Chapter 121 Higger’s Choice!!

Tianyuan Empire?

What is that?

Not only was Higger stunned, but even Lacus showed a puzzled expression.

However, the latter seemed to think of something, his face changed slightly, and a touch of shock flashed in his eyebrows, but he was quickly hidden.

Neither Lin Ziqin nor Higger noticed the change in Lax’s eyes.

“What country is the Tianyuan Empire?” How come I’ve never heard of it? ”

Higger looked back and asked.

He knew hundreds of countries in the world, but this Tianyuan Empire was the first time he had heard of it.

Lin Ziqin did not hide it, and he introduced the Tianyuan Empire to the two without reservation.

“It’s normal that you haven’t heard that the Tianyuan Empire is not a country in this world, but an empire from another world.”

“You can think of that world as another parallel world, where there is also the solar system and the Earth.”

“But what is different from this world is that in that world, human beings have reached unity, and there is only one human country in the world, that is, the Tianyuan Empire!”

“In the near future, the Tianyuan Empire’s army will enter this world, and the Empire’s goal is to occupy this place and bring this world into the Empire’s rule!”

Lin Ziqin said that he did not need to be low-key, nor did he need to be low-key.

That’s why he told these two people without reservation.

Anyway, no one can stop the invasion of the Tianyuan Empire!

Even if all the forces in this world joined forces, none of them could be opponents of the Tianyuan Empire!

Siegel looked at Lin Qin in a daze after hearing this.

Is this guy’s brain sure it’s okay?

Parallel worlds?

Another Earth and solar system?

It doesn’t feel realistic no matter how you hear it!

Higger now felt that the man in front of him was joking with himself.

Is he such a good liar?

Just when he was angrily trying to rebuke the monkey for treating him as a fool, Lacus suddenly reached out, held down his hand under the table, and gave him a vague look.

Subsequently, Lax turned to Lin Ziqin and said, “Mr. Lin Ziqin, can you talk to my father alone?” ”

“Of course it’s fine.”

Without saying a word, Lin Ziqin actually left the small pavilion and walked towards the garden, ready to enjoy the beautiful scenery here.

“Master, do you need me to look at those two people?”

The voice of little love sounded in my head.


Lin Ziqin was not interested in the topic discussed between father and daughter.

He gave the opportunity, and it only depended on whether Higger Zhen cherished it.

If he refuses, then he has nothing else to say.

Again, no one can stop the invasion of the Tianyuan Empire!

Even if he was not willing to lead PLANT to join the Tianyuan Empire, after the Tianyuan Empire’s large troops arrived in this world, they would have no choice in the end.

I am afraid that there will inevitably be a cruel battle.


Lacus filled her father’s cup with tea.

“Lacus, do you believe what this man said?”

Although Lacus said nothing, from the look in her eyes Higger read her daughter’s thoughts.

Lacus did not deny it.

“I believe, and I believe very much!”


Higger frowned slightly.

Such a mysterious thing her daughter actually believed!

This is so strange!

Lacus asked, “Father, you didn’t return last night because there was a very big spaceship outside, right?” ”

“How do you know… Wait a minute! Shouldn’t you have come back on that boat? ”

Higger’s eyes widened in disbelief.

He is not stupid, his daughter knows about this matter, I am afraid it is related to this matter!


Seeing his father’s expression, Lax-Wan’er smiled, and the light laughter passed into the ears of the old father Higel, sweeping away the tiredness accumulated after a night.

His precious daughter’s voice was indeed very good.


Now is not the time to think about it!

Lacus continued, “That battleship belonged to Mr. Lin Ziqin, and in addition to that, he had dozens of other warships. ”

“And that ship is not the biggest one, his flagship is called Tianyuan, which is a super battleship more than fifteen thousand meters long!”

Fifteen thousand meters?!

Hearing this number, Higger’s whole being exploded.

How was such a huge warship built?

And can humans really build such a huge warship?

Siegel did not doubt his daughter’s words.

Because he believes that his daughter will not deceive herself in this matter!

“But these are the things I want to say the most, and what I want to say is that Mr. Lin Ziqin has mastered advanced technology that is far beyond our world for hundreds or even thousands of years!”

Thinking back to what she had seen and heard on the Tianyuan, Lacus couldn’t help but marvel.

She had previously doubted Lin Ziqin’s identity.

But at first she just thought that the other party might be the leader of some mysterious organization unknown to the world.

But when she first heard Shamuna call Lin Ziqin emperor, she overturned her own speculations…

But she always thinks about who the other person is and where he comes from.

Now the answer is all revealed.

She did not doubt what Lin Ziqin had said.

Because there is no need for the other party to deceive them.

Can the humans of this world build such a huge warship?

The answer is: No!

Can the humans of this world build a large starport in just a few days?

Nor can it!

Can the human technology of the world be matched?

Still can’t!

So now only the identity of ‘otherworldly people’ can explain all this!

Higger took a deep breath and said, “Lacus, tell me everything you know and see.” ”

It was obvious that Siegel had already believed Lin Ziqin’s identity.

But he wanted him to bet the entire PLANT on Lin Ziqin, he couldn’t do it yet.

At least do it now.

He needed to understand Lin Ziqin and the forces behind him as much as possible, and then make a choice.

In fact, he could also ask Lin Ziqin directly.

The other party will definitely tell themselves what they want to know.

But compared to Lin Ziqin, he was more willing to trust his daughter.

Lacus did not refuse, and for the next few minutes she told Higgel everything she had seen and heard during these days.

“Looks like they’re done talking.”

Lin Ziqin stood in the garden, watching the oncoming father and daughter of Lacus and Higel.

“I’m sorry to make Mr. Lin Ziqin wait a long time.”

As soon as Higger came up, he apologized to Lin Ziqin, and his attitude also changed, and there was a little more respect in his words.

Lin Ziqin glanced at Lax.

It seems that the girl has successfully convinced her father.

Lacus winked at him and smiled sweetly.

Siegel also saw the small interaction between his daughter and Lin Ziqin, and he suddenly had another thought in his heart.

“Mr. Lin Ziqin, I can lead PLANT to join the Tianyuan Empire, but I have a condition!”

“Oh? Tell us about it. ”

Lin Ziqin also minded listening to this condition.

If it wasn’t difficult, he could have agreed to it.

Lacus, on the other hand, looked at her father doubtfully.

Why do you suddenly have to add another condition?

Didn’t it just be discussed?

Only to see Higger raise his hand and put it on the fragrant shoulder of his daughter Lacus, “I hope you can make a marriage contract with my daughter Lacus!” ”

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