Chapter 128 On the Importance of Electronic Warfare!!

Murta yelled in her heart for the waste.

“Since you can’t get it back, cut off the power system of the weapon!” Make the turret stop! ”

“However, but this has also been tried, and it still can’t stop the gun emplacement!”

“Then destroy the energy supply!”

The crew complied, and finally the guns stopped.

The other warships followed suit, and eventually after two minutes, all the ships ceased fire.

However, not all warships were invaded.

There was a battleship that was safe and sound throughout.

That’s right, it’s the Archangel!

When Maliu, the captain of the Archangel, saw the friendly forces outside PKING each other, the whole person was disheveled.

Who am I? Where am I? What do I want?

The three questions of philosophy appear in the mind.

After the communication of other warships came from the direct communicator, she learned that the entire fleet’s system had just been invaded by the enemy.

But why is it that only their Archangel is okay?

Do I want to fire a few shots too?

Otherwise, the Archangel will be fine, which will inevitably make people suspicious.

In the end, however, Maliu did not do so.

After all, she is kind, and it is impossible to kill her companions!

In just two minutes, more than thirty warships sank!

There are also more than fifty warships that have suffered damage to varying degrees!

More than two dozen of them were unable to continue fighting and had to return to Starport for repairs.

When she saw this war damage report, Murta was bleeding in her heart.

This time, they gathered more than one hundred and eighty warships, and in the blink of an eye, there was nearly half of the battle damage!

The captain of the Lord Angel saw this and said, “Your Honor, let’s retreat, now I can’t continue fighting.” ”

More than thirty warships have sunk, more than fifty warships have been damaged, and all the battleship weapon systems have gone offline, which is simply impossible to fight!


Murta refused to retreat.

How could he swallow such a great shame?

Revenge must be taken!

“We still have thousands of MSs! These MSs are enough to turn the tide of battle! ”

He doesn’t believe that MS’s weapon system will also be controlled!

What’s more, since the MS was developed, the space battleship has gradually evolved from the protagonist of the space war to the MS launcher.

Now the main force on the cosmic battlefield has become MS.

As long as MS is okay, there is still a battle!

The captain could only reluctantly agree to the situation.

Although he was the captain of the Lord Angel, with Murta in his place, he had no real power at all.

But when the captain gave the order to continue the advance, the space in front of the fleet suddenly distorted.

Immediately after that, a battleship of more than five thousand meters long and a dozen battleships of hundreds of thousands of meters suddenly flew out of the distorted space!

Seeing this, everyone was stunned.

The people in the Archangel were not too surprised by this.

Because this is not the first time they have seen such a scene.

“Everybody immediately enter the battle position!”

After a brief pause, Maliu immediately gave the order.

Although the other side is their benefactor, now the position of both sides is the enemy!

At the same time, the Tianyuan Empire battleship opened fire.

A large number of purple pulsed beams, plasma shells and plasma torpedoes flew towards the Earth Army fleet.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen more warships sank!

“Launch MS! Fast! ”

Murta jumped to his feet in a hurry.

It is absolutely no coincidence that the artillery was just off the line and the other side ran out!

It is not difficult to guess that he has fallen into the trap!

Seeing that more than a dozen more warships had been destroyed, Murta was eager to throw out all the MSs in the hangar at once!

But soon after the MS was put out, a new problem was put in front of them, and MS lost control!

Although they did not fire at their own people, the MS pilots could not control their own MS!

They can only continue to fly straight forward like human cannonballs!

A large number of MSs crashed directly into the incoming shells!

The lucky MS, although he escaped the shell, also crashed into a meteorite or the wreckage of his home fleet.

Murta’s eyes trembled as she watched the scene, cold sweat constantly rising from her forehead.

“It’s over, it’s really over.”

All the valid hole cards are useless, how do they fight the enemy next?


At this moment, he suddenly noticed that among the purple pulse beams and artillery fire, there was a green beam that was very eye-catching.

He looked down and saw that the sister ship of the Lord Angel, the Archangel, was firing at the other side.

Unfortunately, the green laser beam landed on the other party but was blocked by the shield.

The Archangel actually has the power to fight back?


Not only was Murta puzzled by this, but even others were very confused.

Is it possible that the Archangel has previously regained control of the turret?

But none of that matters.

They have now lost, completely lost!

Become the meat on the board to be slaughtered!


The captain of the Lord Angel again made a request for retreat, this time in a very firm tone.

It was as if he was not asking for Murtha’s opinion, but telling him!

But Murta didn’t object.

Because he himself wants to get out of this damn place quickly!

“Withdraw! Evacuate me! ”

As the retreat order was passed to all the battleships, the Earth Army fleet finally began to retreat.

But at this time, there were only more than thirty ships left in his fleet!

With less than twenty warships, he easily destroyed more than a hundred battleships of the Earth Army!

After all, Ma Liu and Natar still underestimated the combat effectiveness of Lin Ziqin’s warships!

“Don’t chase?”

The battle picture was transmitted to Lin Ziqin’s face.

In fact, this battle has always been Lin Ziqin’s long-range command.

In the face of Lax’s inquiry, Lin Ziqin shook his head slightly: “There is no need to kill them all.” ”

“But this ship must die!”

Lin Ziqin’s finger tapped the hologram belonging to the Lord Angel on the holographic table.

The hologram, which was originally blue, instantly turned red.

In the same way, the SDV-class heavy frigate that had been tailing the Earth Army fleet had finally lifted its optical camouflage and revealed its shape.

And its position at this moment is actually directly above the Lord Angel!

Seeing this, all the people in the Lord Angel couldn’t help but break out in a cold sweat.


A heavy plasma shell fell from the sky and landed on the bridge of the Lord Angel.

Immediately afterward, the 420-meter-long Main Angel began to explode from within, eventually turning into countless pieces and splashing around!

Many of the debris crashed into the belly of the SDV-class heavy frigate.

But the wreckage still couldn’t hurt the hull itself.

After solving the main angel, the SDV-class heavy frigate went away with such a big swing.

No one dared to chase after it, and there was no obstruction.

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