Chapter 126 The Greedy Earth Army!!

A scanning beam of light shone on Aslan’s face.

“Identification, Aslan Sarah, Patrick Sarah, non-mission target.”

“Special attention personnel, can be released.”

A string of data flashed through the minds of the Prometheus warriors.

Immediately afterwards it threw Aslan out.

Aslan did not expect that the other party would let him go, and by the time he returned to his senses, the Prometheus warriors in front of him had disappeared.

He staggered to where his father was.

A ring that shone with a sparkle caught his eye.

He picked up the ring and found out it was his father’s wedding ring!

Maybe it fell when it exploded, so it didn’t disappear with his father.

Aslan sat on the ground holding the ring in both hands.

It was a long time before he cried out in sorrow to the heavens.

Klein Manor.

Siegel stood alone on the balcony watching the flames of the street in the distance.

He knew that his old friend might be dead.

But he wasn’t sad.

From the moment the two of them walked to the opposite side, he was already mentally prepared, and he did not know how long it would be before a maid came over.

“Lord, the car is ready.”

Higger nodded and turned away.

Tianyuan Bridge.

On the holographic stage is an assassination form with a large list.

As the target dies, the name on the form turns red.

Just a few hours have passed, and 99.9% of the names in the table have turned red!

Only a few have not yet been assassinated.

After all, Lin Ziqin’s Prometheus warriors were not infinite.

However, the target of assassination is too many, and he must assassinate in batches.

Only the original villain, Cruz, and the Blue Cosmos leader, Murta Azrael, are still alive.

The two men were one in their own barracks and the other in the lunar base.

Neither man could assassinate unless more Prometheus warriors were sent.

Then it will not be called assassination, but slaughter!

But none of that matters.

Someone had to die to stop this war, and he didn’t want to kill a few more!

Just as Lin Ziqin was preparing to organize two slaughter squads of twenty Prometheus warriors to kill the two villains, Xiao Ai suddenly ran out and brought him an unexpected news.

“Master, the Earth Army has set out from the lunar base!”

“Huh? Are they so anxious to go to war with Zaft? ”

Lin Ziqin’s brow furrowed.

He felt that this was getting weirder and stranger!

The Earth Army looked a little too anxious, and as soon as it had assembled its troops, it was about to attack!

However, Xiao Ai’s next sentence surprised him.

“No, master, the Earth Army did not declare war on Zaft or advance towards the PLANT colonization satellite constellation, they instead flew towards the meteorite belt we made!”

“Are you sure?”

Lin Ziqin’s expression became strange.

So, has Tayah been mistaken?

The Earth Army is not massing a large army to start a full-scale war with Zaft, but to fight them?

Xiao Ai said with great certainty: “The Earth Army is flying towards our side in diameter, very fast, and will arrive at this side in two days at most.” ”

“And I monitored their communications network and found that they seemed to be discussing a battle plan for me.”

“By the way, our old acquaintance Big Angel is among them.”

Lin Ziqin smiled lightly: “Oh, this is a little interesting.” ”

If he guessed correctly, it was probably after the Archangel had rendezvoused with the Eighth Fleet that he had reported the situation to the Earth Army headquarters.

The upper echelons of the Earth Army may be for some reason he doesn’t know, so plan to attack him.

However, Lin Ziqin did not blame Ma Liu.

After all, she is also a soldier, and what they do is what a soldier should do.

Moreover, Lin Ziqin never intended to hide, even if it was exposed, so what?

Is it true that the Earth Army’s fleet still wants to defeat his fleet?

It’s a dream!

“They’re going to get here in two days, right?”

“Yes the host.”

“Since there are still two days left, let’s make a little preparation to welcome the coming ‘guests’!”

Bridge of the Archangel.

Maliu looked up at the deep space in the distance.

It was dark, like a silent ocean, but like the calm before the storm!

“Are you still thinking about what happened before?”

Natal raised her hand and gently patted Maru’s fragrant shoulder, pulling her thoughts back…

“After all, Mr. Lin Ziqin, they are our saviors, but now the foot has caused a disaster because of me.”

Maruel bowed her head, a hint of sadness flashing in her eyes.

Just as Lin Ziqin had guessed.

It was indeed because she had reported the situation of the Tianyuan Imperial Fleet to the upper echelons of the Earth Army.

That’s why it’s where it is today.

The Earth Army looked at the high technology in the hands of Red Forest Zi Qin and wanted to snatch those technologies from his hands!

Moreover, those high-level Earth Army leaders believed that Lin Ziqin’s warships were not many, only more than twenty ships.

Although the other side has advanced technology, it is not impossible to defeat the other party.

To this end, he monkey gathered 180 warships of various types, one or more newly developed MS and countless MA to use against Lin Ziqin’s fleet!

They don’t believe that so many troops can’t win the other side!

“You don’t really have to take it too seriously, you’re a soldier, and you did what you had to do.”

Natal was very open-minded.

Although she also felt sorry for Lin Ziqin in her heart, she had a very clear understanding of her own status.

First, she is a soldier, and then she is a woman!

Soldiers should do what soldiers should do!

“What’s more, I don’t think our Earth Army can defeat that man’s fleet!”

That’s what Natal wants to say the most!

“Do you have so much confidence in him?”

Maliu was surprised by this.

Obviously, he is a soldier of the Earth Army, but he has great confidence in the enemy.

Really weird.

Natal said, “That’s the truth! ”

“Do you remember that day’s battle?” A three-hundred-meter-class battleship on the other side can easily defeat us! How many Archangels do you think it would take to defeat that three-hundred-meter-class battleship? ”

Maliu pondered for a moment and then gave the answer.

“Three? No, it should be five! ”

“It’s pretty much what I thought, but that’s only a three-hundred-meter-class battleship!”

Don’t forget, how big that man’s car is! ”

“You seem to be right!”

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