Chapter 132 The Empire Needs Talents Like You!!

“Of course, none of the above is the point, the point is what follows!”

Maruña Tarmu La Flag: “…”

The three of them are speechless, and none of this is the point, so how surprising would it be to really focus?

“Do you know why I value you so much?”

Lin Ziqin’s question once again aroused the curiosity of the three people.

Yes, why did Lin Ziqin attach so much importance to his leopard?

He even used some small means to make them mess with the Earth Army, just to recruit them to their own demons.

He Ya had never thought about this.

The three of them glanced at each other, and they all saw the doubt in each other’s eyes.

In the end, it was Lin Ziqin who gave the answer.

He held out his finger and lightly nodded his eyebrows, “Because of your valuable experience!” ”


This answer surprised the three people.

What is it that experience is so precious?

“That’s right, it’s experience, your experience of cosmic warfare!”

Lin Ziqin put down the teacup in his hand, lay back, leaned back on the chair, lifted his right foot and placed it on his left foot, and cocked Erlang’s leg.

“It is no secret that the Tianyuan Empire has just unified the world not long ago, and mankind has just entered the cosmic era.”

“Almost no one on our side has experience in space operations.”

“And the reason I recruited you is that I hope that you will become Imperial Navy instructors, teach qualified captains for the Empire, battle commanders!”

After the Tianyuan Empire established the Cosmic Navy, it also established a corresponding cosmic combat system.

But in the end, it is still not perfect.

Because no one has participated in a real space war, all combat systems are simulated, and even some shortcomings can be clearly seen in them!

Maliu and Natar have extensive experience in fleet command operations, while Mu-Ra Flagg has extensive experience in space vehicle operations.

They have all participated in more than one space battle.

His experience is undoubtedly very valuable, and it is most suitable for cultivating talents in all aspects for the Empire to help the Empire establish a qualified cosmic combat system!

However, after listening to Lin Ziqin’s words, the three people were extremely shocked.

Maliu asked, “You just said that the humans of that world on your side have just stepped into space?” ”

Lin Ziqin led the way: “Yes, it will only be two or three years.” ”

After the three of them heard the words, their whole body was numb.

I stepped into space two or three years ago, and it turned out to be better than their world!

How did they develop?

Is it open and hung?

They did not doubt what Lin Ziqin had said.

Because there’s no need to lie about this kind of thing.

Besides, lie now, and sooner or later you’ll be discovered.

Lin Ziqin continued, “In just over three months, the space passage connecting this world with the world of the Tianyuan Empire will be completely opened, and at that time I will grant you the position of president and instructor of the Imperial Naval Academy.” ”

“I hope you can help me cultivate more talents!”

The three nodded numbly.

Subsequently, Lin Ziqin chatted with him about some things about work, and ended the meeting.

The three of them had just been sent away, and the doors of the office bosses were opened again.

But the next time it came in was Lacus, the little girl.

She still had a pink hue in her arms.

She took it with her almost wherever she went.

It’s like Lin Ziqin is always followed by Xiao Ai.

Because of this, Lacus also jokingly said before, perhaps because the two have this commonality, they were arranged by the gods!

After listening to this sentence at that time, Lin Ziqin smiled.


He didn’t believe that.

But if the gods could really arrange marriage for him and other girls, he would be willing to believe it.

Lax stepped into Lin Ziqin’s side and sat down, and a faint feminine fragrance drifted into her nostrils.

Lin Ziqin reached out and wrapped his arms around Lax’s willow waist, and his other hand played with her delicate palm.

“Is there anything wrong with me?”

Lin Ziqin knew Lax too well, and looking at her expression, he knew that things were looking for him Lax’s head to gently lean on Lin Ziqin’s chest, raising his eyebrows to look at the man who made her fall in love.

“I just talked to Sister Shamna for a while.”

“We talked and talked, and then I talked about the other sisters.”

“I’ve heard that they all seem to be worrying about you and helping you run the empire, so I also want to see what I can do to help you.”

At the end, Lacus’s eyes showed some expectation.

She didn’t want to be just a vase in the harem.

She also wanted to do something for her husband like the other sister monkeys!

Lin Ziqin was very touched by this.

“But I don’t need any help for the time being, so let’s wait until we get back to the Empire.”

Lax’s talent is no worse than anyone’s, and she will definitely be of great help to him in the future, but now Lin Ziqin really has nothing to do with her help.

After all, even he himself was very idle.

Nothing big should happen next.

All he has to do now is wait for the traversal cooldown to end.

Things were indeed just as Lin Ziqin thought.

There was a reshuffle inside PLANT, and the Kleinists completely controlled the right to speak!

The Kleinists were already doves, so with Siegel in power, PLANT ended its war with the Earth Army.

And the Earth Army also lost more than a hundred warships and thousands of MS because of the previous attack on Lin Ziqin’s fleet, and there were not many troops to continue to maintain the war, so it also chose to shake hands and make peace.

The world has finally entered a period of peace!

But peace is short-lived, and beneath the surface of peace, there are countless undercurrents!

After a short period of cultivation, the Earth Army began to expand its army and build a large number of new equipment.

Seems ready to go to war again.

I just don’t know if their target this time is the adjuster or Lin Ziqin.

Maybe both.

On the other hand, on the PLANT side, since the actual ruler of PLANT, Higel, has secretly defected to the Tianyuan Empire, PLANT has chosen to lie flat.

No longer engaged in any army development, but only maintained a small part of the army for defense.

Siegel poured all the saved resources on the people, which further improved the living conditions of the residents in the PLANT!

Because of this, the Kleinists gained a lot of popular support during this time.

But as the saying goes, some people are happy and some are sad.

Siegel’s practice of lying flat has still aroused the dissatisfaction and concern of some people.

After all, the Earth Army is blatantly expanding its army in large numbers, and at a glance, it is clear that it is ready to fight.

Not only do you not respond to the countermeasures, but you also pour a lot of resources on the residents, and you are not afraid of the light speed of the Zaft army rout when the war begins?

But this dissatisfaction and voice soon disappeared mysteriously.

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