Chapter 135 Now Join the Empire with Privileges!!

Seeing that everyone else had left the conference room, Lin Ziqin knew that his opportunity had come.

“Little love, block all the signals in this room, and turn off the alarm here by the way.”


After a few moments, all the signals here were blocked, and even the red button hidden under the Uzmi table lost its glow.

After everything was ready, Lin Ziqin took shape.

Seeing the man who suddenly appeared in front of him, Uzmi was shocked.

He subconsciously touched his hand to the red button under the table.

However, the moment he pressed it, he found that there was no reaction: “Don’t worry, I didn’t have any malicious intentions in coming here, I just wanted to talk to you.” ”

Lin Ziqin came to the table, pulled open a chair and sat down unceremoniously.

“Oh yes, and don’t try to call the guards, because all the signals and alarms here are already out of service.”

Uzmi took a deep breath, suppressed the nervousness in his heart, and asked, “Who are you?” An assassin sent by the Earth Army? ”


Lin Ziqin couldn’t help but laugh.

“Please, where will the assassin talk nonsense with you, don’t you just do it?”

Uzmi did agree with Lin Ziqin’s statement.

If the other party was really an assassin, he would have died a long time ago, and maybe even didn’t know what was going on when he died!

“One more thing I have to correct is that I’m not from the Earth Army, and certainly not Zaft’s.”

Neither the Earth Army nor Zaft’s?

Could it be the person of a third-party force?

Thinking of it, Uzmi’s heart relaxed a little.

Because compared to Zaft and the Earth Army, the third-party forces are slightly friendlier.

And the other party did not intend to kill him, which was enough to show that he was not in danger for the time being.

Lin Ziqin continued, “First introduce yourself, my name is Lin Ziqin, and I am glad to see you Mr. Uzmi. ”

Lin Qin?

Uzmi quickly searched his mind for information about Lin Ziqin.

But he quickly confirmed that he did not know Lin Ziqin and had not heard of the other party’s name.

This is normal, only Ge and some of the top leaders of the Earth Army know Lin Ziqin’s identity.

Aubu did not join the Earth Army, so naturally he could not get information about Lin Ziqin.

“Then I don’t know what is so valuable about Mr. Lin Ziqin coming here to find me?”

Uzmi asked indifferently.

In his heart, he also guessed what Lin Ziqin’s purpose was in finding himself.

Lin Ziqin smiled slightly, and replied with some meaning: “I am here to save you, of course, not for free!” ”

“Save me? What does this mean? ”

Uzmi was inwardly upset, but there was still no expression on his face, and no one knew what he was thinking.

“You don’t have to pretend with me, I know your current situation very well, and I can help you solve these troubles.”

I have to say that Aubu did a good job in the news blockade area.

Everyone on the outside world knew that the Earth Army was ready to do something to Obu, but the civilians in Obu’s own country were completely unaware of this.

The reason is also simple, Aubu’s top brass wants to cause chaos.

Uzmi was silent for a moment before he spoke again: “I don’t know what Mr. Lin Ziqin, or the organization behind Mr. Lin Ziqin, wants to get from us?” ”

He did not doubt the truth of what Lin Ziqin said.

Maybe there were doubts, but now he had only three paths in front of him.

Either fight the Earth Army to the death, or submit to the Earth Army and become a pawn of the Earth Army.

Finally, let the person in front of you help solve the crisis.

But he didn’t know what the other person wanted, nor did he know what method the other party would use to help them get through it.

Lin Ziqin raised his index finger: “I only need one thing, and that is Aubu itself!” ”

As soon as these words came out, Uzmi frowned.

“You want to be the prime minister of this country?”

“Prime Minister?”

Lin Ziqin smiled contemptuously, “Don’t misunderstand, I still want that kind of thing.” ”

“I want the whole Aubu!”

After Uzmi heard the words, he looked at Lin Ziqin’s gaze and became slightly better.

Want the whole Aub, what is the difference between this and the Earth Army?

No, it should be more greedy than the Earth Army!

The Earth Army is just looking at the advanced technology of their Obu country, and it doesn’t matter if they want such a small piece of land.

But the people in front of him directly occupied the entire Obu for themselves, including technology, population and even land!

“You go, thank you for coming to me.”

After knowing Lin Ziqin’s purpose, Uzmi no longer wanted to talk about it.

He couldn’t have given his country to an unidentified fellow.

But Lin Ziqin had no intention of leaving, he cocked Erlang’s legs and smiled, “Don’t rush to refuse, anyway, how long it takes, the whole earth will become my thing, you just joined in advance.” ”

“It’s a privilege to join early!”

“By the way, PLANT is now mine.”

surfaces; Iegel is the supreme leader of PLANT.

But in fact, now PLANT is his decision.

He was like the ruler behind the scenes.

However, the curtain is only temporary, and when the Tianyuan Empire army enters this world, he will be able to walk on the stage from behind the scenes.

At that time, his future father-in-law can also live a comfortable retirement.

“You think I’ll take your word for it?”

Uzmi would not believe such nonsense.

You say PLANT is yours and yours?

I also said that the whole galaxy is mine!

“Believe it or not, don’t you know if you ask the current speaker of PLANT, Siegel?” I’m sure you have a way to contact him, don’t you? ”

Uzmi’s heart sank.

Does he even know about this kind of thing?

He did have contact with the current Speaker of PLANT, Higger, but it was highly confidential at the time!

The whole world knows about it with one hand!

How did he know?

Is what he said true?

Uzmi wanted to call Higger now, but he resisted.

Lin Ziqin also opened his mouth again at this time.

“You might as well tell you in advance that in a few months, a big war is coming.”

“This big war will completely change the world landscape!”

“Whether it is the Earth Army or the PLANT, it will become history, and the world will eventually be unified, and you Aubu will be no exception!”

After dropping a few words, Lin Ziqin got up and walked toward the door.

“Call and talk to Higel and he’ll tell you everything and I’ll give you a day to think about it.”

“In a day’s time, I will come back to you, hoping that at that time you can make a choice about what Lin Ziqin said, and Uzmi may not believe it.”

But what Sieger said he had to think hard about.

Therefore, Lin Ziqin did not intend to say too much, let him understand everything by himself

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