Chapter 109 The Archangel, that is a childhood memory!!

Lin Ziqin is a person who keeps his promises.

The next day, the restoration of the Archangel began.

At the same time, the summoned Ma Liu once again came to Lin Ziqin’s face in the same way that this time only Natar was accompanied by Natal.

“Mr. Lin Ziqin, would you like to visit the Archangel?”

When Lin Ziqin made his request, Maliu and Natar were a little surprised.

Obviously, they didn’t expect Lin Ziqin to be interested in the Archangel.

After all, in their opinion, the Archangel was not worth mentioning to Lin Ziqin.

“How? No, you can’t? ”

To tell the truth, Lin Ziqin’s interest in the Archangel was not because he was interested in the technology on it.

Mainly because of childhood!

Originally, the Archangel was one of his favorite space battleships as a child!

Lin Ziqin has been in the cave with other children since he was a child, and he especially loved space battleships when he was a child!

Especially when he saw the movie, the steel battleship that covered the sky in the animation passed overhead, it all brought him a huge sense of shock!

As a child, after being exposed to this anime, he fantasized all day that he would one day board the Archangel and let it carry him on a journey to Ningzhou.

Even as an adult, the Archangel is still one of his favorite space warships.

That’s why he asked to visit the Archangel to see his favorite warship.

It can also be regarded as fulfilling his own wish in his childhood.

Maliu and Natar looked a little embarrassed and didn’t know how to answer.

The Archangel is the new battleship of the Earth Army, and it is impossible for outsiders to visit it especially or people of other forces.

What if the technology leaks?

They can’t afford to pay their responsibility!

But they were not good at refusing Lin Ziqin’s request.

If you don’t look carefully, the other party has mastered such advanced technology and technology, and I am afraid that it will not look at the technology of the Archangel, right?

It should be no problem for him to visit the Archangel.

Thinking of this, Maruru took a deep breath and said, “Of course! We very much welcome Mr. Lin Ziqin to visit the Archangel! ”

Natal opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something.

But in the end, these words were stuck in the throat and not spoken.

What Maruel could think of, she could naturally think of.

So in the end, she did not oppose Maru’s self-assertion.

“Let’s take you on a tour now, how’s that?”

“Then thank you in advance.”

The three of them left the reception room and walked toward the Tianyuan hangar.

But halfway down the road, they met the oncoming Lax.

She is still dressed in pink today, and she holds the mischievous Harry robot Lin Ziqin in her arms and plans to send Lacus home in a few days.

However, in the next few days here, Lin Ziqin, afraid that she was bored, specially gave her some permissions, so that she could move freely in some areas.

“Allah, Mr. Lin Ziqin, good morning.”

Lacus smiled and greeted Lin Ziqin.

Lin Ziqin nodded in response.

“Good morning Miss Lax, are you here for a walk?”

“Yes, just finished breakfast, ready to go out for a walk, stop by and visit here.”

“Mr. Lin Ziqin, where are you going to go?”

Lacus looked at Captain Marius and Natal next to Lin Ziqin without a trace.

If I remember correctly, these two people were the same Earth Army soldiers who had a relationship yesterday.

“Go visit the Archangel.”

Lin Ziqin did not hide this trip, anyway, it was not an unspeakable secret.

“Is the Archangel the same white ship docked in the hangar?”

Lacus had been to the hangar last night and had also witnessed the white Archangel.

It’s really beautiful, no wonder it’s called the Archangel.

However, compared to Lin Ziqin’s ship, it was still much inferior.

“Can I go along?” I would also love to visit the ship. ”

Lacus actually wanted to go with it?

Although Lin Ziqin was confused, he did not answer, but instead looked at Ma Liu.

Only she can decide this matter.

Ma Liu thought for a moment and said, “Since Miss Lax is a friend of Mr. Lin Ziqin, it is also our friend, so it is naturally no problem to go together.” ”

Ma Liu did not know the true relationship between Lin Ziqin and Lax.

She mistakenly thought that Lin Ziqin and Lax’s relationship was very good.

But as everyone knows, Lacus only boarded the ship more than half an hour before them.

Lin Ziqin also knew that Ma Liu had misunderstood, but he did not intend to explain.

The other side.

Tianyuan Bridge.

Shamna stood in front of the holographic platform, frowning and watching Lin Ziqin follow Ma Liu and the others towards the Archangel.

“Does it really matter if the Emperor goes alone to these people’s ships?”

Although she knew that these people’s backward weapons could not hurt Lin Ziqin, she was still a little worried.

Compared to Shamna, Xiao Ai was not worried at all.

“The captain of the Archangel is not a fool, she can’t do anything stupid.”

“And I’ve investigated her, and she’s not bad, so your worries are superfluous.”

“I hope so.”

At this time, the protagonist of the game, Kira Yamato, and several of his friends are sitting in the canteen of the Archangel eating breakfast.

“It’s boring, if only I could go out and have a look.”

Miriam braced her cheeks and looked out the window with her eyebrows raised.

From here, through the porthole, you can see the scene of the Tianyuan hangar.

A large number of drones are modularly cutting the damaged parts of the Archangel.

Then install back the new modules that were built last night with 3D printing technology.

With this modular repair technology, damage to the Archangel can be repaired in a very short time.

In fact, Lin Ziqin can choose to use simpler nano-repair technology to directly repair damaged parts.

But considering that the construction material of the Archangel is not nanometal, Lin Ziqin gave up this plan.

Miriam’s boyfriend, Dole, also sighed: “It’s a bit boring to stay in this place all the time, it’s hard to relax, but unfortunately we can’t go out.” ”

A few days ago, they had been chased and killed by the Zaft army, and they had managed to hide in the military fortress of the Earth Army, but the next second the Earth Army fortress was breached.

They had no choice but to continue to flee.

Now I have traveled many places and finally come here.

I thought I could relax a little, but I still couldn’t go out.

This can spoil these children.

The only mature Sai of the crowd also spoke.

“There is no way to do this, after all, the other side is not a friendly army, and I will not be allowed to wander around.”

“Eh? Isn’t it the friendly forces that why help us repair the battleship? ”

Miriam was surprised, and the others were puzzled.

If they are not allies, why would they help them repair the damage to their ships?

Is it because of conscience?

But this is obviously impossible!

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