Chapter 117 Heading to PLANT!!

Starport is built very fast.

In just a few days, it was already built.

After leaving six CRS-class light cruisers and two SDV-class heavy frigates patrolling the outside, Lin Ziqin let the rest of the battleships enter Starport.

In order to prevent someone from sneaking in, Lin Ziqin also asked Xiao Ai to use the surrounding meteorites to build a large number of defensive turrets outside Starport.

As soon as someone trespassed on the site, they were immediately attacked by these turrets.

“Little love, call Lacus over, it’s time for the monkey to go and talk to her father.”

This is the day after Starport was established.

Lin Ziqin summoned Lacus to his face.

Her arms were still holding the pink robot pet.

“Hello! Hello! Happy today! What about you? ”

After seeing Xiao Ai, Hello quickly jumped out of Lax’s arms and began to circle around Xiao Ai.

“This little robot is still as noisy as ever.”

Xiao Ai complained helplessly.

The guy seemed to treat her like his own kind.

Every time they met, he liked to circle around her.

Lin Ziqin and Lacus looked at each other and smiled.

The appearance of waiting for Xiao Ai to be troubled is still quite cute.

“Cough, Lacus, I’ll send you back later, and I’ll meet your father by the way.”

Retracting his gaze, Lin Ziqin said to Lax.

Finally going back?

Lacus actually missed her father a lot.

“That will trouble Mr. Lin Ziqin.”

“Need to prepare?”


“In that case, let’s go.”

The two arrived at Starport Harbor together and boarded an ORS-class heavy cruiser.

This time to go to PLA\T Lin Ziqin did not plan to drive the Tianyuan to go.

However, Tianyuan will be on standby, and once in trouble, Tianyuan will immediately take the fleet to reinforcements.

In fact, an ORS-class heavy cruiser can solve most problems.

“Shamna, I’ll leave it to you over here.”

On the bridge.

Lin Ziqin and Shamna conduct the last communication before parting.

“Hmm! Emperor, you go back quickly. ”

The communication ended.

Two minutes later, Lin Ziqin sailed away from Starport in the ORS-class heavy cruiser.

After reaching a safe distance, the battleship activated its jump engine and disappeared from the star field in the blink of an eye.

PLANT colonizes the periphery of the satellite constellation.

The Karmov is a Laurasie-class battleship that is on patrol at the moment.

Even though the Earth Army has now been pushed back to the vicinity of Earth orbit by them, their Zaft Army has not let down its vigilance.

The events of Yunius 7 taught them a hard lesson.

No one wants this to happen again!

The captain of the Kamov was a middle-aged man named Selman.

At the moment he was sitting in the captain’s seat, watching the information in his hand from the USS Visalius.

Now the story of what Lacus had done had already spread in their military circles.

“What a wayward princess.”

Selman, who has been in the army for more than twenty years, exudes a calm and rigorous temperament all over his body.

For Lax’s approach, he felt very unhappy, but also very helpless!

Suddenly, a noise broke out inside the bridge, interrupting his thoughts.

Selman looked away, looked at the radar officer, and asked unhurriedly, “What happened?” ”

The sound was not an alarm, just a simple frenzy of degrees, which is why Selman was so relaxed.

The radar officer turned his head and replied, “Report to the captain, the sensor shows that the gravitational waves in the space ahead are abnormal, and a huge radiation signal has also been detected!” ”

Gravitational wave abnormalities?

Radiated signals?

Selman frowned.

Just as he was about to get up and go to the radar officer to see for himself, a huge crack suddenly appeared in the space in front of the battleship!

This scene surprised everyone in the bridge.

But then an even more shocking scene appeared.

Only to see a huge battleship thousands of meters long fly out of the crack and quickly skim over their heads!

Selman and his crew were lucky enough to witness the ship’s dignity up close!

The ORS-class heavy cruisers were fast and flew long distances in one fell swoop.

Selman reacted that the two warships were already far apart.

“Quick! Ring the battle alarm now! Deliver the message back to the base! ”

That ship was heading towards a colony satellite!

He didn’t know which force belonged to this spaceship, which is why he couldn’t let this unknown origin get very close to the colonial satellites!

The helmsman said helplessly: “Captain, the other side is very fast, our ship can’t catch up with the other side at all!” ”

The Laurassie-class battleships were not high-speed warships in the first place, and their speed was quite mediocre, and they could not catch up with that battleship at all.

“Then release all the MSs to intercept each other!”


Since the battleship can’t catch up, let MS chase!

M is much faster than a battleship, and can definitely catch up with the other side!

After a while, six gray-green Jean were released by the Kamov.

ORS-class battleship on the bridge.

Lin Ziqin looked at the colony satellite constellation that was getting closer and closer.

As in the anime, these satellites look like blue hourglasses.

To tell the truth, Lin Ziqin could not understand where the characteristics of such a design would be destroyed in the middle of the ‘hourglass’, and the two colonies would disintegrate together on the Yunius 7.

“Master, there are six MSs in the rear, do you need to dispose of them?”

Xiao Ai’s voice pulled Lin Yuqin’s thoughts back.

He shook his head slightly, “Leave them alone, let’s just keep speeding up.” ”

Now the ship is still only moving at cruising speed.

At full speed, even MS can only follow the ass of this ship to eat ash!


As the battleship accelerated, the engine spewed out three blue particle tail flames.

The pilots of the six MSs could only watch as the ORS-class heavy cruisers flew farther and farther.

Finally disappeared from view.

In desperation, they could only return to the mothership.

Same with that.

Zaft Naval Base also received news that an unidentified giant warship was flying toward the colonial satellite.

A large number of warships accompanied by a dense mass of MS are sailing out of Starport as fast as possible.

This includes the Visarius, which has just returned to the ship not long ago.

Poor Aslantya had just been granted two days off and was ready for a good rest.

But when the Ladies had just stepped out of the Visalius, they were called back.

At that time, the grumpy Yitzhak was blown up.

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