Chapter 113 The real hammer, the villain is a piece of dog skin plaster!!

In a dark universe.

A blue-lithered, mountain-shaped battleship is moving at cruising speed.

This is a Zaft Army’s NASCAR-class high-speed warship.

Its name is the USS Visalius.

It is also the flagship of the main villain Cruze in the original book.

“Report! Discover the ‘long foot’ signal! ”

Just then, Visalia’s radar suddenly responded.

The radar officer quickly reported the situation to the captain and commander.

The long foot is another name for the Guan Angel.

In the original book, the Vesalius was supposed to have discovered the advance team of the Earth Army’s Eighth Fleet first.

However, because of the butterfly effect caused by Lin Ziqin, he first discovered the Archangel that had just been repaired and departed from the Tianyuan hangar!

Cruzel’s brow frowned slightly under the mask.

“Strange, why are they still wandering around here?”

A few days ago, they had a battle with the Longfoot Archangel.

It’s just a pity that they lost.

Not only that, but the flagship Vesalius was badly damaged and had to abandon the pursuit and return to the home port for repairs.

Now that the Vesalius was repaired, the Archangel should have fled far, but the other side appeared in the meteorite belt.

It’s just weird.

But no matter what, he can’t let the other party go!

The last time they ran away, the same thing won’t happen this time!

“Immediately enter battle preparation and let Aslan prepare them for the attack!”


Toot Toot Toot Too

Suddenly, the entire ship sounded a battle siren.

Everyone was mobilized.

“Captain Addis, the bridge will be handed over to you.”

Cruze dropped a word and left the bridge.

He’s ready to lead the team himself!

The Archangel had escaped from them in numbers, and the people above him had become less and less confident in him.

If he could not come up with some more results, he would probably be uncomfortable when he returned.

After leaving the meteorite belt, the Archangel also found Visarius behind her.

“Don’t they know what it means to give up?”

Maliu was helpless.

The other party has been chasing for almost half a month!

Dog skin plasters are not so sticky!

In an instant, the Archangel also sounded the battle alarm.

Kira, who was still asleep, was woken up in an instant, hurriedly put on her clothes and ran towards Gnaku.

The Vesalius was originally a high-speed warship.

By the time Kira put on her combat suit and boarded the Strike Gundam, the two warships had entered the engagement distance.

The Vesalius was the first to launch five mechs.

They are the Aegis Gundam driven by Aslan, the Thunder Gundam driven by Nigore, the Duel Gundam by Izzak, the Storm Gundam by Diego, and the most Kreuzer Ride, Higu.

Cruzel’s car is the only one of the five who is not a Gundam mech.

Higu is an upgraded version of Jean, a mech for the commander of the Zaft Army.

The performance is indeed not as good as the Gundam, but Kreuzer can use high-strength driving technology to make up for the lack of performance!

Although he was young, he was a white-clad commander by virtue of his strength!

The long tail of the five bodies pierced through the dark universe.

Add a little anger to this silent universe.

Tianyuan Bridge.

Lin Ziqin looked strange.

“I didn’t expect the Archangel to be discovered.”

In fact, he had been paying attention to what was happening outside.

Nor did he expect the Vesalius to be the first to discover the Archangel.

The butterfly effect?

This is coming too soon.

“Need help from the people on the Archangel?”

Xiao Ai knew that her master liked the Angel’s Maliu and the others, so she did not want these people to die like this.

At least in her opinion, the disparity between the two sides is huge, and the Archangel has no chance of winning!

Lin Ziqin was silent for a moment and shook his head slightly: “Let’s see the situation first, just like the Archangel really can’t hold on to it.” ”

Xiao Aiyan was silent.

At the same time, the battle outside has finally begun.

Cruze chose to contain his nemesis, Muhammad Flag.

Aslan, on the other hand, confronts his good friend Kira.

The remaining Itzak led Nigore and Diego in an attack on the Archangel.

Since the Visarius was only a high-speed warship.

Its armament was far inferior to that of the Archangel, so it did not dare to rush close to the Archangel.

After dropping the combat troops, it retreated far away and chose to watch the battle.

The Archangel battled against the ship without the Wasalius.

But in the face of the siege of three Zaft elite MS pilots, it seems to be somewhat inadequate.


A secondary artillery that had just been repaired was fired and exploded instantly.

A huge tremor spread throughout the ship, and Maliu, who was sitting in the captain’s seat, gave a performance to everyone present.

It’s just a pity that no one appreciates this scene now.

Everyone is nervous about doing what they are doing.

“Captain! Let’s ask Mr. Lin Ziqin for help! ”

Natal looked back.

At this time, there was also a huge fleet hidden in the meteorite belt.

This fleet may be able to help them weather the crisis!

Maruel thought about it and felt that Natar was right.

They could indeed try to ask Lin Ziqin for help.

But when she ordered Miriam to contact the Tianyuan; But there is no way to contact it.

Is it also a magnetic field interference?

The other party’s technology is so advanced, will it also be interfered with by the magnetic field?

Maru wondered.

But she understands that now is not the time to think about this, and the current problem must be solved as soon as possible!

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, “Eighth Fleet Advance Team!” ”

As soon as these words came out, Natal also remembered that there was an Eighth Fleet advance team nearby!

“Contact friendly forces nearby!”

“Obey orders!”

Previously, it was disturbed by the ‘magnetic field’ in the meteorite belt and could not establish contact with it.

Now that they’re out of the meteorite belt, they should be able to contact them, right?

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for them to receive a communications request from the Eighth Fleet’s advance team.

Mario did not hesitate to accept the request for correspondence.

A middle-aged man in a white military uniform appeared on the large screen of the bridge.

“This is the flagship Montgomery, the Eighth Fleet’s advance team!” Finally wait for your response, Archangel! ”

“But it looks like you’re having some problem?”

“Yes, we were hunted down by the Zaft army and now need urgent rescue!”

Mario immediately explained the situation on this side briefly.

The captain of the Montgomery nodded.

“Okay, hold on, we’ll come right away!”

“Please wait!”

Just as the communication was almost over, a man in a suit next to the captain of the Montgomery suddenly spoke.

Wearing a suit on a warship, you can see at a glance that you are not a professional soldier.

And that’s exactly what happened.

The man’s name was George Alsta, and he was the father of Frey Alsta.

He was nothing more than an Atlantic federal foreign affairs officer, not a true military day.

And he’s only here because his daughter Frey is on the Archangel.

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