Chapter 112 Shamna senses a great crisis!!

Maliu and Natal returned to the cafeteria together.

“I’m very sorry for Mr. Lin Ziqin and Miss Lax, did you wait a long time?”

Maru looked apologetic.

Obviously, they are distinguished guests, but it is really unreasonable to leave them aside.

But there’s no way around it.

After all, the situation is special.

Lin Ziqin did not care.

“No problem, let’s keep visiting?”

“Of course, come with us!”

For the rest of the time, Lin Ziqin and Lacus followed Maliu and Natal on a tour of the Angel of Man.

The lounges, conference rooms, engine rooms, and even the bridge were all visited.

It could be seen that Maliu did not have any reservations.

Even military sites such as the bridge are willing to take them to visit!

“Is that your Gundam?”

The four finally arrived at Gnaku.

Crew members in yellow uniforms repair the legs of the Strike Gundam.

On the other side, you can also see Mu-Ra Flagg sitting in the cockpit of the MA, commissioning the systems.

Lin Ziqin’s gaze fell on the Strike Gundam.

The appearance of this Gundam is indeed OK, and Lin Ziqin also likes it.

But to say that it is the most eye-catching, it is indeed its PS armor!

PS armor, full name PhaseShift armor.

This armor has a defense ability that is almost invincible to live weapons!

Even if the UNSC MAC cannon encounters it, it will prevent you from getting down on your knees and shouting at me daddy!

However, correspondingly, the energy consumption of PS armor is also quite terrible.

Even if it is a strong attack Gundam, it is impossible to fight for a long time with the PS armor system turned on.

If you want to fight for a long time, you must replace the battery frequently.

Lin Ziqin had already planned that he would definitely get this technology in his hands when he had the opportunity.

Although the PS armor has obvious flaws, this flaw is not indissoluble.

He believes that with the technology of the forerunners, it must be easy to solve such problems.

At that time, he will put a layer of PS armor on all the battleships, and there will be no need to worry about live-fire weapons.

“Mr. Lin Ziqin seems to be very interested in this MS?”

Ma Liu saw Lin Zi Qin staring intently at the Strike Gundam, and couldn’t help but ask Dao Lin Zi Qin’s side that the technology was so advanced, how could he still be interested in this M?

It’s really unexpected.

Shouldn’t the Gundam on their side be a product of backwardness in the eyes of the other side?

Lin Ziqin shrugged his shoulders and did not comment.

“Sort of.”

After speaking, Lin Ziqin looked away.

He didn’t ask the Marius for PS armor technology right now.

He knew that most likely they wouldn’t give.

What’s more, it was already the limit of people’s willingness to take him to visit the Archangel, and if they continued to ask for technology, it would leave a bad impression in their minds.

Several people moved on.

Ten minutes later, the tour finally ended.

Lin Ziqin took Lax to say goodbye to Maliu and Natal and returned to the Tianyuan.

Lin Ziqin originally wanted to send Laxe back to her room, but Laxes said that the room was too boring and wanted to follow Lin Ziqin to the bridge.

Lin Ziqin thought about it and did not refuse, so he took her to the bridge.

“Welcome back, Your Honor.”

Shamuna bowed slightly to Lin Ziqin, looked respectful, and glanced at Lax who was following Lin Ziqin without leaving a trace.

This young girl had been following the Emperor, and she didn’t know if she was plotting against the Emperor.

If that’s the case, she’ll definitely let her get away with it!

At this moment, Shamna raised twelve points of vigilance against Lacus.

The woman’s sixth sense tells her that this pink haired girl is not as simple as it seems!

Lacus seemed to feel something too, and she turned her head to look at Shamna.

“It’s a beautiful big sister!”

This was Lacus’s first impression of seeing Shamna.

“Also, just now this beautiful sister called Mr. Lin Ziqin the Emperor?”

“Is it true that Mr. Lin Ziqin is actually the emperor of a certain country?”

Thinking of this, Lax’s eyes revealed a hint of surprise, but they were quickly hidden.

Xiao Ai said, “Master, just now the Archangel tried to contact the Earth Army, but I interfered.” ”

Yes, the reason why the Archangel was unable to communicate with the Eighth Fleet Advance Team was not due to interference from the surrounding magnetic field.

It’s because Little Love interfered with their communication system!

Xiao Ai did not know what these people would say after contacting the Earth Army, so he took it upon himself to interfere with the communication signal.

“It doesn’t really matter if you don’t have to intercept it, I’m not worried about exposing it anyway.”

In this world, Lin Ziqin did not intend to keep a low profile.

Only without strength will it be low-key, with the current strength of Lin Ziqin, sweeping the entire human civilization is more than enough!

Even if it is discovered by the Earth Army, it does not matter.

“Okay, then I’ll not interfere next time.”

Shamna also spoke, “By the way, Lord Emperor, we have also found traces of the Zaft warship in the nearby star domain, do we need to send Miss Laxes over now?” ”

Listening to the Zaft warship, Lacus looked over in an instant.

I don’t know if it is an illusion, Laxes always feels that this beautiful big sister seems to want to send herself away.

It should be an illusion.

The big sister should just wish she had come home early.

Well, yes, that’s it.

Lin Ziqin did not answer, but looked at Lax.

“Are you going to go back first?” Or do you want to go back with me later? ”

Lin Ziqin planned to go to PLANT in a few days to meet Lax’s father, Higger Klein.

Originally, he had planned to take Lacus with him to take her home at that time, but now that a Zaft spaceship had arrived, he was willing to send her first.

Lacus thought carefully and finally made a decision.

“I’ll wait a few days and then go back with Mr. Lin Ziqin.”

“Whatever you want.”

“But can I report to my home in advance?” I think my father should be very worried about my safety right now. ”

“It’s no problem, I’ll let Xiao Ai contact your father later.”

For Lax’s small request, Lin Ziqin did not refuse.

There was a glimmer of light in Shamna’s eyes on the side, after all, did not send this woman away?

In the blink of an eye, more than two hours have passed.

By this time the restoration of the Archangel had been completed.

Under the watchful eyes of Lin Ziqin and others, the Archangel sailed away from the Tianyuan hangar.

On the virtual screen projected by the holographic table, Ma Liu and the others are thanking Lin Ziqin for this.

“Thank you very much for your help, I will remember your kindness!”

“Don’t forget my Ya deal.”

“Rest assured, you won’t forget!”

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