Chapter 111 The intertwined fates are cut off with a knife!!

“We are not refugees.”

Lin Ziqin’s index finger gently tapped the tabletop, looking at the young girl in front of him with great interest.

Miriam is lively and a very gentle woman.

And she, like Frey, is an unfortunate girl.

The boyfriend was killed in battle and almost collapsed.

However, compared to Frey, she quickly came out of the psychological shadow and was not controlled by the hatred in her heart.

At this moment, Lin Ziqin recalled the information about this young girl.

“Eh? Are you not refugees? ”

Miriam was very surprised by this.

Not only her, but even Kira and the others sitting over there did not expect that Lin Ziqin and Lax were not refugees.

Lin Ziqin explained, “As for why you haven’t seen me, the reason is simple. ”

“Because we’ve only been on this ship for less than half an hour, do you understand?”

Miriam’s eyes flickered, “You guys came from that ship outside?” ”

At this moment, as if she had seen some treasure, her eyes were staring straight at him.

Lin Ziqin bowed his head gently.

“Good value for money”

“I thought there were some robots on the ship outside, but I didn’t expect to have to live!”

Miriam naturally came to Lin Ziqin and sat down.

For this girl who has always been familiar with herself, Lin Ziqin is no less annoying.

“Now, can you take us outside?”

“Miriyaria, please don’t be embarrassed.”

Before Lin Ziqin could speak, Miriam’s little boyfriend, Dole, came over and tried to pull her back.

“Wait, I just want to go out and have a look, it’s boring to stay here, do you think so?”

Miriam was suddenly unhappy, and she puffed up her cheeks and glared at her boyfriend Dole to express her dissatisfaction.

“I can agree to you going out, but your captain probably won’t.”

Lin Ziqin shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he couldn’t help either.

It’s nothing to let them hang out.

Anyway, as long as they are not allowed into the military restricted area.

What’s more, they are not researchers who bring their own wheel eyes, and they have no way to obtain any advanced technology from this ship.

But even if Lin Ziqin agreed, their captain Ma Liu probably wouldn’t allow them to board other people’s ships at will.

After all, now that they are soldiers, there are many things to consider.

“All right.”

Miriam thought about it and felt that what Lin Qin said was indeed correct.

She gave up on her intention to hang out.

“But thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Miriam followed her boyfriend, Dole, back into his little circle.

Lin Ziqin suddenly found that the protagonist Kira was actually looking at Lacus in a daze, and Lacus also seemed to sense the pulse of sight, she looked over and smiled back.

This caused Kira’s heart to jump.

What a cute girl!

But soon he immediately looked away, like a thief with a weak heart, and shyly lowered his head.

This scene couldn’t help but make Lin Ziqin laugh.

Kira is worthy of being a pure love little male protagonist.

But now that he’s there, Kira and Lacus may have a hard time walking together.

It’s not that Lin Ziqin wants to hinder the two from developing their feelings.

Mainly because Xiao Ai’s subsystem picked up Lacus in advance, inadvertently destroying the first encounter between the two and cutting off the thread of fate.

You know, the first time the two met was a very important turning point!

It was that encounter that led to a series of subsequent fates.

Similarly, inside the bridge of the Archangel.

Maliu and Natar hurried back here.

“Did you receive communications from the Eighth Fleet?”

“That’s right!”

Arnold nodded.

Arnold Neumann was originally the helmsman of the Archangel.

However, now that the Archangel was under maintenance and did not require him to drive, he temporarily took over the position of correspondent.

“It’s just that the signal is intermittent, but from the words of the other side, we can confirm that the other side is the advance team of the Eighth Fleet!”

Speaking of which, Arnold’s face had a distinct fluctuation.

Then he amplified the signal, and a strange voice sounded inside the bridge.

“Big… Make the number, received… Answer now!

We are… Eighth Fleet Advance Detachment… Pick you up! ”

“Reply to him!”

Maleu was equally pleased…

How could she not be happy that she had finally met a friendly army in this vast universe?

She couldn’t wait to get in touch with it, and if she could, she wanted to report back on the situation.

However, in response to Maliu’s request, Arnold shook his head incompetently.

The next words were like a basin of cold water splashed on her.

“I’m very sorry Captain, we can’t establish contact with the advance team yet.”


“I don’t know why, but I guess it might have something to do with the nearby magnetic field.”

Arnold’s hands tapped quickly on the keyboard.

The picture on the computer has also become a magnetic field map.

From the undulating lines on this picture, it is obvious that the magnetic field here is very strong!

Natal pinched her chin and analyzed, “There is a large number of starship wreckage near here, and there are many radiation sources in it. ”

“I’m afraid that the magnetic field generated by these things has disturbed our communication signals.”

Maru wrinkled a good-looking willow eyebrow.

“Is there no other way to communicate with the Eighth Fleet advance team?”

“Not yet, but as long as we can get out of here, we can contact them immediately.”

“Get out of here?”

Maleu turned his head to look at the porthole of the ship’s bridge.

Through the porthole, she could see the Archangel’s repair progress.

“At this rate, I’m afraid it will only take another two hours to complete the repair work, and the pool is fast.”

Here, Maliu had to marvel at the speed of repair of these drones!

The main engine of the previous Archangel was completely damaged and all weapons were destroyed!

The deck is full of potholes!

If the Archangel is pulled back to Starport to be repaired, it will take at least half a month or more to complete the repair!

But here, it only takes less than three hours!

It’s almost like speed!

Of course, if she let Maliu know that the restoration work could actually be faster, she would probably be directly frightened.

“We can afford to wait two hours, and I’m sure the advance team won’t leave that quickly!”

“Let’s go, it’s not a good idea to wait here, let’s go back and continue to take the two distinguished guests on the tour.”

Natal nodded and followed Marliu out of the bridge.

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