Chapter 119: The Daughter Was Abducted?!!

A minute later, the battle was over.

The ORS-class heavy cruiser pool finally reached Zaft’s fleet.

At this time, the Zaft army finally saw the appearance of the enemy ship.

It’s a dark purple livery super battleship!

How big it is is impossible to guess, but at least two or three thousand meters!

How strong must the industrial strength of such a huge warship be to be built?

As the ship flew past them, everyone held their breath and watched in silence as the ship flew toward the PLANT colony satellite ensemble.

Losing all their armament and motivation, they could no longer stop each other’s steps, and could only watch as the other side continued to approach the colony satellite constellation!

Moments later, the ORS-class heavy cruiser arrived near the colony satellite constellation, and a specially modified Phantom with a stealth system flew out of the hangar and headed for one of the colony satellites.

“Is it your home?” It’s pretty. ”

Seeing the villa in front of him, Lin Ziqin remembered that Lax was still a super big lady.

It should be said that she is the daughter of the Supreme Councillor, and the residence is so luxurious.

From this manor, Lin Ziqin smelled the full breath of capitalism!

“Ah, thank you for the compliment, but I still think you’re more beautiful over there.”

Lax led Lin Ziqin into the villa.

The time here is different from the time on board the Tianyuan.

It was dark at the moment, but the villa was brightly lit.

“Miss Lax?!”

The maids were cleaning.

When the door pushed open, her minions thought it was the old man who had returned.

But who would have thought that it was Miss Laxe who came back!

“What about my father?”

In the face of Lax’s inquiry, the maid chief immediately replied: “Lord, he went out, received a call half an hour ago, and then left in a hurry, it seems that something big has happened.” ”

Without guessing, Higger must have left because of what was happening outside and as a maid, it was naturally impossible to know what was happening outside.

Lacus looked back at Lin Ziqin and said, “It seems that my father will need a while to come back, and it is estimated that he will have to wait.” ”

Lin Ziqin shrugged, “It doesn’t matter. ”

“Then why don’t you show you around my house?”

Lacus tilted her head with ten fingers, and her long light and soft pink hair stood out in the light.


PLANT Supreme Venue.

A dozen people sat around a huge circular table.

Among them was Lax’s father, Siegel Klein!

Everyone’s face was solemn, quietly watching the pictures playing on the big screen on the desktop, and when the pictures stopped playing, the silent venue finally sounded the sound of people’s discussion.

“Who are they who annihilate our fleet in less than a few minutes?”

“Who?” Who do you think it would be? Whether the other party can be called a person is not sure! ”

“The damned Patrick guy, who has mobilized so many fleets to stop him without the approval of the meeting, is increasingly ignoring us!”

“Oh, when did he put us in his eyes?”

“Now because of this move, more than half of our battleships have lost their combat effectiveness!” This responsibility must be borne by him alone! ”

“But he’s also here to protect our country!”

“But someone has to take responsibility, doesn’t he?”


A group of people fought for the ground red.

Only Siegel sat quietly in his chair, his hands crossed without a word, and his face was very ugly.

Is it time to discuss who is responsible?

Shouldn’t it be a discussion about how to respond to a possible imminent crisis?

PLANT has these parliamentarians here, and the future is worrying!

The next morning.

Higger left the parliament chamber with thick dark circles.

The sunlight from the artificial sun overhead was particularly harsh, making him somewhat adapted.

Yesterday it was discussed for a night and there was no discussion of the scriptures.

Fortunately, the ship did not continue to move, but docked near the colony satellite constellation.

Now they have assembled the only remaining fleet.

But they weren’t as reckless as Patrick.

Instead, he sent someone to let him go and try to make contact with the other party.

Now he can only hope that the other party has come with good intentions.

Otherwise, the only remaining fleet may not be able to deal with this unidentified spaceship at all!

Stepping out of the parliament building and boarding a special car, Higger asked the driver to take him home.

The parliament building is not far from his home, about a ten-minute drive.

“Welcome back, sir.”

As soon as they entered the door, the maids stepped forward to take off his coat for him and took the briefcase in his hand.

It was something she needed to do every day.

“Is Lacus back?”

Higger soon found the two breakfasts on the table.

The maids don’t have breakfast here, they have a dedicated canteen.

One of them here is definitely Lax’s.

As for the other one, is it Aslan?

But hasn’t Aslan not come back yet?

With such doubts, Siegel looked at the maid.

The maid nodded.

“Yes sir, Miss Lax came back last night.”

“So where is she now?”

“Tea in the gazebo.”

Higger heard this and walked toward the pavilion of the manor.

There, he did find his daughter Lax.

In addition to Lax, there was another strange man.

Since the man had his back to himself, he could not see the man’s face.

However, this back was very strange, so he could be sure that this person did not mention Aslan.

At this time, the two were talking and laughing.

Siegel was surprised.

His daughter actually showed such an innocent smile to someone he didn’t know!

It’s incredible!

He wanted to take a good look at who the man who seduced his daughter was!

Siegel walked over with scrutinizing eyes.

At this time, Lacus also found her father.

There was a hint of joy in his eyebrows.

“Father Heaven!”

Lin Ziqin also looked back.

Short blonde hair, with the same color beard, exudes a calm temperament.

Is this person Lacus’s father, Siegel Klein?

“Is it him?!”

The moment Lin Ziqin looked back, Higger instantly recognized Lin Ziqin.

It was the man standing next to his daughter in the video that day!

Patrick had investigated the identity of this man, but nothing had happened!

The surprise in his eyes flashed as he came to his daughter’s side.

“Welcome home Lax, is this your friend?”

Lacus did not answer, but looked at Lin Ziqin.

She didn’t know if the two were friends, so let him answer.

Lin Ziqin also introduced himself: “Hello Mr. Siegel, my name is Lin Qin, and I am a friend of Lax.” ”

Hearing Lin Ziqin admit to the friendship relationship, Laxes showed a happy smile, which was cute.

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