Chapter 125 Moon Black Wind High Killing Night!!

“Don’t come over… No! Don’t! ”


“Don’t kill me! Poof…”


The Prometheus warrior took the hard lightsaber out of the enemy’s chest.

The blood was evaporated by the heat, and the enemy also left a twenty-centimeter-long wound on his chest!

A lot of blood gushes out of it!

After scanning confirmed that the man had no vital signs, the Prometheus warrior looked up.

This is an underground research institute.

At this moment, the ground in the institute is full of corpses!

The blood had already stained the ground red!

In addition to these corpses, there were several other Prometheus warriors around!

They also lay a large number of corpses beside them.

The whole institute was filled with the fishy smell of blood, as if it were purgatory on earth!

“It has been confirmed that this area has been cleared, and after continuing to the next mission site, the Prometheus warriors have finished the data interchange, and then they have left this place using the teleportation system.”

But the massacres here are just the tip of the iceberg of all massacres.

Similar scenes are playing out all over the world, and even in some corner of the universe!

In just a few hours, thousands of people died at the hands of Prometheus warriors!

And these people all have the same identity.

That’s the ‘Blue Cosmos’ member!

Blue cosmos, also known as the Blue Cosmic Alliance.

As a consortium, they control the entire core of power within the Earth Alliance, waging war against the adjusters!

They are not only war criminals who provoke war, but also a bunch of madmen!

In addition to financial support, Blue Cosmos is also secretly researching ways to enable natural people to surpass the new humans.

So in the name of setting up an orphanage, it was actually the group of orphans who conducted a series of experiments and actively developed biological CPUs.

During this time, a large number of children under the age of fifteen died in their studies!

These heartbroken guys, no matter what, they are all on the assassination list of Lin Ziqin!

Of course, not only the Blue Cosmos Man was assassinated, but also a certain Zaft radical, who was also targeted by Prometheus warriors at this moment.

But compared to the blue cosmos people.

Trying to kill him is obviously a bit difficult.

“Damn! What kind of monsters are those white things? ”

Patrick ran desperately forward with his bleeding arm covered.

Several guards were following him, and everyone looked behind him with frightened eyes from time to time, as if there were some terrible monsters behind them.


Suddenly, a hard light bullet flew from behind.

The bullet hit one of the guards in an instant!

The next second, the guard was instantly disintegrated into atoms and dissipated under the horrified gaze of the other teammates!

“Damn! Did you catch up so quickly? ”

Patrick saw that his heart had sunk to the bottom.

Haven’t so many armies been able to stop these guys before?

Patrick let go of the wound and looked at it, the wound that still couldn’t stop flowing out was not caused by the enemy’s gun, but was cut by the opponent’s blade.

Obviously, hemostatic powder has been used, but it still can’t stop the blood, which is very strange!

The flow of a large amount of blood had made his face very pale.

“Senator Sarah, please go over here!”

The guards took Patrick and ran toward another intersection.

At the same time, several armored vehicles and personnel carriers arrived from afar.

Seeing this, Patrick and the others were finally relieved.

It’s reinforcements!

It looks like their call for help has been received!

That’s great!

Several people ran toward the armored vehicle.

The heavy armor of armored vehicles gives them a sense of security.

At least, the opponent’s weapons should not be able to penetrate the heavy armor of armored vehicles, right?

They think so.

But just as they were about to approach the armored vehicle, a white light shell passed over their heads and finally landed on the armored vehicle.


Brilliant white fire instantly engulfed the armored vehicle!

The powerful shock wave blew Patrick and several guards away, landing more than ten meters away.

Patrick struggled to look up at where the reinforcements were.

But there were no reinforcements there, only charred limbs and broken arms, and the wreckage of scrapped armored vehicles!

The raging fire is particularly bright on this night!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Heavy footsteps came from behind.

Patrick looked back and saw a white, humanoid robot more than two meters tall.

The distance between the two sides is less than one meter.

It was the first time he had watched his enemies so closely.

I have to say that this robot is really beautiful, beautiful enough to make any enemy feel at ease!

The person who built it, the aesthetic must be very compatible with him!

It’s just a pity that he will die at the hands of this robot next.

Patrick was pale, and he had given up completely.

Having lost too much blood, coupled with the shock wave injuring his internal organs, now he didn’t even have the strength to get up from the ground, and it was impossible to escape.

The Prometheus warrior raised his hard-light rifle in his hand and pointed it at the center of Patrick’s brow.

Patrick closed his eyes and greeted death.


A gunshot rang out through the quiet night.

But Patrick opened his eyes.

He was surprised to find out he wasn’t dead!

And the gunshot just now was obviously not from the weapon in the robot’s hand!

Looking at the sound, I saw that on the other side of the street, a familiar figure was holding a gun to this side.

Is that.


That’s right, it’s his own son, Aslan!

Why is he here?

Bang Bang Bang!

Aslan fired three shots in a row, all of which hit the Prometheus warrior but the bullet was bounced off by the shield.

“Aslan is getting out of here!” Leave me alone! ”

Patrick knew he was no longer working, and he didn’t want to bother his son.

But Aslan ignored his father’s words and continued shooting.

Although the gun hit, these bullets were never able to inflict damage on the Prometheus warriors.

“This idiot!”

Patrick scolded his son in his heart for being so stupid!

But in fact, he was also proud of his son in his heart.

“Bastards! Why don’t you come after me? ”

The Prometheus warriors ignored Aslan and continued to look back at Patrick.

Aslan wanted to rush over.

But just then, a hand reached from behind and grabbed Aslan’s neck and lifted him up.

Aslan was horrified.

It turned out that such a monster had appeared behind him at some point!

“Bastards! Let go of my son! ”

Patrick reached out and tried to grab the thigh of the Prometheus warrior in front of him.


This time the voice was finally right.

The hardlight rifle fired a bullet that hit Patrick.

Under Aslan’s desperate gaze, Patrick also turned into an atom and disappeared!

As he lay dying, Patrick gave his son a happy smile that was the first time he had been so sure of his son, but also the last.

“No spoon!”

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