Chapter 116 Establishing the First Starport in the New World!!

A towing beam of light shot out from the belly of the Tianyuan ship and flew towards the star ring of the oversized version of Mars.

Eventually the tractor beam landed on the body of a huge meteorite.

Immediately afterward, the meteorite flew in the direction of the light as if it had been fitted with a thruster.

After a few minutes, the meteorite finally came to the front of the Tianyuan.

“Let’s go back.”

“Obey orders! Jump Engine Start! ”

The familiar cracks in space reappeared.

The meteorite dragged behind Tianyuan was protected by a shield and if it did not do so, the meteorite could not follow Tianyuan into the fault space.

Fault space is a high-latitude space with turbulent space currents in it, and there is no strong enough protection that even warships dare not enter it.

Many of the Star Alliance and human transport ships are because of the strong external armor “One Two Zero.”

“The degree is not enough, do not dare to enter the jump space without authorization.”

Even some Star Alliance warships must open their shields before entering the Jump Space to protect the ships from being torn apart by the turbulence of space!

The meteorite was huge, several times larger.

But Tianyuan can still easily pull it into the fault space:!

Experiencing the spatial leap again, Lacus was not as surprised as before.

However, this time her eyes were still on the slippery space outside the bridge, and her expression was much more serious than before.

It seems to be trying to see why.

But like the last time, Tianyuan quickly left the slippery space and returned to the real universe.

Outside the bridge was the familiar belt of meteorites.

It looks like they’ve returned to the solar system.

In less than ten minutes, she made an incredible journey to 1.4 light-years away!

It is estimated that no one will believe it!

Lin Ziqin said, “Let’s start.” ”

The materials are already there, and now it’s finally time to start building Starport!

With Lin Ziqin’s order, a large number of engineering robots flew out of the hangars of CAS-class aircraft carriers and ORS-class heavy cruisers.

This time, Lin Ziqin brought two CAS-class attack carriers, five CRS-class heavy cruisers, more than a dozen CRS-class light cruisers, and SDV-class heavy cruisers.

A total of twenty-five warships.

One of them, a CAS-class attack carrier and a CRS-class heavy cruiser loaded with a large amount of engineering equipment.

In order to allow the fleet to maintain its own operational resources in the new world, it can even build various facilities with these equipment!

For example, Starport now.

News of Lacus’s survival soon reached the ears of her father, Higger Klein.

When he heard that his daughter was still alive, Higger was naturally very happy.

But then there was confusion and confusion.

“What the hell is Lacus thinking?”

Higger looked at the video and muttered to his daughter.

The video was sent back from the USS Visalius.

When Lacus was establishing video communications with the USS Visarius, Vaserius’s captain Addis also deliberately recorded a backup and sent it directly to Higel.

The video is indeed her own daughter Lax, not her own disguise.

But her expression made him feel a little strange.

She is also said to have stopped a battle in his name and also released the Archangel.

“What does she want to do?”

Sometimes even he, the father, doesn’t understand what his daughter is thinking.

He didn’t let go of knowing that his daughter wasn’t an idiot, and Lacus must have had some purpose in doing so.

So let’s think about how to deal with that person for now.

Knock on the knock!

At this time, there was a knock on the office door.

“Come in.”

A maid walked in and said respectfully, “Lord, Lord Patrick is here.” ”

Sure enough?

Higger sighed and got up and walked outside.

Coming into the hall, a middle-aged man was sitting on the sofa.

He hugged his chest with both hands, closed his eyes, and there was a trace of untraceable anger on his face.

“Here you are.”

Siegel came to Patrick and sat down.

The maids immediately stepped forward and prepared tea for the two of them.

Patrick opened his eyes and looked at Higger, his eyes filled with a hint of anger.

“I guess you should give me an explanation, right?”

“About Lax?” To be honest, I didn’t expect her to do that either. ”

“Didn’t you instruct it?”

“Oh, you’re kidding.”

“So, in the video, who is the man next to Lax?”

Apparently, Patrick also received that video.

Siegel was not surprised.

The entire PLANT is estimated to be under his watchful eye!

Siegel calmly took a sip of tea and said, “I don’t know, I still want to wait for your findings.” ”

To tell the truth, he was also curious about who the man next to his daughter was.

And across the screen, he could feel a breath of superiority from the man’s body.

Patrick took a deep look at Higger.

Both were old friends, and he could tell the other wasn’t lying.

“We can’t investigate any of the identities of that man.”

As soon as these words came out, Higel’s hand flicked slightly, almost shaking the tea out.

“You’re not kidding?”

There are even people they can’t investigate, it seems that the identity of this person is not simple, why would his daughter be with such a person?

Higger felt a headache.

Patrick didn’t say anything back, and after taking a sip of the tea in his cup, he actually left.

When he walked to the door, he suddenly turned back and said, “I hope there will be no second time for such a thing.” ”

Having said that, he left the villa.

Higger sat alone on the couch and continued to drink tea.

Although he is the Speaker of the Supreme Council, his real power has long been lost.

In peacetime, he may still have some rights.

But now is the age of war!

His old friend Patrick is the most powerful of the Supreme Council!

He holds the military power of the entire PLANT!

His army had been trying to obliterate the Earth Army’s newest battleship, the Archangel, and Lacus had let go of the Archangel, which undoubtedly hit him in the face.

It is normal that he would come here angrily and question.

Higger muttered, “My precious daughter, whatever you want to do must be done as soon as possible, there is not much time left for us…”

Patrick’s ambitions have gradually grown in the near future, and I am afraid that the whole PLANT will fall into his hands.

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