Chapter 134 Piaf is innocent and carries his guilt!!

The black sports car slowly docked opposite the intersection of Prime Minister Obu’s office.

Lin Qin stepped out of the car.

“I’ll go alone, and you’ll wait for me here.”

The next action needs to be kept secret, and it is easy to find out when there are more people.

Moreover, Lacus and Shamna are still combatants, and it is more troublesome to take them with them in case something unexpected happens.

Lacus and Shamna nodded.

“Go back quickly!”

“We’re here waiting for you to come back.”

Under the eyes of the two women, Lin Ziqin walked towards an uninhabited alley.

At this time, a group of small nearby also noticed Lin Ziqin.

“Boss! Look at that upstart going there! Let’s rob him!” ”

A little brother said excitedly.

They are a small of the nearby sea name, and often go to rob some passers-by.

It turns out that the is outdated in any era.

Originally, they didn’t have any crooked thoughts about Lin Ziqin.

After all, there are cameras everywhere, but that alley is different!

It’s a dead end, and there’s no camera!

Since the other party took the initiative to run to that side, don’t blame them!

Such a big fish naturally they could not let go.

The head made a look at the little brothers, and then walked towards the small alley.

But when they came to the alley, they found that there was no one inside:!

“Strange, what about people?”

“Did you just get blind?”

“Eye-catching fart! So many of us have seen it, are we all blind? ”

“Then how did that person disappear?”


Just when these little bastards were full of doubts, none of them noticed that a faint shadow passed by them.

“Master, those guys seem to have come looking for you just now.”

Relying on the stealth device, Lin Ziqin swung past the doorman of the Prime Minister’s Mansion.

“Just a bunch of little bastards, give them a crime, let them go to jail and squat a few seas.”

“Nice host.”

Xiao Ai instantly invaded the country’s security network, and then spent the citizen database to modify the information of the few just now.

In just a few seconds, these are guilty of burglary and theft!

In fact, they did do these things, but because no one called the police, they were not caught.

The Prime Minister’s Office is large, a cross building backed by a dual-use airport.

Through the corridor windows, you can see a variety of heavy weapons and equipment on the military base.

There are even occasional take-offs and landings.

But here you can’t hear a bit of the noise from the planes.

This also shows that the sound insulation effect of the Prime Minister’s Office is very good.

A few minutes later, under the guidance of Xiao Ai, Lin Ziqin came to the front of Uzmi Yula Asha, the chief of Aubu’s then chief.

It’s just that Lin Ziqin didn’t seem to be at the right time.

At the moment he was in a conference room, in a meeting with several other ministers.

Seeing that someone was there, Lin Ziqin dismissed the idea of manifestation.

He walked quietly to the corner, then looked at the cut silently with his back against the wall.

He was going to see how the leaders of the country met with the ministers and learn from the advanced experience by the way.

But the next scene made him very disappointed.

“We can absolutely succumb to the obscenity of the Earth Army!”

“To not give in is to die!” They are absolutely meant to be true! ”

“Damnable Earth Army! A bunch of ungrateful guys! Thanks to the fact that we helped them develop new weapons! ”

“So I said I could still take that order!” What caused this situation now was that damn order! ”

A group of ministers fought with red faces.

Although they didn’t explain what really happened, Lin Ziqin could still guess what he was arguing about.

Because just yesterday, the Earth Army finally began to force them to take sides!

In fact, sooner or later something will happen.

You Aubu is a country with a land on earth, you want to be neutral isn’t it a fart to eat?

What’s more, you have mastered the world’s top level of technology.

Now that the Earth Army is preparing for future wars, they just need Aubu’s cutting-edge technology to develop more weapons!

It’s just a pity that O’Bnin died.

Dead or alive do not want to join the ranks of the Earth Army.

This directly annoyed the upper echelons of the Earth Army.

Since you don’t join, it will destroy you and then take away your technology!

At this moment, somewhere in the Atlantic, a large number of naval ships have been assembled, and it is estimated that it will not be long before they will march to this side.

Although Aub has the most advanced technology in the world, the military power in his hands is very limited.

After all, the country does not have a large population.

Therefore, he could not resist such a large-scale invasion at all.

In order for Aub to continue, the ministers are now divided.

One faction chooses to fight to the death, while the other faction hopes to surrender and join the Earth Army.

“Vote, war, surrender, everything depends on the number of votes.”

Finally, Prime Minister Uzmi, who was sitting on top, couldn’t take it anymore.

The simplest and safest way to determine Aubu’s future was chosen.

He himself didn’t want to join the Earth Army, but now they really had no other way out.

He can choose to fight to the death, but he must also be responsible for the people of the country, and the world must be responsible for his daughter!

The noisy crowd finally closed their mouths.

There is no objection to the method of voting on decision.

At this time, someone brought the ballot box in, and then the crowd began to vote.

But the end result was a surprise.

It was 10 to 10 equal!

It seems that half of them choose to surrender and those who choose to fight to the death.

The crowd finally looked at Uzmi in the first place.

Because there was one last vote he didn’t vote.

Originally, Uzmi did not intend to participate in the vote, but seeing this scene at this moment, he also had to make a choice.

Looking at the two ballot boxes in front of him, Uzmi hesitated.

After a moment of silence, he said, “You go out first, let me think about it alone.” ”

Everyone got up and left the conference room.

It was indeed a little difficult for Uzmi to be the final decision-maker.

He knew Uzmi as a man.

He is a good prime minister who loves the people and loves this country.

But that’s why it’s so hard to make a choice.

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