Chapter 137 Uzmi’s Choice 2!!

Uzmi took a deep breath and said, “Enough.” ”

“If you can help Aubu solve this crisis, then I will join the Tianyuan Empire on behalf of Aubu and become a province of the Tianyuan Empire!”

Provinces? Uzmi is quite clever.

Obu is so small that no matter which country it is placed in, the river will not become a provincial or state city.

But he wants Obu to be a provincial city, because provincial cities can allocate more resources!

However, Lin Ziqin did not refuse, and he handed a document to Uzmi.

“Sign it.”

Although Lin Ziqin was not worried that he would repent, the process that should be taken must still be followed.

Uzmi did not hesitate and directly signed his name on the document.

Lin Ziqin put away the documents and got up to leave.

“Just sit here and wait for the good news, Obu’s crisis will be solved in no time.”

After Lin Ziqin left, Uzmi turned and looked out the window at the beautiful scenery.

Let’s hope you’ve chosen the right one.

After pondering for a moment, Uzmi called his secretary.

“Go and inform the other four clan chiefs that I’m going to have a meeting.”

Obu has the five most powerful families.

In addition to his Asgha family, the other four families are the Shizhen family, the Masima family, the Chiowu family, and the Celan family.

Five families hold each of the five lifelines of the country.

Although he was Prime Minister of Aubu and had the greatest power, after all, there were too many interests involved in such a thing as defecting to the Tianyuan Empire, and he had to talk to the other four major families.

The reason why he dared to agree to join the Tianyuan Empire in advance was also because he had the confidence to convince other families.

The five major families seem to attach great importance to the concept of the Obu country, but as long as they give more, the concept is not impossible to change.

Having money can make ghosts grind, not to mention the families that value their interests very seriously.

Words speak of two ends.

After Lin Qin left Uzmi’s office, he was preparing to walk outside the Prime Minister’s Office.

When he came to the intersection of the corridor, a delicate figure hurriedly came and almost collided with Lin Ziqin.

Fortunately, the woman’s skill was quick, and Lin Ziqin also braked in time, and the two successfully avoided an accident.

“Kajali Yula Asha?”

After seeing the appearance of this woman, Lin Zi Qin Dang even recognized the identity of this person, Kajali Yula Asha, the daughter of Uzmi!

Of course, it is the adopted daughter.

One of the heroines of the original book.

However, for this heroine, Lin Ziqin was not interested.

Quite simply, this guy is too masculine.

Whether it is the style of behavior or the appearance of the body, even the dress is biased towards neutrality.

For this reason, she is often treated as a man.

In the original book, when she first met Aslan, even Asla did not realize that she was a woman.

It can be seen how masculine she really is!

Lin Ziqin did not intend to entangle with it, so he withdrew his gaze and prepared to leave.

But Ca-Carrie was very curious about Lin Ziqin’s existence.

“Who are you?” I wish I hadn’t seen you here. ”

Lin Zi Qin Tou also laughed back, “An insignificant passerby.” ”


Looking at Lin Xingqin, who was gradually drifting away, Kagari fell into thought.

She always felt that this man’s identity was not simple.

This is the intuition of being a woman’s sixth sense!

Admittedly, she is indeed more masculine, but she is still female after all.

Shaking her head, Cagalli withdrew her gaze and continued to run toward her father’s office.

Before and after coming to the office door, she pushed the door straight in, without even knocking on the door.

But Uzmi did not pay it back, because he loved his daughter too much.

Not willing to lose his temper with her at all.

But Cagalli didn’t disappoint.

Although she grew up doting on her father, she did not become an arrogant person or suffer from princess disease.

Instead, when he grew up, he ran around for the country.

She has done no less to the country than his prime minister’s father.

“Cagalli, what’s the matter with such a hurry?”

Seeing his daughter again a few months later, Uzmi was overjoyed, with obvious joy in his eyes.

But Cagalli was not happy.

“Father! The Earth Army has assembled a large army and attacked Aubu! We have to do something! ”

Uzmi was very relieved to see his daughter worrying so much about the country, but then he was a little ashamed.

The country is doomed to fail to survive the changes ahead.

The only way was to take the initiative to join the Tianyuan Empire, so as to avoid the suffering of war.

With that in mind, he took her little hand and came to the couch and sat down.

“Kajali, Father wants to say I’m sorry to you.”

“Father, what’s wrong with you?”

Cagalli looked at her father with a puzzled look on her face, and there was some vague uneasiness in her heart.

Uzmi sighed helplessly and said, “I plan to take Aubu to join a country and make Aubu a province in that country from now on.” ”


Cagalli was immediately unhappy.

She loves her country, how can she tolerate it becoming a province of another country?

Uzmi could only explain: “Now Aub has no other choice. ”

“The Earth Army is preparing to attack Aubu, and with our current strength, we simply cannot resist the attack of the other side, and the most living result is to destroy the country.”

“So in order to protect the people, I chose to join a strong country, and the other side promised that as long as we Aubu joined that country, it would provide us with protection.”

The three paths that the present flowers are placed in front of Obu, no matter which one you take, will eventually destroy the country.

Since no matter how you choose, you will perish the country, so why not choose a relatively flat and comfortable path?

At least joined the Tianyuan Empire, and the emperor of the Tianyuan Empire promised to protect Aubu from war and foreign enemies.

“Which country?”

Cagalli was still a little unacceptable.

But she also did not contradict her father’s words.

Now Aubu really didn’t have the strength to resist the Earth Army’s attack.

Desperate resistance will only bring unnecessary casualties, as national leaders, they must think for the people!

Uzmi said, “Heavenly Yuan Empire! ”

Cagally: “??? ”

Lin Ziqin returned to his sports car.

“Little love, where is the Earth Army fleet?”

Xiao Ai replied: “The Earth Army fleet has arrived in the eastern Indian Ocean and is about to enter the Pacific Ocean. ”

“In up to seven hours they’ll be able to get to Aub!”

“Send a few warships.”

Since he had promised to help solve the trouble this time, Lin Ziqin would naturally break his word.

The surface ships of the Earth Army were just not enough for Lin Ziqin to dispatch too many warships.

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