Chapter 129 Everything is Mr. Lin Ziqin’s calculation?!!

In the interrogation room.

Maliu sat in a chair with his legs between his legs, and in front of him was a steaming cup of coffee.

In front of him was an interrogator and two armed guards.

“You mean, you don’t know for yourselves why only the Archangel wasn’t attacked?”

The interrogator listened to Maru’s answer and looked suspicious.


Maruel nodded, her eyes very determined.

The reason why she was brought here began a few hours ago.

At that time, the Archangel and the remnants of the fleet returned to lunar base.

While all the other ships were damaged or badly damaged, the Archangel was intact, which immediately aroused the suspicion of many people.

Even more, it is believed that the Archangel is the traitor planted by the enemy among them, and as this voice grows, the people above have to investigate it.

As the captain of the Archangel, Maruel was the first to be brought to the interrogation room for interrogation!

The interrogator did not believe Maru’s words at all.

Seeing that she did not shed tears without seeing the coffin, and continued to pretend to be ignorant, the interrogator was very angry.

On the surface, however, he did not show it.

As a qualified interrogator, controlling facial expressions is the most basic skill.

He turned and asked, “I heard that you talked to the leader of the enemy before?” ”

“Yes, it was when we were still being pursued by Zaft’s army.”

For this matter, Marliu did not hide.

She also mentioned this in her report to the top management.

However, it did not elaborate on what was discussed.

“So what did you say between you?”

Will you still ask about it in the end?

Mario had already figured out how to deal with it.

“Just ask his minions to give some help, such as helping to repair the damaged Archangel.”

“They’ll be so kind to help you repair the Archangel for free?”

“Yes, they are humane.”

Ma Liu would not tell them what he had talked to Lin Ziqin that day anyway.

This will not only bring danger to yourself, but also to the other crew!


The interrogator still did not believe Maru.

Ma Liu said calmly, “If you don’t believe the interrogator, you can call the other two to confront each other.” ”

The other two were naturally referring to Natar and Muira La Fradha.

Fortunately, the three of them had already colluded in advance.

The interrogator did not reply, he looked at Maleu, as if to see through it for a long time, he stood up and said, “Today’s interrogation will be here for the time being, Captain Mariu, you can go back.” ”

After more than an hour of interrogation, he still could not find evidence, and now it can only be temporarily ended.

Yes, only temporarily.

More than a hundred warships said that if they were gone, they would be gone, and someone would have to be responsible.

But this person will not be them.

So they have to find evidence, and if they can’t, they have to make evidence!

The order to die has been given from above.

Maliu left.

When she returned to the Archangel, the crew was waiting for her.

“You’re finally back.”

Seeing her return, Natal and Muh La Forada were finally relieved.

“I’m still afraid you won’t be able to return this time.”

Maruel smiled softly, “How could it be, they won’t do anything to us for the time being.” ”

Mukra Vrada muttered, “For the time being…”

Natal’s face also darkened.

None of them are fools, and naturally know what the top brass is going to do next.

In fact, it is not the first time that the top brass of the Earth Army has used such a despicable means.

It’s just that it used to be aimed at other people, and now it’s finally their turn!

“It looks like we’re just going to have to run.”

Muira Flada shrugged and said with a relaxed face.

It seems to him that running away is not a big deal.

But everyone was shocked by his words.

But no one refutes it.

Because they really have no other choice but to run.

“Do you think we can run away?”

Natal said, “Now we are under surveillance, there are so many warships outside the port, it is estimated that the Archangel will be sunk as soon as it runs out!” ”

This is indeed a problem.

The reason why they can still stay on the Archangel now is because the other side has not found evidence.

But that doesn’t mean the other side isn’t taking precautions against them.

Several Nelson-class battleships outside were there to prevent them from escaping in the Archangel!

But Maliu said, “Actually, it’s not difficult to escape, as long as we can create chaos in the base, we can take advantage of the chaos to escape.” ”

“As for those Nelson-class battleships, we don’t have to fight them, the Archangel is a high-speed battleship, as long as they can get rid of each other, they can’t catch up with us!”

On the way back, Maruel had already thought of a plan.

“But it’s easier said than done, but it’s hard to sit up.”

Natal is still not too optimistic about the escape plan.

“Whether it’s hard or not, we can only try, can’t we?”


This time Natal did not refute it.

Immediately afterward, Muira Vrada asked, “So where are we going to go after escaping from here?” ”

The crowd looked at Maliu, as if to let her decide where to go.

“Do you remember the deal we made with Mr. Lin Ziqin?”

After Maliu’s voice fell, the rest of the crew looked puzzled, except for Muira La Vrada and Natal.

Muirah Vradha laughed and said, “I think I’ve guessed why we didn’t get invaded.” ”

“I’m afraid that all this was deliberately done by Mr. Lin Ziqin, and he did this just to let us break up with the Earth Army and then let us make a deal!”

As soon as these words came out, Maliu and Natar also reacted instantly.

Indeed, they should have thought of it a long time ago!

Why not attack the Archangel? Is it because of friendship?

How is this possible!

They had only been together for a short period of time, and they didn’t have much friendship at all!

I’m afraid that the moment Lin Ziqin proposed the transaction, they had already fallen into Lin Ziqin’s calculations!


It’s so high!

I didn’t expect Lin Ziqin to even count this!

Only Kira and the others were still confused, completely unaware of what the three captains were talking about.

Ma Liu said to the other crew members, “I know you are curious about what we are talking about, but I’m sorry, it’s the secret of the three of us and Mr. Lin Ziqin.” ”

“But one thing we can tell you is that the Archangel will then break away from the Earth Army and go to the meteorite belt to join Mr. Lin Ziqin!”

Go to the mysterious Mr. Lin Ziqin?

You look at me and I look at you, but no one objectes.

For them, as long as they can live, everything is fine.

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