Chapter 131 What is this feeling of chaos and abandonment?!!

“By the way, Xiao Ai, what happened to my future father-in-law’s side?”

I haven’t paid attention to the situation on my future father-in-law’s side for a few days, and I don’t know what the situation is.

Now that Patrick, the leader of the Zaft hawks, is dead, there must be no one who can stop him from taking control of PLANT?

Xiao Ai replied: “Mr. Siegel has successfully controlled most of the rights of PLANT and is in the process of eliminating dissidents. ”

“But I think he might get in trouble soon?”

“Oh? What does this mean? ”

The hawks were crippled, and all that remained were the neutrals and the Kleinists.

Lin Ziqin couldn’t imagine who else would cause trouble to Xigel.

Is it not neutral?

Nor should they, after all, they have no ability.

If he had the ability, who would want to be a neutral?

“One of your assassination targets, Cruzel and a man named Gilbert Durandall.”

“They have gathered the remnants of the hawks and are plotting to overthrow the rule of the Kleinists.”

Xiao Ai’s answer surprised Lin Ziqin.

Gilbert Durandall, one of the main villains in the second season.

Now the two villains walk together, which is a bit interesting.

But speaking of which, he almost forgot about the Kreuzer guy.

He wanted to continue to assassinate this guy, but he forgot about it.

However, if he is plotting a rebellion, then there is no need to carry out any assassination, just let the future father-in-law put a treason hat on him and kill him.

Thinking of this, Lin Ziqin said to Xiao Ai, “Tell my future father-in-law all this information, and let him deal with these two people.” ”

“If he needs any help, help him.”

“Obey orders!”

After more than two days of sailing.

The Archangel finally arrived in the meteorite belt.

Under the guidance of Xiao Ai, the Angel entered the starport.

“It’s unbelievable that how long we’ve been away since he built such a huge starport here!”

Ma Liu was surprised by Lin Ziqin’s construction speed.

Obviously, the last time they met was less than a month ago, but he had built a large starport that was as big as the base on the surface of the moon!

You know, the lunar base was built by the Earth Army with countless resources and several seas!

“Maybe that’s where they’re really strong.”

Natal couldn’t help but sigh.

A moment later, the Archangel finally docked.

Led by Maru, all the crew of the Archangel came out.

Lin Ziqin had been waiting outside the dock platform for a long time, and Lacus and Shamna stood behind him left and right.


The Archangel’s crew number seems to have changed somewhat.

Lin Ziqin keenly found that everyone in the student group except Kira, Dole and Miriya had seen each other.

Has he left the army?

It should be.

They were originally students, and they had also been accidentally involved in the war and had to serve on the Archangel.

Some time ago, the Archangel returned to the Earth Army’s sphere of influence, presumably at that time when they broke away from the Archangel.

Lin Ziqin retracted his thoughts and walked towards Ma Liu and the others.

“Captain Marleu, Miss Natal, and Mr. Flag, we meet again.”

“Mr. Lin Ziqin.”

Ma Liu and Natal looked at Lin Ziqin with a gloomy look in their eyes, and Lin Ziqin’s hair was hairy.

What is this feeling of chaos and abandonment?

Didn’t you do anything yourself?

Oh, remember, I had pit her before, causing them to part ways with the Earth Army!

Thinking of it, Lin Ziqin’s eyes were slightly embarrassed.

I don’t know if they hate themselves in their hearts.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as the deal is done!

Actually, although Lin Shouqin played some tricks that eventually led to Maliu and Natar having to part ways with the Earth Army.

But they didn’t resent Lin Ziqin, but they were still a little angry.

After all, he was almost harmed by Lin Ziqin.

“Cough, first of all, thank you very much Mr. Lin Ziqin for your acceptance, I really can’t thank you enough!”

In the end, it was Muira Flag’s opening that broke the atmosphere of chasing the strange.

“Well, you’re welcome, now that the deal has been made, you are my men from now on.”

“It’s hard to come here, isn’t it?” Let’s go, I’ve prepared some food for you to enjoy. ”

In order to celebrate the addition of Ma Liu and others, Lin Ziqin has prepared the food in advance.

As soon as they heard that there was a good food, the people of the Archangel suddenly showed a cheerful smile, and the tense nerves finally relaxed…

They haven’t enjoyed a good meal in a long time!

Following Lin Ziqin to the canteen, dozens of service robots were placing food on a long table.

It’s full of some mountain and sea food!

Everyone was stunned, but then there was a light in front of their eyes.

Is this all for his prospectives?

It seems that it is still wrong to follow this new boss!

The cheerful patience is always short-lived.

At night, Lin Ziqin summoned Maliu, Natal, and Mu-Ra Flagg to his office.

The service robot stepped forward to give everyone a cup of tea.

Lin Ziqin took a sip of tea and said, “I called you here this time to tell you a very important thing.” ”

Hearing this, the three of them suddenly tensed up.

Isn’t it a task?

Lin Ziqin also guessed what the three people were thinking, and he smiled, “There is no need to be so nervous, I just intend to tell you where I came from and the purpose of inviting you to join.” ”

Now that they have chosen to join the Empire, it is time to tell him something.

The origin of Lin Ziqin?

After hearing this, the curiosity of the three people suddenly froze.

They had actually investigated Lin Ziqin.

But he didn’t investigate anything, obviously mastering such advanced technology, but never recorded, really: it’s so strange!

In this era of highly developed information, almost no one can be so ‘clean’, ‘pure’ to the point of not even leaving a trace!

“First of all, reintroduce myself, my name is Lin Qin, and I am the emperor of the Tianyuan Empire!”

Tianyuan Empire? Emperor?

Like Siegel, after listening to Lin Shouqin’s introduction, all three of them showed a confused expression.

Lin Ziqin continued, “The Tianyuan Empire comes from another world, and you can see it as a parallel world. ”

“Because there is also the earth, the sun, and humanity there!”

The three of them were completely shocked by this.

However, unlike Siegel, they did not think that Lin Ziqin was deceiving people because everything in front of them was the best proof!

Only people from other worlds can explain why Lin Ziqin did not leave a trace in this world!

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