ”

“Zaft really can’t do it, but you don’t seem to have included this man himself!”

At this moment, Muira Fradha, who had just been silent, suddenly opened his mouth.

“If this person strikes, will he be able to destroy the Earth United Nations?”

The two were stunned when they heard this, and then their eyes widened.

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