Chapter 110 Eighth Fleet Signal!!

“This is our canteen, where our soldiers are eating.”

While several people were discussing, the door to the canteen suddenly opened, only to see their captain Maliu and the battle commander Natal walk in.

She was also accompanied by a very handsome man and a beautiful pink-haired girl.

Miriam was curious and whispered to her friend next to her, “Who are the two of them?” How do I walk with the captain? ”

Kira and the others looked at each other and shook their heads.

They didn’t know who those two people were.

This is normal, Lin Ziqin did not appear in front of these people.

Although Lacus is a famous singer, her popularity is limited to the PLANT colonial satellite.

After all, she was Zaft’s singer, and the Earth Army naturally could not let her song spread in the Earth Army’s sphere of influence.

Just when several members of the protagonist group were looking at Lin Ziqin and Lax, Lin Ziqin also noticed these people.

However, he didn’t care too much, and after taking a look, he looked away.

He paid more attention to the canteen itself than to these people.

It’s exactly the same as in the original.

Although it was the first time he had boarded the Archangel, he felt that everything here was so familiar.

“It looks like your food is pretty good.”

Lin Ziqin came to the mouth of the meal and glanced at the food inside.

Grilled meats, panels, burgers and a few impure Chinese dishes.

It is truly remarkable to be able to eat such a rich amount of food in a deprived universe.

Maliu and Natar had mixed looks.

These foods are all obtained from the wreckage of colonial satellites!

If they could, they really didn’t want to reminisce about it.

Lin Ziqin also caught the expression on the faces of the two people.

At first he thought he had said the wrong thing, but when he thought about where the fleet was at the moment, he quickly knew why the two of them were showing such a look.

“Cough, let’s visit somewhere else.”

Lin Ziqin shifted the topic.

“Well, please come with me.”

Ma Liu led Lin Ziqin and Lacus to leave the canteen.

But at this moment, the door of the canteen opened again, and a red figure rushed in.

Malu, who was walking in the front, did not pay attention and collided with it, almost falling.

Fortunately, Lin Ziqin’s eyes were fast, and he built Ma Liu’s thin waist.

Suddenly, a man’s masculine aura struck, and Maliu was still in such close contact with a member of the opposite sex for the first time, and his face suddenly turned red.

After helping Ma Liu, Lin Ziqin immediately released his hand without too much movement.

Maru’s face was slightly red, and she looked grateful and thankful.

“Thank you very much.”

Lin Ziqin waved his hand.

“You’re welcome.”

“Miss Frey Alusta! This is inside the ship, please don’t run around, it will be very dangerous! ”

Natal scolded the red girl who had almost knocked Marliu down.

Fortunately, it wasn’t Lin Ziqin who bumped into it, otherwise the matter would be serious!

Frey Alusta?

Is she the one who is the one who cares?

With a little curiosity, Lin Ziqin looked at the red-haired girl in front of him.

He did not have a good feeling for this young girl, but he was not disgusted by it.

She is both a poor person and a hateful person.

Her encounter is indeed one of the more miserable supporting roles in the whole play.

Coupled with her good looks, just by virtue of these two points, there will definitely be many people who feel sorry for her.

But her actions have made many people hate her.

Taking Lacus as a hostage and using the feelings of others to avenge herself in this life is the origin of her title of Cunning Woman.

But in just a few months, she can change from a woman whose three views are abnormal and likes to take advantage of others’ intentions to a girl who can realize that it is wrong to use other people’s feelings and try her best to make up for her mistakes, which is enough to show that she is not completely pregnant.

At this moment, after Frey was reprimanded by Natal, her face was a little pale and her head shrunk.

Apparently, even though Frey was not a soldier, she was still afraid of the stern officer lady.

“Yes, I’m sorry Captain Mariu, I didn’t mean it.”

Although Frey is willful, she also knows right and wrong, so she sincerely apologizes to Maru.

“It’s okay, I’m fine, just pay attention later.”

Maliu didn’t care.

Kira and the others in the rear were relieved to see him.

They were also afraid that Fleur would be punished for it.

Especially Floy’s current boyfriend, Sai, has just raised her heart and throat to the throat mouth.

Ma Liu continued to take Lin Ziqin and Lacus to prepare to leave.

However, Frey stopped Maliu.

“Wait for Captain Maru!”

“What’s the matter?”

Maruel looked back at the girl.

“The Archangel has just received a signal from the Earth Army’s Eighth Fleet!”

As soon as these words came out, Maliu and Natar were overjoyed, and immediately their faces showed excitement.

But Ma Liu quickly calmed his expression and turned to Lin Ziqin: “Mr. Lin Ziqin, it seems that the visit is going to be temporarily suspended, and we must go to the bridge.” ”

Maliu really didn’t want to leave the guest like this, it was too rude, but he had to leave!

She also thought about letting others take Lin Ziqin and Lax to continue visiting, but in the end she gave up this plan.

That would seem too casual.

“Go ahead, me and Lacus are waiting for you here.”

Eighth Fleet?

If I remember correctly, there was Frey’s father in the Eighth Fleet.

Is it any wonder that she just looked in a hurry, wanting to share this good news with her friends?

After saying sorry again, Marliu left with Natal.

Lin Ziqin and Lacus found a place to sit.

“Mr. Lin Ziqin is a very kind person.”

“You’re a good man!”

Lacus suddenly opened his mouth, and the Hello robot in his arms also issued Lin Qin a good person card, which couldn’t help but make Lacus smile.

Lin Ziqin did not pay attention to this stupid little robot, but looked at Lax.

“How do you know I’m a kind person?”

Lacus tilted her head and was silent for a moment.

“I don’t know, it’s just by feeling.”

“A woman’s sixth sense?”

“Sort of.”

“Then you will be disappointed, I am not kind at all.”

Lin Ziqin said jokingly.

“Maybe your sixth sense is wrong.”


Lacus did not deny or admit it.

Lin Ziqin felt that it was a little interesting to talk to her.

Just then, a man came to the two of them.

This person is the protagonist Kira’s friend Miriya Hawu!

Miriam arched her body, her hands behind her back, and looked at the two with a curious face.

“Now, are you also the refugees who were rescued before?” How come I haven’t seen you guys before? ”

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