Chapter 122 Received!!

“I want you to get engaged to my daughter Lacus!”

Lin Ziqin: “??? ”

Lax: “!!! ”

Siegel’s words stunned both Lin Ziqin and Lacus.

Lin Ziqin never expected that Siegel would make such a request.

He glanced at Lacus and saw that she was equally surprised by this.

And the expression on her face didn’t look like it was in disguise, and she wasn’t sure her father would do it.

That is, it was Siegel’s own decision?

However, after thinking about it carefully, Lin Ziqin also understood Sigel’s thoughts.

He just wants to strengthen the Alliance!

The verbal alliance is ultimately not strong.

If the two can become husband and wife, then he can also really rest assured.

After trying to understand a little, Lin Ziqin did not give an immediate answer, but looked at Lax.

“I don’t have any opinions, but I don’t know if Lax wants to.”

Lacus is beautiful and her own childhood makeup god.

Although it is a powder cut black.

But it is undeniable that Lin Ziqin does have thoughts about her, so he did not reject the marriage contract.

But after all, he is a person who advocates freedom, and the same is true for love.

He doesn’t want any politics in his love affair with his wife unless they really like him too!

Higger also looked at his daughter.

“Lax, your father won’t force you, and if you don’t want to make this marriage contract, you can tell me directly, and your father won’t blame you.”

Higger still loves his daughter very much, and as long as Lacus doesn’t want to, he doesn’t persecute.

But after all, as a father, it is very normal for him to want to find a man to lean on for his daughter.

As for Aslan?

I can only say I’m sorry.

He and Aslan’s father were already two people in the non-hole camp, and naturally he could not continue to marry his daughter to the son of an enemy!

“I do.”

Lacus blushed slightly and said with a smile.

This smile of hers is different from the past, it looks particularly charming, like a blooming white lily!

To say that Lacus did not have a good feeling for Lin Ziqin, it was not a river can.

So she didn’t reject the engagement.

“Good! All right! ”

Higgel is in a good mood.

Then he was completely at ease.

“Go! Let’s keep talking! ”

Then the three of them talked about marriage and the future joining the Tianyuan Empire.

But when it was noon, Higger was too sleepy to go straight to sleep.

Staying up all night and staying up all night has not rested until now, and it is really difficult for him.

Higger left, and only Lin Ziqin and Lacus were left in the pavilion.

“By the way, Lacus, I have something very important to tell you, I actually have many wives.”

“If you have any resistance to the harem, I don’t blame you, I can take the initiative to dissolve the marriage contract.”

Lin Ziqin did not want to hide the fact that he had opened a harem.

Because sooner or later she will know.

But who knew that Lacus shook her head slightly, and her face did not care.

“I guessed it.”

“Did you guess?”

Lin Ziqin was somewhat incredible.

“How did you guess it?”

Lacus put up her slender index finger: “First, you are the Emperor of the Tianyuan Empire, and since ancient times, the Imperial Emperor has never had only one wife!” ”

Then she raised her middle finger.

“Second, women’s intuition is very sensitive! I can see that you have a relationship with Miss Shamna Hai. ”

Was it a woman’s intuition?

This kind of thing is really mysterious.

However, the sending also proves that Lacus is very clever.

“Well, my marriage contract…”

Lin Ziqin hadn’t finished speaking, but Lacus suddenly approached.

Fingers gently plucked the pink hair around his ears and kissed Lin Ziqin’s cheek gently.

“Of course it continues!”

Feeling the slightest wetness on his cheek, Lin Ziqin smiled.

“As you wish!”

In the blink of an eye, the night came.

As Lin Ziqin and Lacus were having dinner, Higger hurried down the stairs.

He still had a suit in his hand and seemed to be planning to go out.

“Father, what are you?”

Lacus looked at her father questioningly.

Lin Ziqin was also curious about why his father-in-law was in such a hurry.

“I have an emergency meeting to go out, so you can rest at home.”

Speaking of this, Higgel did not forget to pass a cheering look to his daughter.

Lacus naturally understood her father’s meaning, and her face turned much redder without oil.

Lin Ziqin smiled dumbly.

It seems that his future father-in-law is eager to have something happen between the two of them.

After leaving the manor, Higger boarded the car that had been waiting at the door with a smile on his face.

It wasn’t until he arrived at the parliament building that he finally retracted the smile on his face.

He didn’t want to be misunderstood.

When he entered the parliamentary chamber, he was the last to arrive.

Surprisingly, this time Patrick was not absent!

It’s just that his current situation seems to be a bit awkward.

His left hand is bandaged and a band-aid is attached to his face.

“Was he injured in that battle?”

Sigel’s heart was dark.

According to the final statistics, no one died in that battle, only a few people were injured.

Because Lin Ziqin let Xiao Ai aim at the guns and engines of the Zaft battleship, he did not destroy any warships.

And there was no damage at all, they had already been electronically attacked at the first time of the war, and they were all paralyzed.

Retracting his gaze, Higger came to his place and was sitting down.

The personnel fell and the parliament began.

Siegel was the first to speak: “Then who is convening this parliament?” ”

No one spoke, but the eyes of the others were on Pat Chongke in the closed eyes.

Siegel saw this and looked at him.

After a moment, Patrick opened his eyes, revealing bloodshot eyes with a hint of exhaustion.

He had also stayed up late, but unlike Higger, he had not rested until now.

I just squinted a little while the people had not yet arrived.

Siegel asked in a slightly mocking tone, “Are you calling this council to the death of our remaining fleet?” ”

Today Higger feels the same as yesterday!

Many people noticed the change in Higger, but they couldn’t tell what was different.

Patrick snorted coldly, “I’m not an idiot! ”

He had already learned the combat power of that mysterious spaceship, would he go to find himself unhappy again?

And the other side did not seem to be hostile to them, just quietly floating near the colonial satellites, and he did not want to care about it for the time being.

Another thing is more worthy of his attention than a mysterious spaceship.

“I just got the latest information, the Earth Army is gathering an army!” It is estimated that it is intended to launch a full-scale war against me! ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell into a cold breath.

Only Siegel still looked calm.

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