Chapter 118 Feel the terrifying power from electronic warfare!!

At this time, a large number of Zaft warships and MS were massed near the PLANT colonization satellite.

Such a fleet of Pang is enough to fight against the main fleet of the Earth Army!

However, the reason why this fleet is assembled is only because of an unidentified ship!

This puzzled many people.

Is it just an unidentified ship that costs so much fanfare?

But most of the people who think this way are ordinary soldiers and officials.

The senior officials, on the other hand, were all tense and looked like they were facing a great enemy.

The Kamov had already transmitted information about the mysterious battleship back to the naval headquarters.

Although there is very little information, only the size and speed of the other party are introduced.

But it is also enough to attract the attention of the top brass of the Zaft Army!

On top of that, the way the other side plays out is really unbelievable.

In the words of Captain Selman Kamov, it could be a space jump or faster-than-light flight!

Either of these two technologies, humans have not yet mastered them!

I didn’t even touch the threshold.

If this spaceship really used space leaps or faster-than-light flights to fly here, maybe the other party is likely to be a spaceship from another civilization!

So this can’t help but make them nervous!

No one knows what the other civilization is for, how strong they really are!

Tick tock!

At this time, the radars on all the battleships of the fleet reacted!

I saw a red signal approaching this side at a very fast speed.

“Everyone is ready for battle! Never fire until there is a command! ”

It was none other than Aslan’s father, Patrick, who commanded the fleet!

He is the chairman of the defense committee of PLANT, also known as the general, and he is in charge of the military power of PLANT!

Contact with the unidentified ship was so important to PLANT that he had to come and sit in person.

“Send a communication request to the other person!”

Instead of directly ordering the firing, Patrick asked his men to send a communication request first.

He wanted to see if the other person would respond.

It would be best if it would respond.

If you don’t respond, there is no way, you must stop the other party from continuing to approach!

“The communication request was sent, but the other party did not respond ~”! ”

Did there be no response?

“Then use the public channel to shout and make them stop!”

“Obey orders!”

Inside the bridge of the Tianyuan ship.

In fact, Lin Ziqin had already received a communication request from Zaft’s army, but he didn’t want to pay attention to the other party, so he didn’t accept it.

“Master, the other party shouted at us this time on the public channel and asked us to stop immediately.”

“Keep ignoring it.”

“Do as you are told.”

“That department.”

Lacus couldn’t help but speak, “Why don’t we talk to each other?”

I think as long as we communicate well, the other party will definitely allow us to pass. ”

Lin Ziqin said, “There is no need, this is too much trouble, just break in.” ”

Communication is indeed an option, but it is too much trouble.

And in the end, it is difficult to say whether the other party is willing to put them in.

The ORS-class heavy cruisers continued to advance, their speed still reduced.

Patrick on the other side finally couldn’t help himself.

“Fire! Intercept the other party immediately! ”

The ship is getting closer and closer, and without firing the other side, it will directly rush into the range of the colony satellite!

With Patrick’s order, all the warships opened fire at the same time.

Beep beep beep…

Colorful laser beams instantly illuminate the dark universe, adding a bit of gorgeous color to this monotonous universe!

But of the many attacks, only a small number hit the target.

This shows that the life rate of the Zaft army is pitifully low.

However, these laser beams were all blocked by energy shields, and the ORS-class heavy cruisers were intact!

“There is even an energy shield?!”

Patrick exclaimed.

So many attacks fell on the body, if replaced by a Laurasian class battleship was directly sunk.

But the other side was unscathed!

It’s simply incredible!

While shocked, Patrick also felt a hint of fear.

An alien civilization that has mastered such advanced technology, if the other side is hostile to humans, what a terrible thing it would be!

At this moment, Lin Ziqin’s side also began to fight back.

Being beaten up and not fighting back is not his style!

Dense plasma shells flew from the Zaft fleet.

“Avoidance! Dodge it! ”

“No, the other side’s shells are too fast!”

Boom boom…

In the blink of an eye, the turrets of more than a dozen battleships were destroyed, and they lost the ability to fight!

Lin Ziqin did not lay down a dead hand.

Because these people may become imperial citizens in the future.

“The Galvani is badly damaged! Can’t continue fighting! ”

“All the turrets of the Ziegler are offline! Can’t continue fighting! ”

“The Hölderlin Bubble can’t continue fighting!”


The constant war reports in his ears made Patrick break into a cold sweat.

What monsters are they fighting against?

With just one wave of attacks, the other party directly destroyed half of his dog’s combat power!

But before he could get back to his senses, the second wave of attacks from the ORS-class heavy cruisers was coming again.

This time it’s not just equal particle shells.

Also get purple pulsed beams of light, as well as plasma torpedoes that can track enemies!

This time even the command center was attacked.

But it wasn’t an artillery attack.

It’s electronic suppression from ORS-class heavy cruisers!

In an instant, the screen loses its picture and becomes a snowflake.

There was a very strange sound in all the communication channels.

“Report to Your Honor, Commander! The signal was jammed and I lost contact with the other warships! ”

“Your Honor, what shall we do?”

The others looked at Patrick helplessly.

What they didn’t know, however, was that even Patrick himself didn’t know what to do at the moment.

Two waves of attacks!

Just two waves of attacks completely made them lose their combat effectiveness!

Patrick said after a moment of silence: “Retreat! Get out of this place first! ”

This place is about to lose its hand, can not stay here any longer, must retreat to the rear!

After receiving Patrick’s order, the crowd in the command room quickly left their positions and ran toward the door.

They don’t want to die here either!

And the outside world has long been a mess.

It’s not just the command center that’s being electronically suppressed.

The entire Zaft command network was paralyzed by the attack.

All the warships could not communicate with each other and could only fight on their own.

But as time went on, there were fewer and fewer warships that could fight.

Even the Visalius, on which the great villain Kreuzer was riding, had lost its main cannon and two main engines, and they could only float quietly in the Ning Dynasty and watch the fierce battlefield outside!

As for MS?

MS is even more miserable.

The cockpit was pitch black, nothing could be seen, and all the systems were turned off

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