Chapter 124 Shamna’s Strange Fetish!!

“Scout Number Three! Please keep your distance! ”

“Don’t get any closer, be careful of hitting the ship’s shield!”

The gentle and delicate voice of the correspondent sister sounded in the communication channel.

This made the driver, who was still a little nervous, feel much more relaxed.

“Investigator Three received.”

The driver controls the specially modified MS, equipped with a variety of advanced detection instruments and equipment, carefully pulling away.

The screen is full of this three-thousand-meter-long giant ship!

The ship had been docked here for two days, and had not moved at first, and their Zaft army was still very nervous, encircling the three outer three layers of the place, fearing that the other side would suddenly fire at the colonial satellites.

But the other party has not moved at all in the past two days, which makes them relax their guard a little.

Then the MS, which was dedicated to reconnaissance, was sent here to observe the battleship at close range, trying to find some useful information from the battleship.

It turns out that they were right to do so.

At least they are now 100% sure that this ship is not from humans!

According to the scans, the ship’s armor is made of an unknown and extremely advanced nanometal!

And it’s not armed, either, as human beings should have.

But the only thing that puzzled them was that the ship was printed with a golden dragon on both sides.

Is there also a legend about the golden dragon on the alien side?

Or is this just a coincidence?

Investigator Three didn’t know and didn’t want to know.

All he wanted now was to finish his work quickly and then go back and invite the correspondent sister who had just spoken to him to have a drink.

If you’re lucky, maybe something good can happen tonight!

“In other words, is this ship really a shield?”

He may have asked for an opportunity to chat with his sister, or he may have been genuinely curious.

“Yes, the detectors on our side show that there has always been a special energy signal on the surface of this ship.”

“You can’t see it with your naked eye now, but when something approaches the ship, it hits these energy bodies directly.”

“Only then will you see the honeycomb-like shield net.”

In fact, the correspondent sister was also very curious about the shield of this ship.

It is said that before their fleet opened fire, they could not break through the shield of this ship!

What kind of race was built such an advanced spaceship?

I only hope that the other party can get along with humans, otherwise with the current level of human technology, it is estimated that it will be difficult to defeat these ‘aliens’.



Just then, Investigator Three seemed to have spotted something.

He rubbed his eyes hard, but it was as if he didn’t see anything.

“Did you just see that?”

The MS camera has been remotely connected to the command headquarters, so what he can see, the correspondent sister should also be able to see.

However, the correspondent sister looked puzzled.

“What do you see?”

“Didn’t you see that?” It just seemed as if something had passed before my eyes. ”

“You’re dazzled, I don’t see any object signal near you.”


The driver rubbed his eyes again, but still saw nothing.

“Well, maybe I really misread it, it looks like I will go to nightclubs less in the future (whisper BB)”

“What are you talking about?”

“No, nothing.”

ORS-class heavy cruiser hangar.

The Phantom was lifted from stealth mode and landed at the designated landing point.

Then Lin Ziqin walked out of it with Lax.

“It’s nice to come back.”

Lin Ziqin took a deep breath, and there was a familiar smell all around him.

Well, actually, he didn’t smell anything.

It’s just a mental work.

“Little love, take me back.”


As soon as the words fell out, the ORS-class heavy cruiser, which had been docked for two days, was finally activated again.

The engine spewed out blue plasma tail flames.

At the same time, Zaft’s army, which had been observing the ship outside, was also shaken.

“Gravitational wave anomalies and a large number of radiation source signals were detected!”

“Scout Number Three is leaving your place!” Fast! This ship is about to make a space jump! ”

Gravity wave abnormality, human radiation source signal!

This is exactly the same information given by the Kamov at the beginning.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with it!

The other party is going to make a space jump!

Sure enough.

As soon as the voice of the correspondent sister fell, the space in front of the ORS-class heavy cruiser was torn open.

Immediately afterward, the three-thousand-meter-long giant ship swooped into this space crack!


Investigator Three looked at the smokey terminal in front of him and the screen that turned into snowflakes, and his whole body was numb.

A large number of radiation sources directly destroyed all the electronic devices of his MS!

“Scout No. 3 called the command headquarters, and the command heard please answer!”


“Damn, really?”

It looked like he could only wait here for someone to drag him back.

But luckily, he witnessed the ship making the space jump!

That’s a beautiful picture!

He wanted to come on a space trip!

Unfortunately, their technological prowess did not allow him to do so.

“If only I could join each other.”

After a short space jump, the ORS-class heavy cruiser returned to the meteorite belt where Starport was located.

“Welcome to the return of the Emperor and Princess Lacus.”

When she heard Shamna call herself a princess, Lacus’s face quickly turned red and she shot out.

Was the matter between himself and Lin Ziqin known to her so soon?

In fact, this is what Xiao Ai told Shamna.

Moreover, when Lin Ziqin left with Lacus that day, she already had a premonition that when the pink girl returned again, she might become a princess.

In fact, if she wanted to, Chi could immediately transform into a princess.

However, compared to the princess, she wanted to serve Lin Ziqin’s side as an exclusive maid.

It was also a mistake to take care of this emperor who was a little younger than himself every day.

This is also a small ‘fetish’ of hers.

“Yes, the changes here are quite big.”

It seems that when Lin Ziqin and the others left, Shamuna was not idle.

She expanded Starport a little further, and it was now large enough to accommodate a large fleet.

And the outer defense system has also been upgraded.

“Thank you Emperor for your affirmation.”

“By the way, Your Honor, I recently noticed that there seems to be a situation on the other side of the moon.”

“You mean the Earth Army gathering troops at the lunar base?”

“It seems that the Emperor already knows.”

But it is also true, after all, the emperor has a small love around him, and no news can hide from him.

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