Chapter 127 The Lord Angel Appeared Early!!

In the history of ordnance development, there is a law.

That is, the larger the volume, the stronger the combat effectiveness!

Even more so with space battleships!

The larger the volume, the more powerful the firepower!

The Earth Army has always wanted to develop larger warships.

But engine technology has limited their development.

Look at the Archangel.

At just three hundred and fifty meters in size, it was equipped with six engines to barely become a high-speed battleship!

If you expand the volume a little more, it is estimated that there are black hole holes everywhere behind the ass, and after understanding this, Ma Liu is also completely relieved.

Two days later.

There is no day or night in a dark universe.

Man can only rely on clocks to confirm the time.

The flagship of the Earth fleet is a ship of the same type as the Archangel.

Its name is Angel of the Lord!

That’s right, the Lord Angel that became Natal’s flagship in the original book!

Since it is the same type of ship as the Archangel, its appearance is naturally very similar to that of the Archangel.

However, it is longer than the Angel, which is 420 meters!

And the color of the Archangel is also somewhat incomprehensible, the Lord Angel is gray painted, which looks more solemn, but the pool gives people a gloomy feeling.

Originally, the Lord Angel appeared later.

But it may also be because of the butterfly effect, it appeared early.

But because of this, Natal escaped death.

The current captain of the Lord Angel is a middle-aged white captain who is very prestigious in the Earth Army.

But it was actually another person who commanded the entire fleet.

And this person is Murta Azrael, who was listed as an assassination target by Lin Shouqin!

At this moment, Murta was sitting in the bridge of the Lord Angel, looking through the porthole into the dark universe outside.

The more handsome face is full of boredom.

The two-day trip is indeed a bit boring, so that this pampered ‘adult’

It’s a bit unbearable.

If it weren’t for personally directing the battle, he wouldn’t have wanted to come here from afar.

“How long does it take to get to the sea?”

Murta asked slightly impatiently.

This young master has asked this question many times, right? Wouldn’t he watch the time for himself?

Although he wanted to complain, the captain honestly replied: “It will take four more hours.” ”

“Four hours?”

After listening to the answer, Murtha’s face became much better: at least not for a day or two, four hours can still survive.

Murta continued to turn his head to look out the window at the universe, but the eyes in his eyes looked unfocused, and it was obvious that his mind was no longer here.

Just as the Earth Army fleet was advancing towards the meteorite belt where the Tianyuan was located.

No one noticed that they were followed by a ‘ghost’!

Optical camouflage blends the massive hull of the SDV-class heavy cruiser with the cosmic environment.

This ship has been silently following the Earth Army fleet since two days ago!

Monitor the situation of this fleet at any time and send it back to the mothership Tianyuan!

The time soon passed another two hours.

The Earth Army fleet was almost close to the meteorite belt.

Gentlemen from afar can see the dense meteorites and wreckage on the other side of the meteorite belt.

“Master, the enemy fleet has entered our ambush zone!”

Inside the bridge of the Tianyuan ship.

Lin Ziqin put down the teacup in his hand.

“It really makes me wait!”

For two days, Lin Ziqin still didn’t do anything.

He has prepared a very good ‘gift’ for these uninvited guests that he hopes will like him.

“Let’s get started, and let my ‘friends’ taste the ‘gifts’ I have prepared for them!”

“Obey orders!”


Murta also gave orders to prepare for battle.

All the warships had activated their weapons systems, and the pilots had boarded their MSs, ready to go.

But none of them noticed that there were a lot of white metal rods floating near the fleet!

These metal rods are too small, only the size of bamboo poles.

In the vast universe, they couldn’t see anything small, and even the radar ignored these metal rods.

And as the weapon system of the Earth Fleet is activated, these metal rods are also awakened and begin their own work…



Suddenly, a green laser beam flashed in front of the Main Angel, and the side of a Nelson-class battleship was broken, causing a violent explosion!

Murta jumped up from his position and asked, “Who fired the fire?” ”

The captain of the Lord Angel was also puzzled.

The radar officer trembled and replied, “Report! It was the fire of the Tendedon!

The other side also locked the main gun on me! ”

“What roll?!”

Murta was horrified.

At first, he still thought it was a misfire, but now the other side dared to aim at his ship, was he trying to rebel?

Just as he thought this, another green beam of light passed in front of his eyes.


The beam hit the damaged Nelson-class battleship.

Attacked by the main guns twice, this battleship was directly sunk!

The fire of the martyrdom illuminated the entire fleet!

“Damn! Who is it again? ”

“Yes, it’s the USS Roosevelt!”

Damn it!

Was it not the Funō Tokuten who wanted to rebel?

“Notify all warships and lock these two ships!” Sink them! ”


Just as Murta gave the order, another ship was hit by a beam of light, and the battleship that was hit sank directly!

And this time it was not someone else who fired it, it was the Lord Angel as the flagship!

Murta drew his pistol, pointed at the gunner and angrily asked, “What are you doing?” ”

The gunner, with an innocent face, raised his hands and shook his head desperately.

“No, I didn’t do it, and I don’t know what happened!”

“Do you think I’ll believe your words?” Say! Who sent you?

What exactly do you want to do? ”

“It’s really not me!”

The gunner swore that he really did not fire without permission, not even the operation, and the main gun opened fire on its own!

And the control page does not show any movement of the main gun.


Just then, the Lord Angel shot out another beam of light and sent another ship away.

This time, Murta believed the gunner’s words completely.

Because he had been keeping an eye on the gunner before, he really didn’t control it.

At the same time, more and more beam fanatics began to travel through the fleet.

More than a hundred warships in the fleet began to shoot at each other.

When he saw this scene, Murta’s whole body was stunned.

“What the hell is going on here?”

“Lord Murtha! I’m afraid I’ve been electronically attacked! The enemy invaded our system, took control of our turrets, and then shot at our own people! ”

It was worthy of the old captain and reacted quickly.

Murta immediately ordered, “Then quickly take back control of the turret!” ”

The crew quickly began the recapture of the turret.

But soon the intended-to-bes found that no matter what they did, they could not regain control of the turret!

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