Chapter 114 The Archangel escapes from Zaft’s hands once again!!

George Alsta stood up and stroked his chest, “Hello Captain Archangel, my name is George Alsta.” ”

“I heard that there is a woman named Frey Alsta on your ship, can I talk to her?”

What kind of idiot is this?

Natal’s face was very gloomy, and she was eager to scold George Alsta on the spot.

Don’t you see that there is a war now?

What is there for you to talk to your daughter?

The good-tempered Maruer was also very speechless at this time.

Fortunately, at this time, the captain of the Montgomery also spoke.

“Mr. George, I know that you have met your daughter’s heart, but now that the situation of the Archangel is critical, please be patient, and let your father and daughter talk about it later.”

“All right.”

George Alstachi had to agree.

After receiving the coordinates of the Archangel, the Eighth Fleet advance team rushed to the scene at full speed.

However, the Vesalius, hiding from the battlefield, soon spotted the Earth Army’s reinforcements.

Captain Vaselius, Addis, was an experienced captain who quickly responded.

“Yitzhak, retreat immediately and follow this ship to intercept enemy reinforcements!”

The ship couldn’t beat the Archangel, but it was more than enough to hit an old Nelson-class battleship.

But just in case, Addis called Izzak.

Having Nigore and Diego was enough to contain the Archangel.

“Obey orders!”

Although Yitzhak did not want to give up the big fish of the Archangel, he obeyed the orders of Captain Adis.

“You two don’t let the ‘long feet’ run!”

“Rest assured, it’s no problem to leave it to the two of us here!”

“It seems that Frey’s father will not escape death after all.”

Lin Ziqin not only shook his head and whispered softly.

Even though the butterfly effect appeared, Father Frey’s fate did not change.

In Lin Ziqin’s view, George Alsta had been sentenced to death.

After all, people who don’t have the protagonist’s aura basically have only one way to die when they meet Yitzhak!

Sure enough, it wasn’t long before a blinding light erupted from the dark universe.

That’s the fire that came from the explosion of the Nelson-class battleship!

Seeing that the reinforcements were annihilated, Marliu and the others had sadness and despair in their eyes.

Is it really time for Taya’s escape to come to an end?

“Mr. Lin Ziqin, I want to end this senseless dispute!”

At this time, Lax, who was acting as air on the side, suddenly opened her mouth.

Lin Ziqin looked back.

The innocent smile that used to hang on the girl’s face has disappeared and has been replaced by a serious and serious expression.

“So what are you going to do?”

Lin Ziqin looked at Lax at this moment with great interest.

Is the previous Lacus the real her, or is the crazy Lacus the real her?

Maybe it’s both.

“Please allow me to have a conversation with the Zaft Army!” Please. ”

Lacus’s words revealed a hint of pleading.

Lin Ziqin pondered for a moment and finally agreed to Lax’s request.

He wanted to see what Lacus was going to do.

“Little love, open the public channel.”

“Obey orders!”

The next second, the Archangel and Visarius simultaneously received a public communication signal from the Tianyuan.

“Now you can talk.”

Lacus stepped forward and snapped, “I am Lacus Klein, and now in the name of the daughter of the Speaker of the PLANT I order the Zaft army to stop the attack immediately!” And withdraw from the battle field! ”

At this moment, Lax’s voice sounded inside the bridge of the two ships.

Hearing this voice, everyone was stunned.

Especially Aslan, who has a marriage contract with Lacus.


“Lax, where are you?”

In fact, this time the mission of the Visalius itself was to find the missing Lax.

It was only when I happened to meet the Archangel here that I temporarily changed my target.

Captain Addis of the Visarius immediately gave the order to the communicator: “Lock this signal source for me immediately!” Find out where Miss Lax is! ”

The correspondent looked helpless.

“Report to the captain, we can’t lock the location of the signal source.”

“How is this possible?”

“But the truth is that the other side seems to have used some kind of anti-retrospective means to prevent us from locking the location of the signal source!”

“Go away, let me try!”

Addis came to the position of the correspondent to try it himself.

I think that in the beginning, he climbed from this position step by step to the captain’s position.

He is still very confident in his technique.

But it wasn’t long before the realist slapped him hard.

Because even he can’t lock the source!

Joke, if he can lock in the signal sent by the Tianyuan, what else can the forerunner mix?

“Addis, first order Aslan to swim and retreat.”

Kruze’s voice came into his ears.

Although Cruze was very upset, he still wanted to give the face of Lax’s father.

“Obey orders!”

Signal flares emitting different colors were fired, and Aslan immediately understood that it was a retreat signal after they saw it.

Yitzhak was the most upset.

“Damn! It’s hard to catch the ‘long foot’, is it going to watch it leave again this time? ”

“Yitzhak, I know you’re upset, but that’s the order!”

Aslan stared at Izak’s body.

Deeply afraid that he would disobey the order.

Yitzhak is the hottest of them and can easily be manipulated by emotions.

“Oh, I see!”

Yitzhak gritted his teeth and turned away.

As he left, he did not forget to glance at the Archangel fiercely.

Next time, absolutely sink this battleship next time!

Yitzhak swore secretly.

Seeing that the enemy had retreated, Maliu and the others were relieved.

I am also very grateful to Miss Lacus.

“Full speed ahead and get out of this area as quickly as possible!”

“Obey orders!”

“Miss Lax, now that we have followed your orders to retreat, can you tell us where you are?” So let’s pick you up. ”

“Your father, Mr. Siegel, is still very worried about you.”

Upon returning to the battleship, Cruze established a communication connection with Lax.

The figure of Lacus appeared on the large screen of the bridge.

Beside her stood a man of extraordinary temperament.

Who is this person?

The eyes under Cruze’s mask looked at Lin Ziqin carefully, curious about Lin Ziqin’s identity.

Lacus said calmly, “Thank you for coming to me from thousands of miles, but don’t bother you, I will return home in a few days, and ask Captain Cruze to tell my father for me when he returns, don’t worry about me.” ”

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