Chapter 130 The Archangel Defects!!

Although the lunar base is outside the earth, there is also a day and night there.

And it is also based on the American time standard.

That night, some people were already asleep.

But just then, the sudden sound of the siren broke the silence in the night!

“Warning Warning! An unknown source of fire occurred in the fuel depot in the D3 area! ”

Hearing that the fuel depot was on fire, all the people lying in bed were startled and they got dressed as fast as they could and ran out of the dormitory, picked up the fire extinguisher and ran toward the fire area.

Among them are some of the guards who are responsible for guarding the Archangel!

“Most of the guards have been withdrawn, and the rest are not a threat and can start moving!”

Muira Flagg rushed into the bridge and spoke to those present.

He’s the arsonist!

In order to lure away the guards guarding the Archangel, he sneaked into the fuel depot during the noon meal and mounted a small timed incendiary bomb that had been made long ago on the fuel drum.

At noon, it was the only time they could leave the Archangel.

And this incendiary bomb is not enough to cause a big explosion, but it can make the fuel depot catch fire, which will cause an alarm.

At this moment, the people in the Archangel were already ready to escape.

Maleu immediately ordered, “Start the engine!” Burn the wind! ”


The engine that had been preheated long ago ignited directly, and the blue flame spewed out instantly!

The sudden huge thrust made the people in the Archangel feel a recoil force.

In the same way, the tower finally discovered the strangeness of the Archangel.

The controller immediately sounded the alarm and pressed a red button.

The doors of the port closed slowly.

“Not bad! They’re going to blockade the port! ”

Helmsman Arnold sweated cold on his forehead.

Although I had expected this to happen, the reaction speed of the other party was too fast!

“Start the main gun and aim at the front opening!”

Mario immediately made a bold choice.


The crowd looked at her in amazement.

“Don’t be stunned, hurry up!”

“Obey orders!”

The space here is small, and it is undoubtedly very dangerous to open the way with the main gun!

But that’s all there is to it now!

After a short period of recharge, the main gun finally reached the minimum firing standard.

Maleux did not hesitate to give the order to fire the artillery.



The two main guns opened fire at the same time, and the green beam instantly melted through the port gate!


The sound of the explosion instantly spread throughout the Moon Surface base.

Maleu was lucky that the explosion only destroyed the port gate, not the port passage!

“The Archangel! Are you really a traitor? ”

At this time, the Archangel received a communication from the lunar base.

It was a bald middle-aged man who was speaking, and just as he was about to continue speaking, Maruel directly cut off the communication.

“Directly block all communications from the lunar base!”

“Obey orders!”

They are indeed traitors now, but that is also forced!

“Report Captain! I was locked by the weapons of the lunar base! ”

“There are also signals from multiple enemy ships on both sides!”

Dore and Miriam and the two boys and girls began to report on the situation.

Ma Liu gritted his teeth and said, “Full speed ahead, don’t worry!” ”

Arnold once again disguises himself as a helmsman, piloting the Archangel while dodging attacks.

“Full firepower! Sink the Archangel now! ”

The commander-in-chief of the lunar base said with a gloomy face.

Although he did plan to let the Archangel people carry the pot, he did not expect that the other party was really a traitor!

Well, at least that’s what he thinks.

Beep beep beep beep!

But at this moment, suddenly dozens of purple beams of light flew from a distance and landed on the base of the moon.

Boom boom!

In an instant, more than thirty turrets of the lunar base exploded and were blown to countless pieces.

Seeing these beam attacks, the people of the Archangel breathed a sigh of relief.

They are no strangers to this purple beam of light!

It was exactly the pulse beam of light fired by Lin Ziqin’s battleships!

These beams of light will appear here, which means that Lin Ziqin has sent someone to pick them up!

Sure enough.

The next second, the five warships released their optical camouflage and appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

“Look, I guessed correctly, I fell into the pit designed by Mr. Lin Ziqin from the beginning!”

Muira Flagg laughed.

If he had doubted his own speculation before.

Then with the appearance of some warships, he was already 100% sure that his original guess was correct!

It was also at this time that the five warships opened fire again.

This time they directly destroyed a dozen Nelson-class battleships biting behind the Archangel’s ass!

“What’s that bottom?”

Looking at these purple battleships, the commander-in-chief of the lunar base was in a daze.

A captain who had fought a few days earlier and had survived replied, “That’s the enemy we faced a few days ago!” ”

“How did they end up here?”

“I’m sorry, Your Excellency, Commander, I don’t know.”

He is not the other person’s person, how can he know why people are there?

“Your Excellency, Commander, do you still want to chase?”

Someone asked weakly.

“No chase!”

The Archangel is a high-speed battleship, and once it is out of range, it will be difficult for him to catch up with it again.

Unless there is its sister ship, the Angel, in place.

Unfortunately, the Lord Angel was destroyed in the battle a few days ago!

“Thank you for your rescue, Miss Subsystems.”

After arriving at a safe distance, Maliu and the others were relieved.

As the Archangel established video communications with the battleship next to them, they once again saw their ‘old friends’ a small love subsystem.

But strictly speaking, this subsystem is not actually the day they met that, but another.

It’s just that all the subsystems have data connections to Xiao Ai, so it’s not wrong to say that she is the subsystem lady.

The subsystem said, “You’re welcome, I’m just ordered to come to your rescue.” ”

“I’ll escort you to the meteorite belt next.”

“Then thank you.”

Maleu thanked him again.

Unfortunately, the armor of the Archangel is still hard enough, otherwise the subsystem can completely carry the Archangel to make a space jump.

Tianyuan Bridge.

After listening to Xiao Ai’s report, the corners of Lin Ziqin’s mouth were slightly raised.

“Finally meeting again?”

Muira LaFlagg guessed that all this was the innings he had set up.

I’m not wrong to think so.

But the phrase that fell into his innings from the beginning was a bit too much.

At least when the initial deal was made, he hadn’t imagined that the Earth Army would come looking for his trouble.

He was just solving the Earth Army fleet and counting the Archangel by the way.

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