Chapter 120 The Purpose of Lin Zi Qin!!

Lin Ziqin?

This kind of name, it seems that this person has that ancient blood lineage.

No wonder it looks grand.

At this time, Lacus also said: “There were some accidents in the spaceship I was riding on, and I had to escape in the escape pod.” ”

“After that, Mr. Lin Ziqin rescued me from the escape pod, if it weren’t for Mr. Lin Ziqin, I probably wouldn’t have seen you, Father.”

When Siegel heard this, he also cast a grateful look at Lin Ziqin.

“Thank you very much Mr. Lin Ziqin for saving the life of your daughter, and thank you for sending her back.”

Lin Ziqin calmly took a sip of tea and said, “You’re welcome, in addition to sending your daughter home, the main purpose of my coming here is to talk to you.” ”

Siegel came and sat down in front of Lin Ziqin.

Lacus got up and poured a cup of tea for her father.

Taking a sip of the teacup and moisturizing his throat, Higger asked, “I don’t know what Mr. Lin Ziqin wants to talk to me about?” ”

The person in front of him reveals a sense of mystery all over his body.

And he felt a sense of oppression in this person that only the superior could have.

This person’s identity is definitely not simple!

Lin Ziqin did not answer the rhetorical question: “Before talking, I would like to ask Mr. Siegel, what do you think of PLANT today?” ”

“Please be sure to answer me seriously.”

Siegel frowned slightly, why did this person ask such a question?

Just when he was about to give a perfunctory answer casually, he noticed that his daughter had implicitly passed a limited god to him.

From that look, Higger read what his daughter meant.

Her own daughter also seems to want her to answer this person’s question seriously.

Is this true of his own daughter?

So what exactly does this person want to talk to himself?

Higger had great trust in his daughter.

So after thinking about it again, he decided to tell the truth.

“To be honest, I’m worried about PLANT today.”

“The rights of some members of the parliament are getting smaller and smaller, but the power of Patrick, who is in charge of the army, is getting bigger and bigger!”

“But he is an extreme person, and everything he is doing now is pushing PLANT into the abyss little by little!”

Patrick’s wife, Renoa Sarah, died a year ago in a massacre orchestrated by Blue Cosmos.

Since then, Patrick has begun to hate natural people and even wants to slaughter all natural people in the world and build a world with only adjusters!

This idea is undoubtedly very extreme!

If so, what is the difference between them and blue cosmos?

Politically, Higger has always wanted to stop the other side’s extremist behavior.

But as he now has less and less of a voice, he knows he may not be able to stop his old friend.

PLANT is stepping into the abyss, but he can only stare at it.

But he won’t give up!

If this is not possible, he can only save some of his countrymen by declaring his independence!

And that’s what he wanted to do in his original book.

Lin Qin suddenly said, “Do you want to change the status quo?” ”

“Maybe I can help you change the situation.”

“Oh? Are you sure? ”

Higger’s eyes lit up.

Does this person really have a way to help himself change the status quo?

No matter how slim the hope, he was willing to listen.

Lin Ziqin continued, “You just want to save the people of PLANT, right?” ”

Higger nodded silently.

Yes, his intention was to save the people.

There can be no winner in this war.

Don’t look at the current adjusters have some advantages, but these advantages are also very limited, and they can’t hurt the Earth Army at all.

Once the two countries are fully open, then the natural person will attack the adjuster without reservation!

In the end, whether they are adjusters or natural people, they will eventually end up with a lose-lose outcome!

Events like Unius 7 will continue to repeat themselves!

“I have a way to stop this war.”

Lin Ziqin said calmly, as if this matter was just a small matter for him.

“What’s the solution?”

Higger asked eagerly.

“Oh, it’s very simple, just take out the promoters of this war!”

“This war is nothing more than something that some guys deliberately provoked, and as long as these guys are killed, this war will naturally subside.”

As for the pain and hatred caused by war, it is only time to heal it.

“You mean, blue cosmos?”

“It’s not just blue cosmos, a slap doesn’t make a sound.”

Lin Ziqin said pointedly.

Higger’s pupils narrowed.

Indeed, a slap does not make a sound.

Solving the Blue Cosmos gang alone will not be enough to end the war.

You know, there’s a guy on their side who is as radical as the blue cosmos.

“But can killing all these people really stop the war?”

“Of course, after all, war is of no benefit to most people, as long as all the spurs are eliminated, the war will naturally subside.”

Higger nodded his head, and indeed it said so.

“But it’s not so easy to kill these people.”

If these people were really that easy to kill, the war wouldn’t have lasted so long.

There are many people in the world who want their lives.

“That’s just for you, as long as I want, I can make them drop their heads at any time!”

Lin Ziqin’s eyes flashed a cold light.

Perhaps for others, killing them is harder than ascending to heaven.

But for him, it was just a matter of moving his fingers.

Little Love can hack into the world’s networks and leave them nowhere to hide!

Take their place, and then send the Prometheus warriors to harvest the heads.

For Lin Ziqin’s words, Higger expressed doubts.

However, Lin Ziqin did not care, he continued: “I can help you solve these people, but not for free.” ”

So, are you finally getting to the point?

After discussing so much, I am afraid that the topic after this is the right topic.

“What does Mr. Lin Ziqin want from me?”

At this point, Siegel glanced at his daughter without leaving a trace.

Shouldn’t the other party have taken a fancy to his daughter and help himself?

Other than that, he couldn’t think of anything else he could give him.

Right? Money?

This person does not seem to lack these things.

Lin Ziqin’s next words completely exceeded his expectations.

“I want the whole plant!”

As soon as these words came out, Higel’s pupils shrank suddenly.

“Do you want my place?”


Lin Ziqin smiled.

“Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want your place.”

“You, the Speaker of Parliament, are nothing more than a vain name, and your rights have long been vacated by your colleagues.”

It’s a bit hurtful, but it is.

Siegel touched the bridge of his nose and said slightly embarrassed, “So what do you mean?” ”

Lin Ziqin said, “I mean, I need one day in the future PLANT to join the Tianyuan Empire!” ”

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